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Introduction: The establishment of the new town of Pardis was approved in 1989 in order to settle a part of the overflow of Tehran's population. So that The “ master Plan” estimates 200, 000, the Pardis portion of population of Tehran in 2016. According to the plan, climate characteristics, employment attractions and lower housing costs than Tehran will be the main factors to select pardis for habitation. During these years, the failure of many of the Master Plan programs and the extraordinary implementation of some projects such as construction of "Maskan-e-Mehr" projects has caused many of the plan's initial aims to be failed in pardis And habitation's situation will face to serious challenges. so that it has predicted after the full implementation of "Maskan-e-Mehr" projects, The city's population reaches more than 400, 000, more than twice its initial capacity. On the other hand, the failure of many employment-related programs to make pardis as "dormitory" town. The reality that has been intensified by the increasing costs of housing in the last one to two decades, especially in Tehran. Also the proximity to Tehran and the fact that the majority of residents, inevitably or self-willy, coming from Tehran has given rise to complex subjective and attitudinal processes that have shaped various forms of residence satisfaction. Thinking about residence satisfaction, is not simply a question of the objective situations of the habitat, and more importantly, the question of subjective situations such as attitude, motivation, hope for the future of the residence, and so on. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to go beyond the physical conditions of the pardis and to reflect on the residence satisfaction; This can be seen as a social “ criterion” the real success or failure of housing and urban policies is truly "tested out". Method: The research is a 'descriptive' one and will eventually end up with a 'typology'. The sample size was estimated at 95% confidence level of 380 households which were sampled using "cluster" sampling from all households in Pardis. In addition, triangulation of synchronic quantitative and qualitative methods, including indexing and questionnaire design on the one hand and group interviewing on the other, have been used to collect data. Findings: The results of research show that residence in cities such Pardis face to many challengs and issues. So that, Tehran includes employment place of more than 55 percent of employees so that it changes as a “ dormitory” town. Also, residence motivation More than half of the inhabitants were somehow a "housing issue" So that only 35% of inhabitants living in pardis feel satisfied And others have had a "inevitable" or "indifferent" feeling to their residence. The results also show that approximately 75 percent of inhabitants, despite living in pardis, are still objectively and subjectively involved in Tehran, reporting a lack of "self-reliance" in the city. From the satisfaction point of view, five residential types have been identified in Pardis: the hesitants, the disappointeds, the exilians, the compatibles and the happies Also, pattern of the action according to satisfaction is typical "distance" from the local community among "exilians" and the "disappointeds", and among the "happies" includes typical participatin in the local community. Results & Conclusion: Urban and housing policies seem to have been largely conducted by the “ engineering” discourse of the last four decades and less attention to human and social approaches, has shown insignificant achievement in providing dynamic, Participation-based, and satisfying residence. This result will be obtained by analyzing residence satisfaction, not just the statistics of the house making areas or urban spaces were constructed.

