Information Journal Paper
CopyTaghavi Holagh, Aboalghasem, Abed Natanzi, Hossein, BADALZADEH, REZA, & GHAZALIAN, FARSHAD. (2021). The effect of Troxerutin combined with high intensity interval training on heart injury and expression of antioxidant genes in doxorubicin-induced cardiac toxicity in male rats. DANESHVAR MEDICINE, 29(153 ), 78-89. SID.
CopyTaghavi Holagh Aboalghasem, Abed Natanzi Hossein, BADALZADEH REZA, GHAZALIAN FARSHAD. The effect of Troxerutin combined with high intensity interval training on heart injury and expression of antioxidant genes in doxorubicin-induced cardiac toxicity in male rats. DANESHVAR MEDICINE[Internet]. 2021;29(153 ):78-89. Available from:
CopyAboalghasem Taghavi Holagh, Hossein Abed Natanzi, REZA BADALZADEH, and FARSHAD GHAZALIAN, “The effect of Troxerutin combined with high intensity interval training on heart injury and expression of antioxidant genes in doxorubicin-induced cardiac toxicity in male rats,” DANESHVAR MEDICINE, vol. 29, no. 153 , pp. 78–89, 2021, [Online]. Available: