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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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comparing the effectiveness of tactical game approach and traditional teaching method on Sport Participation Motivation of children with developmental coordination disorder




 The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of Tactical Game Approach and traditional teaching method on Sport Participation Motivation of Children with developmental coordination disorder. The method of this study was quasi-experimental with pre-test-post-test design. The statistical population was all 9 to 12-year-old boys with developmental coordination disorder in Kermanshah city. 30 boys with developmental coordination disorder in Kermanshah city participated in the study voluntarily. Then, they were matched based on the pre-test scores and divided into two fifteen peoples training groups of tactical game model and traditional teaching method. The training program consisted of a basketball training program that performed during 12 weeks and three one-hour sessions per week in both traditional and tactical games groups. Assessment tools included the Wilson Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ'07), Sport Participation Motivation Questionnaire (SPMQ) and Movement Assessment Battery for Children Test (MABC-2). The results of Shapiro-Wilk and Levin tests showed that the data were normal and the variances were homogeneous. Analysis of covariance in SPSS 23 software was used to analyze the data (P <0. 05). The results showed that the training group of tactical game model had a significant increase in Sport Participation Motivation scores compared to traditional teaching method group. Therefore, it can be said that using tactical game model compared to the traditional teaching method, increases Sport Participation Motivation of Children with developmental coordination disorder. It is recommended to use Tactical Game Approach in teaching sports skills to Children with developmental coordination disorder.


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    APA: Copy

    JALILVAND, MOHAMMAD, & REZHEH, ABASS. (2021). comparing the effectiveness of tactical game approach and traditional teaching method on Sport Participation Motivation of children with developmental coordination disorder. JOURNAL OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN EMPOWERMENT, 12(1 ), 23-33. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/958977/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    JALILVAND MOHAMMAD, REZHEH ABASS. comparing the effectiveness of tactical game approach and traditional teaching method on Sport Participation Motivation of children with developmental coordination disorder. JOURNAL OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN EMPOWERMENT[Internet]. 2021;12(1 ):23-33. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/958977/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMMAD JALILVAND, and ABASS REZHEH, “comparing the effectiveness of tactical game approach and traditional teaching method on Sport Participation Motivation of children with developmental coordination disorder,” JOURNAL OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN EMPOWERMENT, vol. 12, no. 1 , pp. 23–33, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/958977/en

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