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Introduction: Due to the increasing prevalence and increasing number of Homeless people in the metropolitan areas of Iran, it is necessary to conduct studies to analyze the conditions governing the individual and social life in these territories. The results of such a study could be to gain credible cognition to design and advance constructive social, security, and caring interventions in this regard. Therefore, the present study seeks to study the various aspects of sexuality in the Homeless' life experience and the conditions that govern it with a qualitative approach. The main research questions are as follows: What is the pattern of sex regulation in the Homeless' life experience? Under what conditions does it form? What are the strategies of action or interaction of social actors in relation to it? and finally what are the implications of this pattern? Method: The approach of this study was qualitative and based on the use of grounded theory. In-depth interviews were conducted with 42 homeless people including 23 men and 19 women. The samples were purposefully selected from homeless hangouts in Mashhad and Tehran. After the initial interviews, the coding process began, and further interviews continued as the coding process progressed. The initial codes obtained during the open coding step were categorized several times to produce the final main categories. Core category was selected from a review of the main categories and continuous comparison of the findings. Explaining the findings and drawing up a final narrative about the core category eventually led the researchers to a grounded theory explaining the phenomenon of "sexual abnormalities in homeless hangouts. " Findings: The results indicate that the homeless people generally promote their emotional and sexual activities in a chaotic fashion. The gradual discrediting of the family institution and the return to drug use have played an important role in this upheaval. Homeless people have had different strategies to meet their sexual needs, often with their preferred experiences in the pre-homeless period, and in some ways, the status quo has been somewhat derogatory. But overall, and in the coordinates of homelessness, one can see a self-reliant and flexible pattern of emotional-sexual intercourse among homeless people that has provided the opportunity to meet the needs of most of its audiences. Discussion and conclusion: A key point in examining the issue of sexual intercourse among the homeless has been the marital background. Failure to marry because of drug use and separation has led individuals to seek alternatives to meet their emotional and sexual needs. According to research by Begun (2015) and Brown & et al. (2012), sexual and emotional intimacy have influenced the way homeless people interact. The findings of this study are consistent with Merton's (1968) theory. Accordingly, homeless people resort to illicit ways to have sex. Also, according to the analytical approach of social learning theory (Vold, Bernard & Snipes, 2018), homeless people have learned this behavior by learning about these behaviors in homeless hangouts. Finally, the findings of this study show that sexual dysfunction among homeless people is not only reflected in the multiplicity of sexual behaviors and high risk behaviors, but also that the homeless people's return to hangouts and camps is a reflection of this turmoil. The studies of Begun & et al. (2019) and Barman & et al. (2017) also confirm the findings of the present study.

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Introduction: religious conflicts in last years has shown that all though the tolerance notion for religions has 100 years old root but in arena of action religious fanaticism has the ability to be an underlie for violence. religious tolerance in society and the causes of its increase or erosion theoretically and experimentally, is clearly evident in its necessity, especially in today's world, which is the ecumenical diversity of the cultural, ethnic, religious, and so on. therefore the purpose of this study is scrutiny of religious tolerance between Shias and Sunnis in Zahedan city and effective factors on it. Method: the method of this paper is survey method and in terms of nature is a practical study. The population of this article is composed of all men and women 18 years old above the city of Zahedan who according to Statistical Centre of Iran in 1395 this population estimated 380260. The sample size based on Cochran formula was determined 384. In the present article cluster sampling probability proportional to size (pps) has been used. In Inferential data section for finding Religious tolerance, F test, compare means test, independent T test and, Pearson correlation coefficient has been used. Findings: the result indicate that the average of religious tolerance is 62/8 which is based on 0-100 scale is higher than a normal mean. the average of religious tolerance of respondents in the dimensions of symbiotic, self-reliant and relative, respectively, was 64. 8, 66. 4 and 57. 4. the results also depict that religious tolerance has a negative relationship with social capital and national moratorium, direct relation with ethnicity. The results of multivariate analysis also showed that social capital variables, national belonging, ethnicity, and age have been able to explain 21 percent of the variability of religious tolerance. Also, fitting the model was desirable, indicating its conformity to reality. Discussion: the result shows that social capital and religious tolerance has a positive significant relationship. based on Puntam’ s theory this result was predictable because social capital is more informative for people rather than other ways like Peaceful coexistence, Violent conflicts and so on which form their future. The study’ s finding show that there is a significant relation between national moratorium and religious tolerance, which approved this hypothesis that as much as national moratorium increase, religious tolerance increase too. Based on Muller’ s theory; Patriotism and national moratorium represents a new version of Integrity in Contemporary societies which leads to peaceful acts in shape of compromise. The relation between ethnicity and religious tolerance was negative and significant. According to Hector’ s theory Because most ethnicities feel that they are being discriminated against as much as ethnical bias increase, the integrity and affinity in the society and also tolerance decrease. Hector’ s theory is correspond with result of this study because there is no significant relation between ethnicity and religious tolerance in Shias, but in Sunnis this relation is significant and negative. Therefore Shia is official religion in the country and Sunnis are minority and they are scattered among the Persians Hectort’ s theory can be cited. Finally the results show the average of religious tolerance in shias and sunnis is 62/8 which is based on 0-100scale is higher than a normal mean. the average of religiouse tolerance of respondents in the dimensions of symbiotic, self-reliant and relative, respectively, was 64. 8, 66. 4 and 57. 4.

