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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Mediating role of performance evaluation in relationships between organizational structure and job autonomy with organizational justice perception and job enthusiasm




 Nowadays the role of human resources and attitudes of personnel are very essential in gaining achievements and competitive advantage. In this regard, paying attention to the morale and perceptions of employess plays a vital role. promoting organizational justice perception and job enthusiasm are the challenges for managers to achieve the goals of organization, so the purpose of this research was study the mediating role of performance evaluation in relationships between organizational structure and job autonomy with organizational justice perception and job enthusiasm. This research was an applied research in terms of the aim and it was descriptive correlational research in terms of method. The statistical population of this study consists of all the senior high-school teachers in urmia city in academic year 2018-19 which were about 831 individuals (137 teacher from educational district 1 and 169 teacher from educational district 2). 306 individuals were selected by morgan table and stratified random sampling method. Data collection tools were researcher-made questionnaire for evaluating the performance of teachers(its dimensions included teacher prerequisites, professional responsibility, planning and preparation, organization and classroom management, teacher’ s personal characteristics, education or teaching. and standard questionnaire for organizational structure (Rabins, Ivanowich, 1989, its’ dimensions included centralization, complexity, officialism), justice perception questionnaire (kolcoit, 2001, its dimensions included distribution justice, procedural justice, informational justice, interpersonal justice. ), job enthusiasm questionnaire (salanova, Schaufeli, 2003, its’ dimensions included: power, commitment, absorption. ), teacher autonomy questionnaire (Fridman, 1999, its’ dimensions included: creating school identity, teaching and achievement evaluation, parent participation ). Validity of the questionnaire were confirmed through using experts opinions, confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. Reliability of the questionnaires were obtained by using Cronbach’ s alpha test. The values of Alpha coefficients for the questionnaires equaled: teacher performance evaluation= 0/86, organizational structure= 0/77, organizational justice perception= 0/81, job enthusiasm= 0/89, teacher autonomy= 0/79 therefore all of the values were approved. Based on skewness and kurtosis obtained from descriptive, statistics distributions of variables were normal. The conceptual model’ s of research proposed had desired fitness. (AGFI=0/92, X2/df=1/78, RMSEA=0/06, CFI=0/97, GFI=0/9). The results of the correlation matrix of the research variables cleared that path analysis can be applied to study and test the conceptual model. SPSS and LISREL were two statistical soft-wares to serve the purpose of data analysis. Findings illustrated that the mediating role of performance evaluation in relationships of organizational structure and job autonomy with organizational justice perception and job enthusiasm were confirmed. (There were significant relationship between job autonomy and teacher performance evaluation (β =0/29)., between organizational structure and teacher performance evaluation(β =0/31, between teacher performance evaluation and job enthusiasm (β =0/26), between teacher performance evaluation and organizational justice perception(β =0/19). There was significant direct relationship between job autonomy and job enthusiasm. (β =0/27). Also, significant direct relationship between organizational structure and organizational justice perception was confirmed (β =0/46). Therefore job autonomy and organizational structure were indirect predictors of job enthusiasm and organizational justice perception, . job autonomy and teacher performance evaluation were predicted a total of 18% of job enthusiasm variance. organizational structure and teacher performance evaluation predicted a total of 31% of organizational justice perception variance. organizational structure and job autonomy explained a total of 20% of teacher performance evaluation variance. To promote job enthusiasm and organizational justice perception, managers should promote job autonomy and reduce centralization and complexity of organizational structure and pay more attention to performance evaluation. Creating enthusiasm and motivation in employees can be done by a proper performance appraisal and reward system. Managers need to pay attention to the self-control and self – monitoring aspects of employees and reduce strict control through rules and regulations. The participatory, supportive and supervisory role of the association of parents and teachers should be strengthened as a non-profit, non-governmental civic organization, and its results should be used to improve the performance of teachers. principals can use teachers participation (self-evaluation) in order to enhance the evaluation quality and creat. organizational justice perception. Also, it is recommended to apply various approaches in teacher performance evaluation including evaluation by principles, colleagues, students and parents. This might be very effective in designing a service compensation system. Decreasing the hierarchical orders and generating informal and effective communications among teachers and principal causes teachers feel more commitment and attachment to school and their instructional tasks and also makes the external boundaries of school more permeable to responsiveness. The relation among school and the community should be prioritized through various actions such as school-home relations. Managers should look for the pros and cons of evaluation and help teachers be the best in their careers, rather than focusing on mistakes, . This way, they exploit evaluation as an incitant and take advantage of its supportive supervision role. Due to students’ differences in the Abilities, needs, interests, intelligence and skills, teachers can benefit from job autonomy as a vital factor in their instructional tasks. Principals can deligate teachers and with through this way promote job satisfaction, professional competence, increase self-confidence and enthusiasm in teachers. Courses for principals on how to evaluate performance leads to a accurate and logical evaluation approaches which will in turn lead to justice perception enhancement in teachers. This research faced limitations such as the large number of data collection tools, non-longitudinal research, use one type of tool(questionnaire) limitations on generalization of results. It is suggested that officials should consider more job autonomy for teachers in setting guidelines. It is also recommended that principals avoid strict regulations in their schools. Teachers performance evaluation and the service compensation system should be applied properly too.


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    APA: Copy

    Pourheydar, Rahimeh, Samery, Maryam, HASSANI, MOHAMMAD, & Mortezanejad, Nilofar. (2021). Mediating role of performance evaluation in relationships between organizational structure and job autonomy with organizational justice perception and job enthusiasm. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, 9(1 ), 289-313. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/957683/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Pourheydar Rahimeh, Samery Maryam, HASSANI MOHAMMAD, Mortezanejad Nilofar. Mediating role of performance evaluation in relationships between organizational structure and job autonomy with organizational justice perception and job enthusiasm. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2021;9(1 ):289-313. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/957683/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Rahimeh Pourheydar, Maryam Samery, MOHAMMAD HASSANI, and Nilofar Mortezanejad, “Mediating role of performance evaluation in relationships between organizational structure and job autonomy with organizational justice perception and job enthusiasm,” JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, vol. 9, no. 1 , pp. 289–313, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/957683/en

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