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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Seminar Paper


Evaluation of the therapeutic effect of mixture of aqueous extract of Scrophularia striata and Nicotianatabacum plants on the excretion of myiasis producing fly larvae (Schiff)


 Feyzbabaei Cheshmeh sefid Saeed | Havasi Marzieh | Feyzbabaei Chesmeh sefid Sajad | Cheraghi Javad | Shahkarami Namat allah | Jasemi Ahmad | Noraei Aref




 Introduction: Myiasis in livestock and humans is one of the most common larvae that affects the upper part and other parts of the body. This disease is caused by the presence of the larvae of Oestrus ovis and other productive flies and can be located in places such as natural cavities of the body such as eyes, ears and sinuses and if left untreated, it can have irreparable consequences, especially for humans. Due to the presence of nomads who travel with their families in different parts of the country, it is very necessary to create a comfortable, low-cost and fast-acting treatment for this foreign parasite. Research materials and methods: After examining and confirming the nature of 80 larvae, the two larvae were placed on a piece of square cut tissue 5 cm long, 5 cm long and 5cm wide and 2 cm high from the Nasopharyngeal of slaughtered sheep. In both plants, after collection, it entered the extraction stage. Extraction was performed in the usual way and it was divided into four mixtures of aqueous Tobacco extract, aqueous Scrophularia striata extract, a mixture of Tobacco extracts and Scrophularia striata in equal amounts and the control group. The effect of parasiticide was investigated by immersion in the desired extract. Findings: Aqueous Tobacco extract showed a good positive result in treatment after three days of the experimental process and on the third day we witnessed complete separation of the larvae and a mixture of both extracts was obtained simultaneously with the Tobacco extract after three days and Scrophularia striata extract was able to do this in 5 days and in our control group, until the 12th day and until complete corruption of the samples, no isolation was done. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the aqueous extract of Scrophularia striata and Nicotianatabacum is a low-cost, low-risk and organic way to treat Myiasis larvae in humans and animals. The perfect cure for this annoying parasite in humans that can be a complete treatment for this annoying parasite in humans in case of contact of this fluid with the larvae attached to different parts of human body such as Nasopharyngeal and ear mucosa.


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    APA: Copy

    Feyzbabaei Cheshmeh sefid, Saeed, Havasi, Marzieh, Feyzbabaei Chesmeh sefid, Sajad, Cheraghi, Javad, Shahkarami, Namat allah, Jasemi, Ahmad, & Noraei, Aref. (2021). Evaluation of the therapeutic effect of mixture of aqueous extract of Scrophularia striata and Nicotianatabacum plants on the excretion of myiasis producing fly larvae (Schiff). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, MEDICINAL PLANTS AND TRADITIONAL MEDICINE. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/949555/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Feyzbabaei Cheshmeh sefid Saeed, Havasi Marzieh, Feyzbabaei Chesmeh sefid Sajad, Cheraghi Javad, Shahkarami Namat allah, Jasemi Ahmad, Noraei Aref. Evaluation of the therapeutic effect of mixture of aqueous extract of Scrophularia striata and Nicotianatabacum plants on the excretion of myiasis producing fly larvae (Schiff). 2021. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/949555/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Saeed Feyzbabaei Cheshmeh sefid, Marzieh Havasi, Sajad Feyzbabaei Chesmeh sefid, Javad Cheraghi, Namat allah Shahkarami, Ahmad Jasemi, and Aref Noraei, “Evaluation of the therapeutic effect of mixture of aqueous extract of Scrophularia striata and Nicotianatabacum plants on the excretion of myiasis producing fly larvae (Schiff),” presented at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, MEDICINAL PLANTS AND TRADITIONAL MEDICINE. 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/949555/en

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