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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


French title: La Repré sentation du « Bon » Enseignant dans une Sé lection d’ Ouvrages Contemporains Franç ais et Persans (English title: The Representation of the ‟ Good” Teacher in a Selection of Contemporary French and Persian Works)




Transmission du savoir (English key word:Learner 
Transmission of knowledge) 


 French abstract: Personnage clé de l’ enseignement, l’ enseignant occupe une place centrale dans le milieu scolaire. Accompagnant la vie des enfants, il peut jouer un rô le important dans l’ avenir de chaque socié té . Sensibles à ce rô le, certains auteurs, en Iran et en France, à travers leur é crits romanesques ou autobiographiques (ré cits scolaires), mettent à notre disposition des figures qui pourraient ê tre considé ré es comme modè le ou anti-modè le du bon enseignant. Dans ce travail, on s’ inté resse de prè s à ces figures pour savoir ce que pourraient ê tre les exigences de l’ enseignement. Cela devrait nous amener à dresser une typologie du « bon » enseignant. Pour dé limiter ce vaste sujet ainsi qu’ orienter notre travail vers une perspective pragmatique et effective, on se contente des relations pé dagogiques qui mettent en rapport l’ Instance scolaire à l’ Enseigné par l’ intermé diaire de l’ enseignant dans le but de la « transmission du savoir ». Cela nous permettra de remettre en lumiè re la grandeur de la « mission » d’ enseignant. English abstract: Among the many characters who fill the school scene, the role of the teacher is considered more important than the others. This finds an absolute resonance with social reality, if one thinks of the preponderant place of the teacher in the school system. Quantitatively, the faculty makes up three fourth of the professionals in the school system. This is why Bourdieu and Passeron call teachers as ‟ interchangeable agents” of the School Authority. Likewise, at the qualitative level, we cannot neglect the great role that the teacher plays in the transmission of knowledge as an essential objective of the education system. Indeed, it is relatively impossible to imagine school without a teacher. Even where the number of school staff remains quite limited, one of them must necessarily fulfill this function. Even if nowadays we can replace face-to-face lessons with virtual education, or organize school time in a way other than annual (that is to say transform school space-time), the teacher remains the inseparable part of the process of transmitting knowledge. As a result, there is a need for more particular attention to the status of the teacher as represented in the literature, in order to better understanding the issues related to this profession, as well as those of the school environment. To achieve this objective, we imagine a triangle with three essential actors of the educational scene who establish a pedagogical relationship between them: school, teacher and learner. Indeed, if we consider the transmission of knowledge (teaching) as the objective of the education system, the hero of this quest can only be the teacher. Indeed, it seems that what largely impacts the way in which this quest is completed (with success or failure) is the link that the hero establishes with the other angles of the triangle: with the school, with his profession and the subject he teaches and with the learner. It should be noted that these links can take on various aspects and therefore be studied from various angles. In addition, the transmission of knowledge is certainly influenced by other elements going beyond the pedagogical relationships presented above. What interests us here is knowing the teaching profession and its challenges in order to obtain a typology of the ‟ good” teacher. This is why we limit ourselves to this triangle which includes the three essential actors of the educational scene whose relationship can significantly impact the result of the teacher’ s work. Of course, this typology is the result of a reading that admits its heuristic or even interpretive character, even if it remains subject to the injunctions of the chosen texts. In this study, we were able to emphasize the importance of the autonomy and individual intervention of the teacher in his relationship with the School Authority. He must know how to be a part of the system without diluting himself in it. In fact, by virtue of its heterogeneous and impersonal character, the School Authority does not go to a systematic typology; yet we can find in our texts a relatively unanimous criticism of certain characteristics of the School Authority compared to a ‟ wise old man, bearded, lonely and omniscient” who lives in his ivory tower. Where the teacher may be dependent or indifferent to the pedagogical theories that emanate from the Authority, the ‟ good” teacher shows initiative to achieve his goal. Indeed, the transmission of knowledge dates much more than current teaching methods. Relying too much on normative discourse to the detriment of individual creativity, cannot help the teacher to solve all the problems he encounters on his way. On the contrary, it even risks turning it into a machine just like the Institution. Thus, it is less pedagogical training than the passionate relationship with the profession that can guarantee the result of the teacher’ s work. Thus, after the relationship that the teacher establishes with the Institution, the second criterion that can define the result of his work is the link that attaches him to his profession. In this regard, three characteristics can help us to better classify the figures of the teacher in the texts of our corpus: passion, conviction and stubbornness. The first character goes back to the teacher’ s past, the second talks about his present, and the third is about his future. Regarding aspiration, two types of teacher can be identified in our texts: those who choose this profession by chance, those whose choice lies in love. After love comes belief in a job: conviction. Here again two types of teacher are represented by our authors: there are those who make fun of the banality of their work and those who ‟ believed in their profession” . After love and belief, the third criterion which largely impacts the outcome of the work of teaching and thus distinguishes a good teacher from a bad example, is stubbornness or ‟ conviction despite everything” . The ‟ everything” can still take on various aspects. Indeed, the difficulties of teaching work can each be related to one of the angles of our triangle. Sometimes it is in the face of problems, or even lack of institutional order, that the teacher must experience obstinacy; sometimes he is invited to resist in the face of doubts and the precariousness of his profession which precisely target his love and his conviction; sometimes he has to show determination to help children who have difficulty integrating into the school environment. In other words, if the teacher considers that a learner is less intelligent, is invited to make every effort to get him out of his condition. With this last point, we are gradually approaching the third angle of our triangle: what our authors require or even advice regarding the link established between teacher and learner. As we know, the Institution is formed by its impersonal character. This establishes a certain distance in the child / adult relationship. In order for the transmission of knowledge to be carried out satisfactorily, the teacher is asked to bridge this distance by his individual initiative, by his personal touch. Thus, it seems that where the relationship between teacher and learner is placed under the sign of empathy, learner success is highly likely. Indeed, the impersonal nature of the Institution makes it incapable of considering particular cases. However, it is often the latter who become the hero of the novel, precisely because of their particularity. These cases allow the authors to compare two possible positions of teachers: those who prefer not to interfere, putting all the inefficiencies of the system behind the teacher’ s back; those who, on the other hand, put all their zeal for the benefit of the child, thus betting on the inefficiency of the system. Thus, if the authors are frequently interested in this interaction between the individual and the Institution, it is both to criticize the shortcomings of the School Authority and to highlight individual initiatives as the only possible solution. If we accept that the rupture of the family world can be one of the essential reasons for anguish and “ school sorrow” , our authors invite teachers to fill this gap and cover this rupture by playing the role of companion with the child: a repository of knowledge who does not abuse his power. In 2011, Abdolhossein Azarang by publishing his autobiography set out to fill the lack of ‟ written experiences” capable of learning how to be a ‟ good” teacher. In the same vein, our work has been an effort to find the possible answers to this question through a thematic reading of certain texts belonging to the literary institution. Even so, there is not a single text that claims to have a definitive answer to this question, but taken together it would be possible to have an outline of what a ‟ good” teacher should be. Curious are the enormous similarities that can exist between our French and Iranian texts, the publication dates of which sometimes differ by about thirty years. Indeed, even if the teaching methods keep improving and even changing, it seems that the essence of the profession remains immutable. What we have tried to highlight in this work.


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    APA: Copy

    TABATABAEE, Najma, & SHAHVERDIANI, NAHID. (2021). French title: La Repré sentation du « Bon » Enseignant dans une Sé lection d’ Ouvrages Contemporains Franç ais et Persans (English title: The Representation of the ‟ Good” Teacher in a Selection of Contemporary French and Persian Works). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, 15(27 ), 166-182. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/957323/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    TABATABAEE Najma, SHAHVERDIANI NAHID. French title: La Repré sentation du « Bon » Enseignant dans une Sé lection d’ Ouvrages Contemporains Franç ais et Persans (English title: The Representation of the ‟ Good” Teacher in a Selection of Contemporary French and Persian Works). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES[Internet]. 2021;15(27 ):166-182. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/957323/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Najma TABATABAEE, and NAHID SHAHVERDIANI, “French title: La Repré sentation du « Bon » Enseignant dans une Sé lection d’ Ouvrages Contemporains Franç ais et Persans (English title: The Representation of the ‟ Good” Teacher in a Selection of Contemporary French and Persian Works),” RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, vol. 15, no. 27 , pp. 166–182, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/957323/en

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