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mollania jelodar shahram

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Introduction: The functions of sport in today's modern society are varied and numerous as such, it affects most aspects of social life in society. Therefore, understanding and studying these influences and impacts is needed and emphasized in different fields of the humanities including anthropology. Wrestling is a traditional and popular sport in Iran and in Iranian society and remembering the elders of the Wrestling, such as Takhti, Habibi and other heroes creates a special feeling in the community and as the wrestling in Iran is becoming more professional, it finds a complicated connection with other social institutions such as politics, economics, socio-cultural phenomena such as identity, leisure time, violent behavior and socialization of members of society. That's why this is a common phenomenon in Mazandaran province in general and in Sari community in particular, make the researcher to think this topic of research. And answer the question of wrestling sport in Sari area, such as: what are the socio-cultural functions (with what indicators)? And what is the mechanism of transferring socio-cultural functions through wrestling in this region? Method: The present research uses qualitative methods (such as observation, interviews, written responses from athletes, wrestling recordings, and in some cases content analysis of specialized wrestling journals and newspapers). The statistical population of the study included Sari wrestling clubs (Takhti, Delavaran, Bargh, Amini, Milad Noor, Machakposht, Ariobarzan, Tabarestan, Javan and Dokhaniat). However, the focus of the present study has been on Milad Noor and Takhti. Each of them has about 70 wrestlers. The sample of the study included interviews and focus groups with salon coaches, wrestler fathers, sports teachers, wrestlers and their coaches in Sari. During the research, 40 focus interviews were conducted with all four groups. Findings: The findings show that wrestling has a wide variety of functions in the city of Sari, the mechanism of transferring socio-cultural functions of wrestling sport in the researched community, which is known as the values on an ancient and rooted tradition. In addition, it is consistent with the economic and social conditions of Mazandaran where agriculture is predominant. The dignity of the brave has found a place in the community in itself. So It has influenced many of the social actions and reactions. Discussion and conclusion: Wrestling was rooted in the religious beliefs of the region and in addition to preventing social harm, it has functions such as leisure time, physical fitness and a channel to drain energy and a route to direct aggression in the city of Sari.

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Introduction: In recent years, the sense of social security has been one of the most popular tools for advancing human development around the world, and almost all countries in the world have implemented some social laws to increase security and have a direct relationship with space and the quality of the urban environment. Inadequate urban spaces, defenseless spaces, and unsafe neighborhoods are threatening factors for urban and social security. These defenseless spaces in the city of Tehran have been greatly increased due to physical and demographic growth and demolition, as well as the exhaustion and destruction of old areas. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the lived experience of insecurity in urban defensible spaces in a model by identifying the components, causal and intervention conditions, contexts, strategies and consequences of insecurity. The structure is tested and validated. Method: The method of analysis in this study is a combination of exploratory and analytical one and is of practical purpose. In the first step, Grounded Theory is used to discover the paradigm paradigm, and in quantitative part, it is validated using the structural equation modeling of the heuristic model. The qualitative section sampling was purposive and data analysis was performed using three stages of open coding, axial and selective coding. In the quantitative part of the study, 377 of them were selected as the sample size using Cochran formula. Findings: In this study, interviews were analyzed and coded by Strauss-Carbin method. Out of 23 in-depth interviews, 256 meaningful statements were extracted and 231 corresponding concepts were extracted from these statements. In the axial coding step, 256 concepts have been transformed into 23 subcategories. Finally, after a closer look at the links between the concepts of subcategories, 10 key themes emerged: spreading fear, legal vacuum, insecurity, distrust, traumatic contexts, chaos and mismanagement of urban issues, Social isolation, neighborhood identity, negative mentalities, and negative experiences are all the more abstracted in these categories at the selective coding stage, a nuclear category that describes "feeling insecure in defenseless urban spaces due to the presence of traumatic contexts and negative mentalities in a specific identity context. " Supervision weaknesses and negative experiences with strategies for repeated, insecure and legal vacuum in each Chaos and mistrust and led to social isolation "appearance that can give all the other categories covered. In the quantitative part, the results of modeling have shown that the extractive qualitative model is reliable with respect to its coefficients. Conclusion: The feeling of insecurity in defenseless urban spaces can lead to chaos, mistrust and social isolation due to the presence of traumatic tissues and negative mentalities in the form of a specific identity in the context of regulatory weakness and negative experiences with past and present strategies of insecurity and legal vacuum. It should cover all the discussions of Tehrani citizens about the feeling of insecurity in defenseless urban spaces and also have an analytical aspect. Citizens of Tehran thus experience, understand or perceive the causal conditions, context, and consequences of ethnic and ethnic crises in their lived experiences. They have explained the particular insecurity in defenseless urban spaces in a particular context and context, which increases the expectation of insecurity in urban areas if these conditions are available everywhere.

