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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The role of transformational leadership on organizational health schools: Testing the Mediator Role of organizational justice




 Objectives: In a healthy school, teachers are committed to education and learning, they set higher but achievable goals for students, and the learning environment is regular and serious. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the stability of the relationship between leadership Transformation of managers, organizational justice and organizational health in schools in Sabzevar. Method: This research is based on the purpose of applied research; Because the research results can be used for all schools and education systems, especially schools in Sabzevar city, and based on how to obtain the required data is descriptive and correlational in which the relationships of variables are analyzed based on the purpose of the research. In order to collect information, library studies as well as a field study among primary, middle and high school teachers have been used. The statistical population of this study included all school teachers in Sabzevar city who were employed in the 94-95 academic year. This number includes 4892 people. The study sample was determined based on Morgan table of 357 people and the questionnaire was distributed among 365 people in a random stratified manner in the second half of 2016. Of these, 345 questionnaires were returned. Among these, 340 questionnaires were selected and statistically analyzed. After compiling the preliminary design of the questionnaire, an attempt was made to determine the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. In order to measure the reliability, a prototype consisting of 40 pre-test questionnaires was used and then, using the data obtained from the questionnaire, the internal correlation coefficient with Cronbach's alpha was calculated, which for the questions of variables, 0. 92 for Transformational leadership, respectively. 0. 94 was obtained for organizational justice and 0. 92 for organizational health. These numbers indicate that the questionnaires are reliable and in other words have the necessary reliability. In order to assess the validity of the questions in this study, content validity and construct validity were considered, which content validity was determined by experts in the field of behavior and educational Management in this field and confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the accuracy of measurement models. In addition, one-sample t-test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, confirmatory factor analysis, modeling and structural equations were used to analyze the questionnaire data in the inferential statistics section. Results: The demographic characteristics of the statistical sample of the present study showed that among 340 respondents, the equivalent (56. 8) were women and (43. 2) were men. In terms of age, 89. 9% of all employees are between 31 and 50 years old. Also, in terms of work experience, most people have more than 20 years of experience. In addition, according to the findings, 64. 7% of respondents have a bachelor's degree. Also, the findings of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that the participants' answers to all research questions have a normal distribution feature. And the status of research variables in the target community is appropriate. In addition, Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationships between research variables. The findings showed that Transformational leadership with organizational justice is 0. 750, leadership with organizational health is 0. 648, and the correlation coefficient between justice and health is 0. 676 and at the level of 01 / 0 is significant. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected at the level of 0. 01 and with 99% probability we can say that there is a significant relationship between leadership and health. And with the increase of Transformational leadership and organizational justice, organizational health in Sabzevar school staff will improve and increase. Finally, in order to check the accuracy and correctness of the main hypotheses of the present study, causal relationships based on structural equation modeling were used. Conclusion: Transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational justice. Therefore, by confirming this hypothesis, it can be concluded that Transformational leadership can help shape the justice process and the performance of the organization. Therefore, one of the main tasks of Management is to implement fair behaviors and observe organizational justice in the organization. Second, the results of this study show that Transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational health. Therefore, according to this result, it can be said that Transformational leadership can play an effective role in the health of the organization and provide conditions for excellence and excellence in schools. Third, the results of this study show that organizational justice has a positive and significant effect on health in the organization. This result indicates that if justice is observed in an organization, healthy performance by principals and teachers is expected. Therefore, it is suggested that school principals consider this important variable and create a justice-oriented atmosphere in the organization; Because such an atmosphere is highly correlated with the organization's effectiveness metrics, schools will be able to perform their serious task well if they are healthy organizations. The results also indicate the mediating role of organizational justice between Transformational leadership and organizational health. Therefore, if the organizations, especially the schools of Sabzevar city, want to solve the problems and issues facing their organization and be healthy, they should use Transformational leadership effectively in their schools and to advance the schools towards the realization of the goals, Continuation of organizational survival, the need for coordination, cooperation and interaction of leaders at all organizational levels, they must provide the basis for culture, morale, performance standards and procedures to create, grow and develop health in schools and create a better feeling in Between teachers and then make them healthier. Suggestions: It is suggested that managers promote the development of job and organizational productivity in the organization by consciously applying Transformational leadership style, strengthening fair behaviors, identifying the causes and factors of employees' lack of motivation, correcting inefficient processes and also paying attention to the growth and development of human resources. To provide their own. And to create better conditions in schools by understanding and praising the good work of teachers by principals and giving appropriate feedback on performance.


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    APA: Copy

    Mohammadi Hoseini, Seyyed Ahmad, KAYZOURI, AMIR HOSSEIN, & Hossein Poor, Ozra. (2021). The role of transformational leadership on organizational health schools: Testing the Mediator Role of organizational justice. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, 9(1 ), 157-179. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/955151/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Mohammadi Hoseini Seyyed Ahmad, KAYZOURI AMIR HOSSEIN, Hossein Poor Ozra. The role of transformational leadership on organizational health schools: Testing the Mediator Role of organizational justice. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2021;9(1 ):157-179. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/955151/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Seyyed Ahmad Mohammadi Hoseini, AMIR HOSSEIN KAYZOURI, and Ozra Hossein Poor, “The role of transformational leadership on organizational health schools: Testing the Mediator Role of organizational justice,” JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, vol. 9, no. 1 , pp. 157–179, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/955151/en

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