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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Mental Understanding of Tehranian Citizens about the Feeling of Non Security in Defenseless Urban Spaces




 Introduction: In recent years, the sense of social security has been one of the most popular tools for advancing human development around the world, and almost all countries in the world have implemented some social laws to increase security and have a direct relationship with space and the quality of the urban environment. Inadequate urban spaces, defenseless spaces, and unsafe neighborhoods are threatening factors for urban and social security. These defenseless spaces in the city of Tehran have been greatly increased due to physical and demographic growth and demolition, as well as the exhaustion and destruction of old areas. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the lived experience of insecurity in urban defensible spaces in a model by identifying the components, causal and intervention conditions, contexts, strategies and consequences of insecurity. The structure is tested and validated. Method: The method of analysis in this study is a combination of exploratory and analytical one and is of practical purpose. In the first step, Grounded Theory is used to discover the paradigm paradigm, and in quantitative part, it is validated using the structural equation modeling of the heuristic model. The qualitative section sampling was purposive and data analysis was performed using three stages of open coding, axial and selective coding. In the quantitative part of the study, 377 of them were selected as the sample size using Cochran formula. Findings: In this study, interviews were analyzed and coded by Strauss-Carbin method. Out of 23 in-depth interviews, 256 meaningful statements were extracted and 231 corresponding concepts were extracted from these statements. In the axial coding step, 256 concepts have been transformed into 23 subcategories. Finally, after a closer look at the links between the concepts of subcategories, 10 key themes emerged: spreading fear, legal vacuum, insecurity, distrust, traumatic contexts, chaos and mismanagement of urban issues, Social isolation, neighborhood identity, negative mentalities, and negative experiences are all the more abstracted in these categories at the selective coding stage, a nuclear category that describes "feeling insecure in defenseless urban spaces due to the presence of traumatic contexts and negative mentalities in a specific identity context. " Supervision weaknesses and negative experiences with strategies for repeated, insecure and legal vacuum in each Chaos and mistrust and led to social isolation "appearance that can give all the other categories covered. In the quantitative part, the results of modeling have shown that the extractive qualitative model is reliable with respect to its coefficients. Conclusion: The feeling of insecurity in defenseless urban spaces can lead to chaos, mistrust and social isolation due to the presence of traumatic tissues and negative mentalities in the form of a specific identity in the context of regulatory weakness and negative experiences with past and present strategies of insecurity and legal vacuum. It should cover all the discussions of Tehrani citizens about the feeling of insecurity in defenseless urban spaces and also have an analytical aspect. Citizens of Tehran thus experience, understand or perceive the causal conditions, context, and consequences of ethnic and ethnic crises in their lived experiences. They have explained the particular insecurity in defenseless urban spaces in a particular context and context, which increases the expectation of insecurity in urban areas if these conditions are available everywhere.


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    APA: Copy

    Nematiania, Layla, maadani, saeid, & Babaei, Mahboubeh. (2020). The Mental Understanding of Tehranian Citizens about the Feeling of Non Security in Defenseless Urban Spaces. SOCIAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN IRAN, 9(1 ), 103-129. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/962662/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Nematiania Layla, maadani saeid, Babaei Mahboubeh. The Mental Understanding of Tehranian Citizens about the Feeling of Non Security in Defenseless Urban Spaces. SOCIAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN IRAN[Internet]. 2020;9(1 ):103-129. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/962662/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Layla Nematiania, saeid maadani, and Mahboubeh Babaei, “The Mental Understanding of Tehranian Citizens about the Feeling of Non Security in Defenseless Urban Spaces,” SOCIAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN IRAN, vol. 9, no. 1 , pp. 103–129, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/962662/en

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