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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


French title: L’ Education à l’ Environnement par le Biais du Conte de Le Clé zio dans une Perspective D’ Apprentissage Scolaire (English title: Environmental Education Through Le Clé zio's Tale From a School Learning Perspective)




Médiation (English key word:Environmental education 


 French abstract: Etant un lieu d’ instruction et de transmission de savoirs, l’ é cole contribue à la construction des valeurs, à l’ enseignement des moeurs et de leurs ancrages dans l’ esprit des enfants. Cet objectif se ré alise progressivement en ouvrant les portes des univers de l'é crit et notamment celles de la litté rature qui offrent aux enseignants une multitude de pistes d’ exploitations pé dagogiques. Par la richesse de ses thè mes et sa dimension maniché enne, le Conte est l’ un des genres litté raires dont l’ usage à des fins didactique offre de nombreuses potentialité s pé dagogiques. En plus de son rô le dans le dé veloppement de l’ enfant et la construction de sa personnalité , le Conte apporte des ré ponses pertinentes aux besoins é ducatifs des é lè ves et satisfait ainsi leur curiosité intellectuelle. Dans le pré sent article, il sera question d’ aborder le Conte dans une perspective d’ é ducation à l’ environnement dans le cadre de l’ Apprentissage scolaire. Le Conte qui fera l’ objet de notre é tude est celui de Mondo et autres histoires de Jean-Marie Gustave le Clé zio, un recueil de ré cits publié en 1978 et dont les thè mes pré sentent une nouvelle vision du monde qui repose sur le rejet de l’ univers des adultes, des socié té s urbaines et surtout la brutalité des civilisations industrielles. Dans ce recueil, l’ auteur ré serve une large part à l'onirisme, à l’ anthropomorphisme et au mythe pour faire dé couvrir d’ autres modes de vie plus proches de la nature dont la splendeur et la magie assurent la ré conciliation de l’ homme moderne avec soi-mê me mais aussi avec les diffé rents é lé ments de la nature. Cette dé marche é ducative adopté e vise à faire revivre aux é lè ves les expé riences des personnages de ce recueil ainsi que leurs interactions avec les é lé ments de la nature et qui serviront de modè les de conduites à adopter pour une meilleure é ducation à l’ environnement. English abstract: Being a place of instruction and transmission of knowledge, the school contributes to the construction of values, to the teaching of morals and their anchorages in the minds of children. This objective is gradually realized by opening the doors of the worlds of writing and especially of literature which offer teachers a multitude of avenues of educational exploitations. Through the richness of its themes and its Manichaean dimension, the tale is one of the literary genres whose use for didactic purposes offers many pedagogical potentialities. In addition to its role in the development of the child and the construction of his personality, the tale provides relevant responses to the educational needs of the students and thus satisfies their intellectual curiosity. The tale is also a kind of narrative that takes students to a more enchanting and peaceful faraway place. It is achieved, in particular, by its principle of symbolization and its positive references, the tale encourages students to question the norms and values of the society in which they evolve, which will allow them to flourish and to understand the laws of nature and men. In this article, we will discuss how to approach storytelling from an environmental education perspective in the Context of school learning. The tale that will be the subject of our study is that of Mondo and other stories of Jean-Marie Gustave le Clé zio, a collection of stories published in 1978 and whose themes present a new vision of the world based on the rejection of the universe of adults, urban societies and especially the brutality of industrial civilizations. In this collection, the author dedicates a large part to oneirism, to anthropomorphism, and to myth, to make discover other lifestyles closer to nature whose splendor and magic ensure the reconciliation of modern man with oneself, even also with the different elements of nature. This educational approach aims to bring to the students the experiences of the characters in this collection as well as their interactions with the elements of nature and which will serve as models of conduct to adopt for better education to the environment. To do this, we will first address the environment as an educational concept by first proposing a brief history of its integration into school practices and then setting up the considerable impact of the opening of the school to nature by introducing new relationships between students and their natural environment. To better understand this opening, we also propose to see closely the place that environmental education occupies at school and how it is designed and integrated into the different disciplines with a double appropriation «teaching/ education» involving several actors in the different educational processes. These processes are essentially based on learning through discovery and experience, which will enable the student to acquire new information by modifying his representations and adapting to new conditions imposed by the environment. It is therefore an educational momentum that makes today’ s school a learning space that works in complementarity with the student’ s environment. To achieve this, the school offers numerous and varied means and supports. The designers of the Contents to be taught using the cultural and literary heritage make didactic materials that will constitute knowledge as a reference for the student. In this perspective, we will focus, as mentioned above, on storytelling, considering it as an educational mediation tool. Our experiment, which took place in a school with students from the last year of primary school, aims at the immersion of the child, as a pure and innocent being, in a model of harmonious life, far from the distorted spaces that modern life knows, to provide appeasement and bliss, essential elements for the development of the creative mind and reflexive abilities. This experiment is preceded by a reading session in class. The text studied is a tale taken from the seventh story of the collection (People of Heaven, pp. 219-243) and whose main character is called Petite Croix (meaning little cross), a young blind girl who often isolates herself in a place in the middle of nature to look for the blue color of the sky. Her frequent isolation represents for her an escape, an interior journey between heaven and earth, and during which she discovers the beauty and splendor of nature. During this isolation, Petite Croix makes time, discoveries, and very enriching encounters with anthropomorphic characters. Each of these encounters and discoveries, is a new adventure for her, allowing her to find answers to her many essentially existential questions and which explanations are often completely different from those presented to her by her life in her immediate environment. As part of our study, we chose the character’ s meeting with the bees who often come to visit her (text 01 in the appendix). The interactions between Little Cross and these small creatures show explicitly the harmony that can be established between man and nature. Rich in meanings, these interactions contain many messages with an essentially educational dimension. Their uses for educational purposes are of considerable value as they allow students to co-build knowledge and know-how in the Context of "directed practices". In this same Context, we proposed to the students a session organized in the form of an educational outing to transpose the achievements, obtained during the reading session, in a natural environment. This transposition is based in large part on the restitution of the lived experience of the main character. This is to see closely the impact of the story read earlier on the modification of students' behavior in an appropriate environment. This behavior change is essentially the result of the interaction between the subject, the environment, but also the task that the subject has to perform. For this, several activities were therefore carried out with the fundamental aim of preserving the elements of nature. The pedagogical methods applied in this experiment are direct experience learning of the environment and transmission learning embedded in a teacher-guided process. This guidance was a good opportunity for students to discover and use new learning strategies to encourage them to learn how to live in communities, position themselves in the group, and interact through collaborative learning. Having had the opportunity to leave the routine of the class by going to discover another more natural and welcoming space, the students participated in the experiment with great dedication and enthusiasm by being actively involved in carrying out the task entrusted to them. The data obtained from the experiment clearly show that the process of school guidance and mediation implemented in an approach to environmental education has also been able to offer the teacher new perspectives that allow the student to invest themselves according to their physical, psychological, and cognitive abilities in a process that consolidates the link between the act of use and the act of learning. These new educational perspectives now require the development and design of new educational materials. This pre pedagogical task can only be ensured by judicious and innovative choices. The tale, by its characteristics and the diversity of its themes, certainly offers many avenues of exploitation and is a particularly important trigger for students especially when it relates facts directly related to their personal experience.


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    APA: Copy

    GUERID, Khaled, & GUETTAFI, Sihem. (2022). French title: L’ Education à l’ Environnement par le Biais du Conte de Le Clé zio dans une Perspective D’ Apprentissage Scolaire (English title: Environmental Education Through Le Clé zio's Tale From a School Learning Perspective). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, 15(28 ), 81-99. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/957691/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    GUERID Khaled, GUETTAFI Sihem. French title: L’ Education à l’ Environnement par le Biais du Conte de Le Clé zio dans une Perspective D’ Apprentissage Scolaire (English title: Environmental Education Through Le Clé zio's Tale From a School Learning Perspective). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES[Internet]. 2022;15(28 ):81-99. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/957691/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Khaled GUERID, and Sihem GUETTAFI, “French title: L’ Education à l’ Environnement par le Biais du Conte de Le Clé zio dans une Perspective D’ Apprentissage Scolaire (English title: Environmental Education Through Le Clé zio's Tale From a School Learning Perspective),” RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, vol. 15, no. 28 , pp. 81–99, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/957691/en

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