Information Journal Paper
CopyBAYRAMI, MANSOOR, VARAEE, PAYAM, & Mamdouhi, Zahra. (2021). Investigating the Relationship between Gratitude and Perceived Social Support and Happiness of Elderly Women in Districts 3, 4, and 5 of Tehran in 2020 during the Epidemic of Covid-19 Disease: A Descriptive Study. JOURNAL OF RAFSANJAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES AND HEALTH SERVICES, 20(5 ), 554-570. SID.
CopyBAYRAMI MANSOOR, VARAEE PAYAM, Mamdouhi Zahra. Investigating the Relationship between Gratitude and Perceived Social Support and Happiness of Elderly Women in Districts 3, 4, and 5 of Tehran in 2020 during the Epidemic of Covid-19 Disease: A Descriptive Study. JOURNAL OF RAFSANJAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES AND HEALTH SERVICES[Internet]. 2021;20(5 ):554-570. Available from:
CopyMANSOOR BAYRAMI, PAYAM VARAEE, and Zahra Mamdouhi, “Investigating the Relationship between Gratitude and Perceived Social Support and Happiness of Elderly Women in Districts 3, 4, and 5 of Tehran in 2020 during the Epidemic of Covid-19 Disease: A Descriptive Study,” JOURNAL OF RAFSANJAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES AND HEALTH SERVICES, vol. 20, no. 5 , pp. 554–570, 2021, [Online]. Available: