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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Provide an educational management model for exeptional schools based on the lived experience




 Management is one of the most significant human beings' attempts in human social life. Human societies are composed of a set of organizations with various purposes, each of which carries out a task. The society achieves the desired aims when all organizations obtain organizational objectives by performing tasks and plans. The most significant factor for obtaining effective goals is management in all organizations. Studies have been carried out on the subject of lived experience in recent years; however, no studies have been conducted on the lived experience of exceptional School principals. Therefore, the current study tried to formulate the lived experience of the principals of exceptional schools in the country with a qualitative approach in a phenomenological study in order to investigate the experience of the principals of these schools from the management of these schools. Obviously, doing the present study can reveal the point of views of the principals working in this position and allow the authorities of the Exceptional Education Organization to take more helpful steps within the framework of laws in order to promote the management quality of exceptional schools. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to answer the following questions: “ what is the lived experience of School principals from management in these exceptional schools and what are its themes? ” Principals of exceptional school, compared to regular schools, should have very suitable and corrective management because of the intense activities and problems they encounter at school with students and parents, as well as due to the physical problems of students and the control of their abnormal behaviors. Special education presents one of the major challenges facing school leaders in the era of comprehensive school reform. Today, Schools must provide students with disabilities appropriate access to the general curriculum and effective instructional support. research suggests that the principals role is pivotal in the special education process; however, few school leaders are well prepared for this responsibility. Understanding what principals of exceptional school experience in management can shed light on the theoretical model of educational management in exceptional schools that the organization management unit establishes the conceptual plan of educational management, strategic and operational policies and programs by applying this model and relying on it. The present study intends to have a journey to the world of the minds and consciences of exceptional School principals and talk to them about what is the place of management in their point of view? How do they experience management in exceptional schools and how do they remember the feeling of that experience? What is their understanding of the management experience in exceptional schools and how have they lived with this phenomenon? ? This research is the qualitative researches that have been conducted on a phenomenological method of lived experience type. Phenomenology is one of the types of qualitative research methods in management and humanities. Phenomenology is the philosophical study of the structures of experience and consciousness. This method was introduced by Edmund Husserl in the field of philosophy. The fundamental of this philosophy is that there is truth in every experience. The underlying principles of phenomenology have a close relationship with the two concepts of "return to objects" from Husserl's point of view and "understanding" from Max Weber's point of view. Consistent with the issue that the main research question is providing a model of educational management in exceptional schools according to the lived experience of principals; thus, the epistemological basis of the present study is based on the pragmatism paradigm. In the current study, the lived experience of exceptional School principals was applied. educational management is defined as planning, organizing, guiding, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating the educational process in general terms. Nevertheless, management is a social process in special terms that needs the creation, maintenance, motivation, control, and unification of human and material forces that are formally and informally formed within a single system and organization to gain educational purposes and objectives. In the present study, the target community is exceptional schools. Therefore, the exceptional school is a unit of education, upbringing and rehabilitation that is equipped according to exceptional students' needs and is established for at least one group of exceptional students in an educational course. Moreover, it is managed by a principal in terms of school configuration. lived experience is a direct and immediate perception that an individual understands in a certain context or situation. Thus, it is accompanied by a kind of immediate awareness. This domain has four main aspects that are interconnected and form an intertwined holism and included as follows: "living body" or "lived figure", "lived time", "lived space" and "lived human relations". The living body signifies the physical aspect of our life. Since this terrestrial body is a place for our experience of the world. What we see, hear, touch, smell and taste is the product of our sensory organs' understanding of the world in which we live. Consequently, in the current study, lived experience is significantly affected by the strength and inability of its approach. The second component, which is lived time, is based on the mental experience of time. That is different from the time when the clock measures; furthermore, by lived space or place, it is meant the situation where lived experiences are formed there. However, it is different from the geographical meaning of place. Since what makes this aspect is reciprocal impact that a particular place has on an individual's sense of being there. Moreover, the second is the effect of an individual's sense of being there that gives meaning to that place. The lived human relationships that complete the fourth side of this square imply all the relationships and connections that each of us has had with others throughout our lives and shared time and space with them. Therefore, research samples present their perceptions, attitudes, experiences, feelings, and mental abilities in the framework of the lived grounded experience. The realistic data obtained from this process present a model of educational management specific for exceptional schools. The present study aims to provide an educational management model for exceptional schools based on the lived experience of principals. This research is a qualitative phenomenological study. The method of data collection was semi-structured interview and the sampling procedure was saturated snowball sampling. This study examines the lived experience of principals in exceptional schools in Iran. This research is among the qualitative researches that have been done with the phenomenological method of lived experience. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews, each lasting between 30 and 45 minutes. In this study, the non probabability and purposeful sampling in the from of saturated snowball sampling was employed. Hence 8 School principals were interviewd and saturation of data was met. This study examines the narratives of a number of exceptional School principals and their lived experiences during their administration. The research is narrative and belongs to the paradigm of qualitative and interpretive research. The results showed that exceptional School principals with high managerial ability, complete mastery of the distinctive aspects of exceptional students compared to regular school students, developing some traits in themselves as individual necessities and the power to use their experiences during this period. can be considered capable and competent principals for exceptional schools. In this study, from the lived experience of exceptional School principals, interviews were conducted with 8 School principals on the sidelines of the gathering Based on the research findings, the components of educational management in exceptional schools include interaction with colleagues, monitoring of human resources, ability to manage financial issues, ability to interact with relevant organs, understanding the conditions and needs of students, attention to scientific and educational issues of students. Attention to students' mental and physical needs, having certain personality traits such as discipline and commitment as individual needs of exceptional school management, pursuing the issue of inclusiveness and development of integrated schools, counseling and finally supporting exceptional students' families.


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    APA: Copy

    Ettehad, Zahra, Solimanpuor, Javad, & KHALKHALI, ALI. (2021). Provide an educational management model for exeptional schools based on the lived experience. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, 9(1 ), 205-230. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/955154/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Ettehad Zahra, Solimanpuor Javad, KHALKHALI ALI. Provide an educational management model for exeptional schools based on the lived experience. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2021;9(1 ):205-230. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/955154/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Zahra Ettehad, Javad Solimanpuor, and ALI KHALKHALI, “Provide an educational management model for exeptional schools based on the lived experience,” JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, vol. 9, no. 1 , pp. 205–230, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/955154/en

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