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Introduction: Non governmental organizations (NGOs) as an important part of today world, have impressive role all over the world and also in Iran. Non-governmental organizations are considered an inseparable part of today's social life and an important basis of social capital. A non-governmental organization is a non-profit, citizen-based group that functions independently of government. NGOs, sometimes called civil societies, are organized on community, national and international levels to serve specific social or political purposes. Some NGOs rely primarily on volunteers, while others support a paid staff. Supporting NGOs as one of most important kind of NGOs try to improve vulnerable groups situation. Main question of research is that “ what are obstacles against social problems familiarization in supporting non governmental organizations which help vulnerable groups? ” Perspective of research is social constructionism which defines social problem as a solvable issue. Method: Main method of research is grounded theory qualitative method. Grounded Theory is an inductive methodology. It is a general method and systematic generation of theory from systematic research. It is a set of rigorous research procedures leading to the emergence of conceptual categories. technics for data gathering are observation and semi-structured profound interview; 23 interview with NGOs members and observation of 34 social problems oriented NGOs in Tehran province. Findings: Based on analytical findings, most fundamental obstacle against social problems familiarization is “ limited impact” . This is the main pillar in grounded models. This grounded model formed by combination of several main categories around central phenomena which organized as causal conditions, context conditions, intervening conditions, Interactions strategies and Consequences. What leads to the emergence of such a challenge is, the Lack of legal backing and the lack of persuasive methods to claim making. Factors such as longevity, size, geographical scope, field of activity and thematic scope of NGOs, affect their main obstacle against social problems familiarization. NGOs social validity in public opinion and their relationship with governments have dual role; in some ways restrictive and in some ways facilitating. NGOs have often individual perspective to analyse social problems. On the other hand NGOs are accused of distorting realities by highlighting the critical dimensions of social problems. Results & Conclusion: In terms of constructivist, as the main theoretical basis for the research, the objective existence of harmful conditions does not in itself create a social issue. According to the constructivist approach, the social problem is not a structural problem that is almost unsolved or requires substantial and costly transformations. It is also a problem that can be solved in the general conviction and for which effective action is also in progress. In this view, social issues will be resolved with the intervention of individuals and groups of people. supporting NGOs Are one of these groups. From this angle, the problems that the NGOs are trying to eliminate or reduce are clearly considered a social issue. supporting NGOs try to transfer voice of vulnerable groups to society and have proper identifying and prioritizing social needs to move them to policy level. But Several challenges don’ t let them to convince many people that the current problems require serious attention. So These obstacles prevents them to familiarize social problems and have role of the public prosecutor in addressing them as general and tangible issues.

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Introduction: Sociological study in art, establishes new capabilities and advantages for social planners and art society members. Sociological study of Farshchian, s Shiite paintings, which usually were welcomed by the public, more than the meaning, will provide the contemporary Iranian painters with self-awareness. This research will also answer to questions such as “ how does a piece of art bccome fameous and welcomed, how personal background causes a piece of art be welcomed publicly, what are the affects of cultural conditions on artist personality and his works and what is the relation between society and artist and his work? Method: To answer these questions via an explanatory-analytic method for analyzing, much data gathered through studying texts and interviewing some painters and professors. This method in relation to the theoretical model used, managed data collecting and then analyzing, finding and finally concluding the results. Finding: Sociological study of “ Panah” religious painting (meaning shelter) to uncover the mechanism of social creating based on a local theory, made by professor seyyed saeed zahed, showed that the painting has been the resultant of artist action in background of personality, culture and social condition together. This comment means that we can not put our stress on one social factor alone, but examine the portion of factors which should not be supposed fixed in their portion of influence. Our analysis on factors and their portion of affection made it clear that personality of the artist and cultural background have directly affected the inspiration, imagination and innovation of farshcian in “ Panah” , but the social structure indirectly and unconsciously. The artist birth in a religous family and the Shiite system of training by mother according ceremonies like pilgrimage, resorting and mourning has formed and deeply affected his aesthetics. In this way his action is in accordance to shiite public culture and the kind of its aesthetics as far as artistic creation has been done as a religious action. More over, farshchian is relataed to social structure and condition in fifties. In this decade, he has a critical position toward cultural and political situation. His criticizing of modern styles of painting and alienation of modern artist is so clear. On the other hand, suppression of people in that decade has affected his works unconsciously and conscously. ” under dominatin of power” is an example of direct and conscous political criticizing, but “ panah” is indirectly affected. The artist unintentionaly has criticized the suppression of people by Pahlavid regime in half of fifties(1350) and then has refered to “ asylum” topic with a special visual structure. Mahmood Farshchian has formed the visual structure of “ panah” painting by using concentrated composition, empty space, nonfigurative and colorless anatomy of imam to reduce materiality and induce helplessness of the Shiite under suppression. This structure represents the collective sense of shiite people toward the dominated condition in which the artist lives. Results and Conclusion: Our consideration of “ Panah creation” , shows that Farshchian himself is more affected by informal structure of society or traditional pattern of relations especially family relations and Shiite collective ceremonies than modern and formal social structure. On the other hand, the work has been formed under the social condition and collective shiite sense in which shiite people are suppressed. It means that his visual arrangements are unconsciously affected by social suppression which has formed the elements and their composition.

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Introduction: The social capital subject has become a major topic in economic debates and considered to be a vital issue along with physical and human capital in recent decades. Without social capital, investing in physical and human capital cannot be productive and also without creating trust among workforces in workplaces there cannot be an effective social capital to promote productivity. Studies have shown that social capital has more important role than other types of capitals and without this, it would be so difficult to obtain cultural and economic development. In addition, Tehran is one of the most major province of Iran that has the most employee and therefore, various activities going on in industrial areas that represents the condition of social capital indicator in the country's workplace. Thus, this study is conducted to examine social capital in workplaces and production communities as well. Method: The method of research was survey by using questionnaire technique. In order to measure reliability the Cronbach's coefficient alpha was used and two type of validity including face and construct validity were tested. 500 employee selected by random sample in industrial province of Tehran and data were analyzed by SPPSS. Findings: Findings have shown that the amount of social capital including social trust, social participation, social norms, social support and social relationship among these employee was average. (30. 6 percent had high amount of social capital, 32. 40 percent average and 37 percent low). The results of the survey also have indicated that the level of social capital was somewhat average. Low social capital makes efficiency low. So it must be increase in social capital to increase productivity. Social networks and strong links were effective factors in finding jobs and reducing the risk of unemployment, and according to study large percentage of people found their jobs through social network. Discussion and conclusion: Therefore, it should be noted that low social capital makes labor efficiency and productivity down, then in order to increase labor productivity, their social capital has to be increased; social networks and links have also been effective in finding jobs and reducing unemployment risk. Since the social participation was worse than other components, it seems that attention to the issue of participation could be a first step towards increasing social capital in the workplace and subsequently increasing productivity. According to research findings related to trust, it seems that appropriate mechanisms should be put in place to increase trust in work place. Keywords: Social Capital, workplace, Labor and Production, Productivity, Labor and Production Society, Socio-Economic Development.

