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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Study of Obstacles against Social Problems Familiarization in Non-governmental Organizations




 Introduction: Non governmental organizations (NGOs) as an important part of today world, have impressive role all over the world and also in Iran. Non-governmental organizations are considered an inseparable part of today's social life and an important basis of social capital. A non-governmental organization is a non-profit, citizen-based group that functions independently of government. NGOs, sometimes called civil societies, are organized on community, national and international levels to serve specific social or political purposes. Some NGOs rely primarily on volunteers, while others support a paid staff. Supporting NGOs as one of most important kind of NGOs try to improve vulnerable groups situation. Main question of research is that “ what are obstacles against social problems familiarization in supporting non governmental organizations which help vulnerable groups? ” Perspective of research is social constructionism which defines social problem as a solvable issue. Method: Main method of research is grounded theory qualitative method. Grounded Theory is an inductive methodology. It is a general method and systematic generation of theory from systematic research. It is a set of rigorous research procedures leading to the emergence of conceptual categories. technics for data gathering are observation and semi-structured profound interview; 23 interview with NGOs members and observation of 34 social problems oriented NGOs in Tehran province. Findings: Based on analytical findings, most fundamental obstacle against social problems familiarization is “ limited impact” . This is the main pillar in grounded models. This grounded model formed by combination of several main categories around central phenomena which organized as causal conditions, context conditions, intervening conditions, Interactions strategies and Consequences. What leads to the emergence of such a challenge is, the Lack of legal backing and the lack of persuasive methods to claim making. Factors such as longevity, size, geographical scope, field of activity and thematic scope of NGOs, affect their main obstacle against social problems familiarization. NGOs social validity in public opinion and their relationship with governments have dual role; in some ways restrictive and in some ways facilitating. NGOs have often individual perspective to analyse social problems. On the other hand NGOs are accused of distorting realities by highlighting the critical dimensions of social problems. Results & Conclusion: In terms of constructivist, as the main theoretical basis for the research, the objective existence of harmful conditions does not in itself create a social issue. According to the constructivist approach, the social problem is not a structural problem that is almost unsolved or requires substantial and costly transformations. It is also a problem that can be solved in the general conviction and for which effective action is also in progress. In this view, social issues will be resolved with the intervention of individuals and groups of people. supporting NGOs Are one of these groups. From this angle, the problems that the NGOs are trying to eliminate or reduce are clearly considered a social issue. supporting NGOs try to transfer voice of vulnerable groups to society and have proper identifying and prioritizing social needs to move them to policy level. But Several challenges don’ t let them to convince many people that the current problems require serious attention. So These obstacles prevents them to familiarize social problems and have role of the public prosecutor in addressing them as general and tangible issues.


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    APA: Copy

    LOTFI KHACHAKI, BEHNAM, & IMANI JAJARMI, HOSSEIN. (2020). Study of Obstacles against Social Problems Familiarization in Non-governmental Organizations. SOCIAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN IRAN, 9(1 ), 131-160. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/958185/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    LOTFI KHACHAKI BEHNAM, IMANI JAJARMI HOSSEIN. Study of Obstacles against Social Problems Familiarization in Non-governmental Organizations. SOCIAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN IRAN[Internet]. 2020;9(1 ):131-160. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/958185/en

    IEEE: Copy

    BEHNAM LOTFI KHACHAKI, and HOSSEIN IMANI JAJARMI, “Study of Obstacles against Social Problems Familiarization in Non-governmental Organizations,” SOCIAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN IRAN, vol. 9, no. 1 , pp. 131–160, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/958185/en

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