Introduction: The establishment of the new town of Pardis was approved in 1989 in order to settle a part of the overflow of Tehran's population. So that The “ master Plan” estimates 200, 000, the Pardis portion of population of Tehran in 2016. According to the plan, climate characteristics, employment attractions and lower housing costs than Tehran will be the main factors to select pardis for habitation. During these years, the failure of many of the Master Plan programs and the extraordinary implementation of some projects such as construction of "Maskan-e-Mehr" projects has caused many of the plan's initial aims to be failed in pardis And habitation's situation will face to serious challenges. so that it has predicted after the full implementation of "Maskan-e-Mehr" projects, The city's population reaches more than 400, 000, more than twice its initial capacity. On the other hand, the failure of many employment-related programs to make pardis as "dormitory" town. The reality that has been intensified by the increasing costs of housing in the last one to two decades, especially in Tehran. Also the proximity to Tehran and the fact that the majority of residents, inevitably or self-willy, coming from Tehran has given rise to complex subjective and attitudinal processes that have shaped various forms of residence satisfaction. Thinking about residence satisfaction, is not simply a question of the objective situations of the habitat, and more importantly, the question of subjective situations such as attitude, motivation, hope for the future of the residence, and so on. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to go beyond the physical conditions of the pardis and to reflect on the residence satisfaction; This can be seen as a social “ criterion” the real success or failure of housing and urban policies is truly "tested out". Method: The research is a 'descriptive' one and will eventually end up with a 'typology'. The sample size was estimated at 95% confidence level of 380 households which were sampled using "cluster" sampling from all households in Pardis. In addition, triangulation of synchronic quantitative and qualitative methods, including indexing and questionnaire design on the one hand and group interviewing on the other, have been used to collect data. Findings: The results of research show that residence in cities such Pardis face to many challengs and issues. So that, Tehran includes employment place of more than 55 percent of employees so that it changes as a “ dormitory” town. Also, residence motivation More than half of the inhabitants were somehow a "housing issue" So that only 35% of inhabitants living in pardis feel satisfied And others have had a "inevitable" or "indifferent" feeling to their residence. The results also show that approximately 75 percent of inhabitants, despite living in pardis, are still objectively and subjectively involved in Tehran, reporting a lack of "self-reliance" in the city. From the satisfaction point of view, five residential types have been identified in Pardis: the hesitants, the disappointeds, the exilians, the compatibles and the happies Also, pattern of the action according to satisfaction is typical "distance" from the local community among "exilians" and the "disappointeds", and among the "happies" includes typical participatin in the local community. Results & Conclusion: Urban and housing policies seem to have been largely conducted by the “ engineering” discourse of the last four decades and less attention to human and social approaches, has shown insignificant achievement in providing dynamic, Participation-based, and satisfying residence. This result will be obtained by analyzing residence satisfaction, not just the statistics of the house making areas or urban spaces were constructed.