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Introduction: While there is much discussion in the literature to lessen the importance of suicide attempt as contrasted with complete suicide, this action will be considered equally as grave in relation to its public health and psychological dimensions. Many attempts have been made to study the complex behavior of suicide. In these studies, a number of predictors have been implicated in attempt to suicidal behavior from different social, psychological, and biological dimensions. The aim of present study was identifying factors affecting attempt to suicide in Izeh and Masjed Soleyman. Method: The population of the study consists of all attempters to suicide in Izeh and Masjed Soleyman in 2016 and 2017. 103 suicide attempter's (72 females and 31 male) were selected using purposeful sampling. The design of the study was the correlational method or analysis of the correlation or covariance matrix. Researcher-made questionnaire and Inventory of Motivations for Suicide Attempts was used for assessing factors of attempt to suicide. Findings: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) extracted nine factors (54 items) as factors of attempt to suicide in Izeh and Masjed Soleyman. These factors were named: psychache and hopelessness, pressure to others/loneliness, help seeking, escaping from pain, problem solving, impulsiveness, benevolent to family, expressing anger/abhorrence and financial problems and employment. For suicide attempters, the situation was so painful that they sought to escape and had no hope that the situation would improve. Suicide attempters believed they neither loved anyone nor felt that someone loved them. They wanted others to know that they were not in good condition and did not feel well. For some who attempted suicide, it seemed to be a way of helping the family maintain a reputation or get rid of a troubled person. In some cases, the situation was so bad that the suicide attempter did not even hesitate to think. Sometimes the pain perceived by the individual was unbearable and suicide was a kind of release from this painful situation. Suicide attempters were looking for a way to solve their problems and believed that suicide was the best solution to their problem at a specific situation. Suicide attempt can be indicative of repressing strong feelings for oneself and others. Failure to fulfill daily needs, inadequate access to health and medical facilities, inability to provide housing, living in vulnerable neighborhoods and having problems in marriage and fulfilling the needs of children were examples of employment-related and income-related issues that put permanent psychological stress on individuals. Results & Conclusion: It looks as if psychological and interpersonal variables have the most influence on suicide attempt among which psychache and hopelessness are the most effective factors. Psychotherapists and counselors should pay particular attention to these factors in suicide cases.

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Introduction: The political attitude of all groups of society is important, but the political attitude of the students is of particular importance. Students are at the core of the new middle class, whose main demand is political development, and their numbers have expanded in Iran in the last three decades due to the expansion of the higher education system. Studying the political attitude of students is a necessity that every political system and foresight government should consider. The continuity of the programs of each state and government depends on the political attitude of the citizens. Political attitudes have different dimensions, which, according to Almond and Verba, can be regarded as an important part of political culture. The main objective of this research is to measure the political attitude of students on a range of positive political attitudes (hope for the socio-political future of the country) to negative political attitude (disappointment to the socio-political future of the country) and social factors that affect it. Method: The research method is survey and data collection through questionnaire. Research data is also based on quantitative data. Statistical population of the research are students of student associations. Student associations from university of Tehran, university of Kharazmi and Islamic Azad university of science and research branch have been selected. Using Cochran sampling method, from among 1311 students of student associations, 381 students were selected as the statistical sample. Finding: The research findings show that the majority of students are male and single. Students are generally bachelors of humanities. There are numerous student news sources and it can be said that the most important source of student news is mobile messenger application. Almost half of the students stated that mobile messenger application is their main source of news. The level of social capital of students is moderate to high. More than 75% of students have their cultural capital in the middle of the spectrum. Students' religiousness, such as their social capital, is at a moderate to high level. The majority of students, about 70%, are in the middle of the distribution of political attitudes and about 20% have a positive political attitude and only 8% of students in the student associations have a negative political attitude. Social factors such as social capital, religiosity and the type of student associations have higher explanatory power than variables such as age, gender, marital status, and educational level. Results & Conclusion: Various social factors can influence students' political attitudes and enhance their participatory political culture. Students' social capital is one of the most important factors. Increased bridging social capital of students causes increases the trust of student associations in each other. Therefore, the force of the student associations, if necessary, is directed towards achieving a common principle. The synergy of student forces can make their impact on political institutions more effective. The consequence is to strengthen students' positive political attitudes and their participatory political culture. In addition, being religious can create optimism and hope for the country's political future, especially in religious governments.

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