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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Transformationalism in School Administration Based on a Comprehensive Model of Cooperation




 The present study was designed and implemented with the aim of developing a Comprehensive Model of cooperation between Education and Municipalities in order to achieve the goals of the document of fundamental Transformation of education. In terms of purpose, the research method was applied and according to the type of data, it was a combination of exploratory type. The approach used in the qualitative part was interpretive, which was done using qualitative content analysis method and was implemented in open and axial coding to identify research components. The research field consisted of knowledgeable and knowledgeable experts who were selected as a sample by purposive sampling method and the principle of theoretical saturation. These people included principals, deputies, experts and teachers who were aware of the subject of the research and were identified according to their experience, scientific and practical background, as well as their professional and research backgrounds in this field. Qualitative data collection tools included semi-structured interviews. This interview was designed to answer the objectives of the research. According to the recording tools, the research interviews were documented and at the end of the interviews, the coding was done as open and axial coding. In the qualitative part of the research, in order to check the validity, reliability (validity), transferability and verifiability were used. For this purpose, the researcher used the validation of the research process by eight academic experts to check the reliability. In this way, the researchers provided the research process and questions in the qualitative section to these eight experts, and after the approval of the experts and elimination of their shortcomings, the research process was performed in the qualitative section. It should be noted that these eight specialists included university professors who were outside the field of research and samples of the quantitative department and had a good knowledge of the qualitative research method and the present subject. In coding using two coders, several interview samples were used to ensure the same views of the coders. Also, in order to evaluate transmissibility, three experts who were not involved in the research were consulted about the research findings. To verify the verifiability, all interviews were recorded and reviewed at the required times. In the qualitative part of the research, specialized committees were used to evaluate the reliability. Thus, the members of this specialized committee were used for parallel coding of some interviews as well as evaluation and programs related to the interviews. In order to analyze the data of the qualitative section, coding was done in the form of open and axial coding according to the method of qualitative content analysis. Thus, MAXQDA2018 software was used in this regard. In the quantitative part, the research method was survey. In a small part of the statistical population included all general managers, deputies and senior experts of the general departments of education in the western provinces of the country in 1398, whose number was estimated at about 6, 000 people. Using Krejcie-Morgan table, 361 people were identified as a sample in this section. 500 people were selected to prevent a possible drop. The tool used in this section was a researcher-made questionnaire that was designed according to the objectives of the research. This questionnaire was the output of the qualitative part of the research. Thus, in two parts, including the components of the Comprehensive Model of education cooperation and municipalities to achieve the objectives of the Education Transformation Document, as well as the factors affecting the Comprehensive Model of education cooperation was designed. The number of questions in this questionnaire is 44 questions in the comprehensive cooperation model section (citizenship education 18 questions; environmental literacy 7 questions; facilities 8 questions; waste Management 5 questions and participatory Management 6 questions) and 30 questions in the effective factors section (organizational culture 6 questions; safety 6 questions; futurism (6 questions; systemic attitude (6 questions and political development (6 questions)). The face validity of this questionnaire was confirmed by examining the opinions of experts. The validity of the structure was confirmed using factor analysis. Finally, the reliability of the questionnaire after calculating Cronbach's alpha was 0. 88 in the comprehensive cooperation model section and 0. 83 in the effective components section. In the quantitative stage, data analysis was performed in two parts: descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, etc. ) and inferential statistics (structural equations and heuristic factor analysis) using SPSS and LISREL software. In order to identify the components of the Comprehensive Model of cooperation between education and municipalities, to achieve the objectives of the Education Transformation Document, as well as the factors affecting the Comprehensive Model of cooperation in education, qualitative studies and analysis of research interviews were used. Finally, 74 codes were identified from the research interviews, which showed the dimensions of the Comprehensive Model and the factors affecting the cooperation between education and municipalities to achieve the goals of the Education Transformation Document. After open coding, axial coding was performed to identify the dimensions of the Comprehensive Model and the factors affecting the cooperation between education and municipalities in order to achieve the goals of the Education Transformation Document. Qualitative results showed that the components of the Comprehensive Model of cooperation between education and municipalities to achieve the goals of the Education Transformation Document include citizenship education, environmental literacy, facilities, waste Management and participatory Management. The results also showed that the effective factors included organizational culture, safety, foresight, systemic attitude and political development. Factor analysis was used to evaluate and validate the axial codings. Thus, factor analysis was performed in two parts, including the components of the Comprehensive Model as well as the effective factors. The results of factor analysis show that out of 44 available indicators (items), 5 main components can be identified. These 5 components are: organizational culture, safety, foresight, attitude and political development. Organizational culture can be considered as a common model among the people of the organization, which is composed of the following basic components: accepted values and norms, individual and group assumptions and perceptions of the goals and missions of the organization and how the organization adapts to environmental conditions. Education and culture interact and interact. The relationship between these two categories is so strong that it can be acknowledged that the educational system has a cultural nature and provides the grounds for the production and excellence of culture. Culture owes its survival and excellence to the educational system. In addition to civil works, the municipality has the task of transmitting culture and values to the citizens, which is a great step to make all citizens responsible by cooperating with education and delegating responsibility to students. The next category is safety, in fact, safety in schools as one of the places that are always exposed to various dangers requires the observance of tips to create security against possible dangers and critical situations. Relevant organizations and school officials are also required to familiarize, observe and educate these points so that measures are taken to minimize harm and parents are less concerned about this issue. The most important thing about teaching safety principles and preventing accidents in schools is to raise students' awareness. Of course, this is an important task for parents and school teachers another factor identified to improve cooperation between education and municipalities to achieve the goals of the Education Transformation Document was foresight. The next category is futurism. The purpose of foresight is to calculate or predict certain future events or conditions. Another systemic approach was identified to improve cooperation between education and municipalities in order to achieve the objectives of the Education Transformation Document. Systemic approach based on this view, the organization should be considered as a systematic whole and data analysis should be used to solve problems and make decisions. The present study showed that in order to improve the cooperation between education and municipalities in order to achieve the goals of the Education Transformation Document, political development should also be considered. Political development is more behavioral and fundamental. Political development is accompanied by fundamental changes and is related to the depth of change. The three factors of organization, efficiency, practical reasoning and ideological solidarity of leaders and followers are considered as tools of political development; thus, by separating and specializing the structure of the concepts of creating change and modernization in political culture, political development becomes possible. Education is one of the most appropriate ways to achieve economic development in social, cultural and political. Educational institutions should pay attention to this in their plans to protect the human environment. We should not involve politics in the field of culture or other areas, and this is one of the serious weaknesses. We believe that in the Ministry of Education there should be political discussions and understanding of political issues, but playing politics is completely different from political discussions and activities.


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    APA: Copy

    HEIDARI, SABER, Batmani, Fardin, & ABDOLLAHI, FARDIN. (2021). Transformationalism in School Administration Based on a Comprehensive Model of Cooperation. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, 9(1 ), 1-27. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/964227/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HEIDARI SABER, Batmani Fardin, ABDOLLAHI FARDIN. Transformationalism in School Administration Based on a Comprehensive Model of Cooperation. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2021;9(1 ):1-27. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/964227/en

    IEEE: Copy

    SABER HEIDARI, Fardin Batmani, and FARDIN ABDOLLAHI, “Transformationalism in School Administration Based on a Comprehensive Model of Cooperation,” JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, vol. 9, no. 1 , pp. 1–27, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/964227/en

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