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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Investigating the relationship between organizational silence and organizational citizen behavior of primary school teachers in Saghez




 Organizations today expect their employees to be creative, to comment, and to be responsible because of fierce competition, customer expectations, and a focus on quality that characterizes a changing world. In Samani behavior, preventing the presentation of employees' opinions and views is called Organizational silence. Silence does not only mean not speaking, it also means speaking or writing without credibility and authenticity. In addition, silencing can refer to silence, censorship, deterrence and repression, marginalization, underestimation, deprivation, and other forms of mitigation. Employees are actively involved in organizational activities based on organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational silence Behavior Theory states that employees avoid disclosing their views and opinions based on an informed decision. Organizational citizenship behavior is an individual, voluntary, and extra-task behavior that is not organized directly or indirectly through the formal reward system and is generally effective in increasing the effectiveness of the organization (Zhang et al, 2017). The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Organizational silence and organizational citizen behavior of primary teachers in Saqez. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of research method. The statistical population included all primary school teachers in Saqez city in the academic year 1300-1400 to 950 people, the sample size was estimated to be 247 people through the Cochran's formula for the target population. In this study, to collect data on Organizational silence, the standard questionnaire of 15 questions of Morrison and Milliken Organizational silence (Zakariapur, 2014) was used, which includes three components: senior managers 'attitudes to silence, supervisors' attitudes to silence and communication opportunities. Which was assessed by the Vacola and Boradas questionnaire. Also, to measure the organizational citizenship behavior of teachers, a standard 27-item questionnaire of organizational citizenship behavior of Markozi Vazin (Fakori, 2014) was used. This questionnaire was presented by the body according to the components of organizational citizenship behavior to measure organizational citizenship behavior in American cultural conditions. These components are: social etiquette, altruism, work conscience, chivalry, decency, personal coordination and protection of organizational resources. To measure each of the dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior, different terms have been used in seven separate categories with a range of four options. From very low to very high. whose reliability based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 874 and. 0/ 967, respectively was obtained. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and LISREL. The results show that All t-values of the study were higher than 1. 96, which indicates a favorable relationship between explicit variables and latent variables; In such a way that components such as the attitude of senior managers and supervisors and communication opportunities in Organizational silence and other components of organizational citizen behavior are well explain the main variable of the research. This value reports a significant relationship for the attitude of senior managers in the subset of Organizational silence variable with a value of 9. 15 to a very high degree. According to Friedman test, among the three variables of Organizational silence, the component of communication opportunities in the first priority and the attitude of supervisors and senior managers in the second and third ranks, respectively. and based on the value (-0. 73) there is a significant relationship between Organizational silence and organizational citizen behavior and organizational citizen behavior is affected by 73% of Organizational silence. The negativity of this value also indicates that with the decrease of Organizational silence, the behavior of the organizational citizen increases and with its increase, the behavior of the organizational citizen decreases. The evaluation indicators of the model show that the model related to the variables of organizational citizen behavior and Organizational silence has an acceptable fit. CFI indices (adaptive fit index), GFI (good fit index), IFI (incremental fit index), RFI (relative fit index) are all calculated above 0. 90 which has a suitable value and indicates the desired fit and acceptance of the final model Although there is an atmosphere of silence in organizations, or in other words, supervisors reinforce behaviors that lead to employee silence, the attitude of top management to create silent behaviors and communication opportunities in the organization is low, this will cause It was found that employees in the organization are often silent about issues, followed by low attitudes of citizenship behavior. Since one of the indicators of reducing Organizational silence is creating a participatory atmosphere and managers' communication with employees, so managers of organizations, especially educational organizations can reduce Organizational silence by cultivating a positive environment in their organization and as a result Increase that organizational citizen behavior. According to the theoretical foundations, if employees are not allowed to express their opinions in the workplace, their level of organizational citizen behavior will decline. Therefore, the organization is deprived of creative ideas and thoughts of employees. Following the results of the research, it is suggested that managers and supervisors in the path of educational organizations, encourage their employees to explain their opinions and various issues and arrange the necessary support in order to achieve the desired goals. Also, by holding regular meetings with the employees of the organization, face-to-face conversations and interviews, identify the obstacles and challenges affecting the organizational citizenship behaviors and empowerment, and take appropriate measures in accordance with those obstacles and challenges. In this regard, organizations need organizational citizenship behavior by employees. For this reason, organizational citizenship behavior affects organizational performance by increasing the productivity of the human resources or manager, coordinating activities within and between working groups, and enabling more effective adaptation to environmental changes. In addition, encouraging and welcoming the employees of the organization in order to express creative and effective ideas in achieving the organization's goal is also important. One of the important limitations of the study was the coincidence with the outbreak of coronavirus, which made it difficult to reach the target population for data collection.


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    APA: Copy

    Barkhoda, Seyyed Jamal, Moradkhah, Sirous, & Naghdi, Sarah. (2021). Investigating the relationship between organizational silence and organizational citizen behavior of primary school teachers in Saghez. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, 9(1 ), 438-471. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/957688/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Barkhoda Seyyed Jamal, Moradkhah Sirous, Naghdi Sarah. Investigating the relationship between organizational silence and organizational citizen behavior of primary school teachers in Saghez. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2021;9(1 ):438-471. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/957688/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Seyyed Jamal Barkhoda, Sirous Moradkhah, and Sarah Naghdi, “Investigating the relationship between organizational silence and organizational citizen behavior of primary school teachers in Saghez,” JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, vol. 9, no. 1 , pp. 438–471, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/957688/en

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