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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Designing and explaining the model of influencing factors affecting marketing management of sport tourism development in East Azarbaijan province




 The purpose of this study was to design and explain the model of influencing factors affecting marketing management of sport Tourism development in East Azarbaijan province. The present study is a mixed methodology that by conducting interviews with experts and conducting field studies, the more precise and substantiated identification of the components of the model of factors contributing to the development of Tourism marketing among sports professionals, and along with it, the pattern of factors contributing to development of sports marketing was designed. The statistical population of the study consisted of managers, well-known experts, university professors and experts, and experts and Tourism activists and sports management experts familiar with the subject matter of the research, officials and senior and middle managers of sports organizations (sport and affairs departments, physical education and sports sciences, Provincial Sports Board, Sports Tourism Committee of the province) and graduates of the master's degree and Ph. D. Students in Tourism and Sport Sciences Management in East Azarbaijan province. The sampling method was available in this study. A total of 235 questionnaires were gathered from among managers of sport management and analyzed by factor analysis and structural equation modeling for modeling and hypothesis testing. The results showed that according to the opinion of the three groups, the influential factors with a mean score of 2. 07 were the only factors influencing the development of sport Tourism marketing. From the viewpoint of the experts from the three groups, seven factors were identified as the factors contributing to the development of sport Tourism marketing, which include the cultural factor with the factor of 61. 542% (the main and most important factor), the environmental factor with the amount of11. 290%, the factor of competitive advantage is with the amount of 8. 518%, the economic factor with the amount of 7. 056%, the legal legal factor with the magnitude of 4. 786%, the infrastructure factor with the amount of 4. 064%, and the seventh factor, green Tourism with a value of 2. 743%. Finally, the factor load factors showed that due to the inappropriateness of validity of 6 items from the questionnaire, the mentioned items were excluded from the analysis of the final model. The main indexes of fitting to different models, all showed that the models have suitable fit and based on the relationships identified between the variables, the ultimate pattern of sport Tourism marketing in East Azarbaijan was designed.


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    APA: Copy

    NIKNAM, KAMBIZ, AHMADI, ABDOLHAMID, HONARI, HABIB, & MOHARAMZADEH, MEHRDAD. (2021). Designing and explaining the model of influencing factors affecting marketing management of sport tourism development in East Azarbaijan province. SPORT PHYSIOLOGY & MANAGEMENT INVESTIGATIONS, 13(3 ), 29-53. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/950334/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    NIKNAM KAMBIZ, AHMADI ABDOLHAMID, HONARI HABIB, MOHARAMZADEH MEHRDAD. Designing and explaining the model of influencing factors affecting marketing management of sport tourism development in East Azarbaijan province. SPORT PHYSIOLOGY & MANAGEMENT INVESTIGATIONS[Internet]. 2021;13(3 ):29-53. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/950334/en

    IEEE: Copy

    KAMBIZ NIKNAM, ABDOLHAMID AHMADI, HABIB HONARI, and MEHRDAD MOHARAMZADEH, “Designing and explaining the model of influencing factors affecting marketing management of sport tourism development in East Azarbaijan province,” SPORT PHYSIOLOGY & MANAGEMENT INVESTIGATIONS, vol. 13, no. 3 , pp. 29–53, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/950334/en

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