Information Journal Paper
CopyKhosravi Bonjar, a., AHMADI CHENARI, H., Bazaz Kahani, h., & MOHAMMADI, M.. (2021). Investigating the relationship between low back pain and quality of life in emergency medical personnel and the role of demographic variables in this regard. OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE, 13(3 ), 1-8. SID.
CopyKhosravi Bonjar a., AHMADI CHENARI H., Bazaz Kahani h., MOHAMMADI M.. Investigating the relationship between low back pain and quality of life in emergency medical personnel and the role of demographic variables in this regard. OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE[Internet]. 2021;13(3 ):1-8. Available from:
Copya. Khosravi Bonjar, H. AHMADI CHENARI, h. Bazaz Kahani, and M. MOHAMMADI, “Investigating the relationship between low back pain and quality of life in emergency medical personnel and the role of demographic variables in this regard,” OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE, vol. 13, no. 3 , pp. 1–8, 2021, [Online]. Available: