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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


French title: L’ Aporie de la Traduction des Noms des Animaux Symboliques dans les Langues Franç aise et Persane (English title: The Aporia of the Translation of the Names of Symbolic Animals in French and Persian Languages )




 French abstract: Depuis toujours la mise en application des animaux en tant que Symbole reste un fait habituel universel dans les oeuvres litté raires et artistiques. Sans doute, chaque pays, ayant son propre tré sor culturel et langagier, saisit une image particuliè re de tout Animal selon l’ Histoire, les mythes, la religion, les arché types, les expé riences vé cues, etc. Certains animaux jouent un rô le plus marquant que d’ autres. Cependant, lors de la Traduction, cet é cart entre les points de vue des nations poserait souvent des problè mes qui varient d’ une langue à l’ autre en fonction des caracté ristiques de chaque langue. Au cours de cette recherche, on tend à confirmer cette diffé rence et son impact né gligé sur le lecteur de la Traduction, ainsi on va montrer les difficulté s de restitution de ces Symboles et leurs sens implicites en langue source. Quant à la Traduction des Symboles, la tâ che du traducteur sera doublé e: d’ une part, il joue le rô le de porte-parole de la langue source, qui devrait porter sa particularité à la connaissance des autres nations et d’ autre part, il est obligé de donner une signification tant dé taillé e dans des formats tels que note de bas de page, image, etc. English abstract: CCORDING to the Bible, in the History of Creation God created the Animals before us on the Earth, on the fifth day. That is why they have a mysterious substance to discover. They are always found in myths, legends, fables, anecdotes, religions and sacred books-Bible, Koran, Torah-, literature and masterpieces, folklore, proverbs, expressions. . . Note that they are not a mere motive, but a whole world is hiding behind them. In other words, they convey an image which sometimes remains special across nations. Considering Animals, which is the subject of this research, it is concluded that the represent human and social types since antiquity and probably before either by their supposed place in the Animal hierarchy (the lion and in general the predators, represent the strength and power), their behavior (the fox = the cunning, the monkey, by his grimaces, evokes a jester of court), or even their relationships with the man (the dog symbolizes submission, the donkey is a beast of sum often despised. . . ). If we consider some Animals as innocent, and others as devil, this belief is rooted in our conscience; we do not accept friendly wolves with no bad intentions. Although the source of the symbol has never been properly identified, there are speculations that they are rooted in the myths and beliefs of our predecessors, from ancient gods and false myths to behavioral and apparent similarities. We took the advantage of this tool, provided from history, religion, myth to folklore. The use of Animal-centered symbols is one of the oldest and most common tools which is a global and important issue because there are hidden truths behind the meaning of some symbols. Since the mentality of the people about a subject differs over lands, the relationship between the symbol and its reference also differs across languages. Today with the globalization of nations, the exchange of different cultures and sciences can't be stopped. The bridge is not boundaries today, but translation. Translation is a new and specialized science. and translation of symbols is no exception. The main objective of the present study is investigating the essential difference between the French and Iranian vision for the choice of Animal symbols, which shows the differences between the two nations and makes translation problematic. So how can we translate a harmful owl symbolizing death and ruin in French and vice versa? In general, how can Animal symbols be translated? If we choose the same Animal in another language, do all the connotations still remain? Or are we going to lose some sense? Our hypothesis is that most of the time, some portions of the meaning is lost in translation. And this is due to the difference of the mental image of the two nations for symbolic Animals. To prove this claim, this paper examines two cases of Animal names in Persian (Simorgh and Butterfly) and French (rat and rooster) and pays attention to the apparent and semantic features of the word among the people of that land and compares the image and the imagination of the origin and target language from a variety of historical, literary, linguistic, mythical, and other points of view.


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    APA: Copy

    ATHARI NIKAZM, MARZIEH, & FOTOUHI NANESA, Melika. (2020). French title: L’ Aporie de la Traduction des Noms des Animaux Symboliques dans les Langues Franç aise et Persane (English title: The Aporia of the Translation of the Names of Symbolic Animals in French and Persian Languages ). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, 13(24 ), 1-17. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/956979/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ATHARI NIKAZM MARZIEH, FOTOUHI NANESA Melika. French title: L’ Aporie de la Traduction des Noms des Animaux Symboliques dans les Langues Franç aise et Persane (English title: The Aporia of the Translation of the Names of Symbolic Animals in French and Persian Languages ). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES[Internet]. 2020;13(24 ):1-17. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/956979/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MARZIEH ATHARI NIKAZM, and Melika FOTOUHI NANESA, “French title: L’ Aporie de la Traduction des Noms des Animaux Symboliques dans les Langues Franç aise et Persane (English title: The Aporia of the Translation of the Names of Symbolic Animals in French and Persian Languages ),” RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, vol. 13, no. 24 , pp. 1–17, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/956979/en

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