Information Journal Paper
CopyASSADI, ALI, ALIZADEH, ALI, MOHAMMADIAN FAZLI, MEHRAN, NASIRI, JALIL, & Moshiri, Jamshid. (2019). The Status of Physicochemical and Bacterial Indicators of Water in Swimming Pools in Zanjan City. JOURNAL OF SABZEVAR UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 25(6 ), 763-771. SID.
CopyASSADI ALI, ALIZADEH ALI, MOHAMMADIAN FAZLI MEHRAN, NASIRI JALIL, Moshiri Jamshid. The Status of Physicochemical and Bacterial Indicators of Water in Swimming Pools in Zanjan City. JOURNAL OF SABZEVAR UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES[Internet]. 2019;25(6 ):763-771. Available from:
CopyALI ASSADI, ALI ALIZADEH, MEHRAN MOHAMMADIAN FAZLI, JALIL NASIRI, and Jamshid Moshiri, “The Status of Physicochemical and Bacterial Indicators of Water in Swimming Pools in Zanjan City,” JOURNAL OF SABZEVAR UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, vol. 25, no. 6 , pp. 763–771, 2019, [Online]. Available: