Information Journal Paper
CopyMohammadinezhad Motlagh, Monire, TALEPASAND, SIAVASH, & Rahimian Bouger, Eshagh. (2021). The Effectiveness of Emotional Working Memory Education on the Ability to Control Affection and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Women Hurt by Infidelity. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH, 19(2 ), 213-224. SID.
CopyMohammadinezhad Motlagh Monire, TALEPASAND SIAVASH, Rahimian Bouger Eshagh. The Effectiveness of Emotional Working Memory Education on the Ability to Control Affection and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Women Hurt by Infidelity. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH[Internet]. 2021;19(2 ):213-224. Available from:
CopyMonire Mohammadinezhad Motlagh, SIAVASH TALEPASAND, and Eshagh Rahimian Bouger, “The Effectiveness of Emotional Working Memory Education on the Ability to Control Affection and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Women Hurt by Infidelity,” JOURNAL OF SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH, vol. 19, no. 2 , pp. 213–224, 2021, [Online]. Available: