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    1 (13)
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Introduction: Studying the educational situation of surgery residents according to the perspective of residents and attending surgeons could lead to recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of their education and also to evaluating faculty performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the residents' viewpoints on evaluating their attending surgeons and compare the obtained results with their own attending' perspective in this regard. Methods: Seventeen surgical residents selected through census sampling method took part in this descriptive study by filling a valid and reliable questionnaire including 20 items, in which they evaluated all their 18 attending surgeons on doing their educational duties in the operating room, surgical ward, clinic and conference. The same written evaluation forms were distributed among the faculty members to examine their own performance in the units mentioned above. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis and, independent t-test and paired t-test for comparisons. Results: The mean scores that residents considered for attending surgeons in the operating room, other clinical settings and overall scores were 3.97±0.62, 3.86±0.57 and 3.91±0.58 out of 5, respectively. The mean scores for attending' self-evaluation in this three sections were calculated 4.22±0.67, 4.05±0.85 and 4.14±0.67 out of 5, respectively. The attending surgeons who completed the self-evaluation forms received higher scores from residents but no significant difference was observed. Conclusion: This study shows that attending surgeons should pay more attention to teaching the side effects of surgeries as well as providing appropriate feedback for residents and also to designing and supervising educational system. The results of these kinds of study can help attending surgeons to recognize the strength and weaknesses of their education. More studies are recommended to help for promoting the educational situation of surgery residents.      

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Introduction: One of the common ways to assess the quality of educational activity of teachers, is assessment of them by students. The main goal of assessment is to inform them about efficiency of their activity in order to reduce their weaknesses and improve the quality of their work. The aim of this study was to find out attitude of academic members of Bandar-Abbas medical university, about their assessment by students, and effect of the results on their educational activity.Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, opinion of 71 faculty members about assessment of themselves by students was investigated. Data collection was by means of a researcher-made questionnaire with acceptable reliability and validity. Data were analyzed using SPSS software.Results: Only 28.2 % of the academic members believed that the students answer correctly, and the validity of the assessment results is intermediate according to 56.3% of opinions. About 66.2% of them believed that the students were not well explained about the assessments. The impact of assessment results on their educational activities was high, intermediate and low in 23.9%, 46.5% and 29.6% of academic members, respectively. Only 8.5% and 47.9% of the faculty members believed that the students answers to the questions is with high and intermediate responsibility, respectively.Conclusion: Based on the results, most of the faculty members believed on weakness of the assessment process by students. However, they believe on necessity of assessment and that it should be revised by experts.

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    25 (52)
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The purpose of the present study is measuring the dominant curriculum orientation of the faculty members in University of Kurdistan. This study is practical, in terms of purpose, and is descriptive survey, in terms of data collection methods. The target population is consists of all Kurdistan University faculty members who were teaching in 2014-2015the academic year (N=320). That using Cochran's sample size formula, 200 people were selected as sample. Sampling was conducted using a stratified sampling approach. Data collection tools is Mahlios et al standard questionnaire (2004) which measures dominant orientation of faculty members. Validity of this questionnaire reviewed and approved according to curriculum field of faculty members and experts' opinion and its reliability reviewed and approved according to Cronbach's alpha coefficients (0.820). Data analysis has done using version 18 of SPSS and was conducted in two parts: descriptive and inferential. In descriptive statistics, frequency distribution tables, mean and in inferential section statistics Friedman test, multivariate, ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test was used. The results showed that the curriculum orientation of cognitive processes and then the curriculum orientation of academic rationalism was dominant facultymember’s dominant orientation. Also results also showed that there is relationship between the faculty member’s curriculum orientation and their expertise.

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Background & Aim: Recognition of strengths and weaknesses of evaluation content will help the educational manager to provide the possibility of evaluation quality improvement. The aim of this study was to determine the most important priorities of teacher performance evaluation from within students’ and faculties’ perspective.Material & Methods: It was a descriptive cross- sectional study. All of the students (n=245) and faculty members (n=26) of the School of Nursing and Midwifery affiliated with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences were recruited during the academic year 2008-2009. Data was collected using questionnaire with five subscales including teaching skills, individual characteristics of teachers, communication skills, evaluation skills, and educational principles and rules and analyzed by SPSS-PC (v.13).Results: The most important priorities from the teachers’ and students’ perspective were related to the domains of teaching skills, teacher mastery, creating motivation and students’ participation respectively. There were significant difference in the mean scores of teachers mastery (p=0.02), students’ participation (p=0.01), and presentation of new subjects (p=0.007) between the two groups. There was also significant difference in the mean scores of teaching skills domains, individual characteristics domain and evaluation skills domain between two groups (p=0.01).Conclusion: considering the difference between the teachers’ and students’ perspective regarding some criteria of teachers evaluation, designing an evaluation tool according to the viewpoints of the two groups is recommended. Teachers’ attention to the students’ priorities in teachers’ evaluation would help to promote teaching quality and students’ satisfaction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    پیوست 14(ویژه نامه هفتمین همایش کشوری آموزش پزشکی)
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زمینه و هدف: آزمونهای کتبی هنوز هم هسته مرکزی ارزشیابی دانشجویان پزشکی در دوره های بالینی را تشکیل میدهد. در اغلب دانشکده های پزشکی، حتی قبل از اجرای آزمونهای بالینی، یک آزمون چند گزینه ایی برای اطمینان از دانش پایه ایی فراگیران برگزار میشود. با توجه به کیفیت پایین اغلب این آزمونها، دانشکده پزشکی اصفهان کار آموزش و بهبود کیفیت طراحی سوال توسط اساتید بالینی را به گونه ایی غیر مستقیم و عملی تر انجام داد.روش و ابزار: دوره مقدمات پزشکی بالینی از سال 1381 اقدام به اجرای طرح ارایه باز خورد پس از هر ازمون به اساتید طراح سوال و تهیه بانک سوال نموده است. مراحل این طرح در واحد ارزشیابی دوره ICM و زیر نظر کارشناسان ارزشیابی اجرا میگردد. در مطالعه ای Cross-Sectional دیدگاه اساتید درگیر در این طرح مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.نتایج: یافته های پزوهش نشان دادکه تمامی اساتید بالینی(%100)  بر این باورند که اگاهی از نتایج ارزشیابی سوالات نقش مثبتی در بهبود کیفیت این آزمونها خواهد داشت. 77% آنان این روند را در بهبود Reliability آزمونها موثر میدانستند. 66% مایل بودندکه ارزشیابی سوالت اساتید دیگر در اختیار آانان قرار گیرد اما 44% آنان راضی بودند که سوالاتشان در اختیار دیگران قرار گیرد. همچنین 100% آنان مایل به دریافت جزوه کوچکی درباره اصول طراحی سوال بودند با اینکه 77% آنان قبلا در کارگاهی با این عنوان شرکت کرده بودند. 66% معتقد بودند که نظارت کارشناسان خطاهای احتمالی را کاهش خواهد داد.نتیجه گیری: در آزمونهای کتبی استفاده از سوالات مناسب و استاندارد از ضروریات است و Item Analysis  بیش از همه اطلاعات مفیدی را برای بهبود کیفیت آزمونهای MCQ در اختیار ما قرار میدهد. برای استفاده از نتایج تجزیه و تحلیل کمی و کیفی سوالات راهکارهای عملی باید اندیشیده شود. در این طرح کمبود وقت اساتید بالینی از طریق دخیل کردن افراد آموزش دیده در این کار جبران خواهد شد. آموزش اساتید نیز به طور غیر مستقیم و در خلال ایجاد بانک سوال شخصی برای آنان صورت میگیرد. در کنار ان استفاده از خودآموز نیز راه مناسبی برای آموزش اساتید خواهد بود. در طولانی مدت استفاده از سوالات مناسب بانک سوال منجر به افزایش پایایی آزمونها خواهد گردید.

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    4 (29)
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Background and Aim: Evaluating of academic members on students assessment is a kind of educational evaluation, which includes determining their rate of success in their own educational goals. The present study was aimed to investigate the academic staff and students' impressions on academic evaluation of students in Birjand University of Medical Sciences and Health ServicesMaterials and Methods: In a periodic descriptive study the academic members (60 individuals) and students (280 individuals) of Birjand University of Medical Sciences contributed. Their views were studied through two discrete questionnaires whose content validity, after some specialists’ poll and introductory study, was approved. Besides, the reliability of the questionnaires was assessed using internal homogeneity and calculating Koronbach a coefficient. Koronbach a coefficient was found to be 80%. The data were analyzed through SPSS software presenting frequency and then chi-squarer test (a = 0.05) was used to compare the frequencies.Results: Of the 60 academic members (30 majoring in basic sciences and 30 in clinical sciences), 95% were aware of being evaluated by students and 81.7% thought that the university Educational Development Center (EDC) was responsible for evaluation. Also 91.7% of the academic staff had received the feedback of their own evaluation, 45% of them absolutely approved of the effectiveness of announcing evaluation grade in improving teaching, 40% believed that filling out the forms by students lacks a sense of responsibility and patience, and 30% thought the job was not done honestly. As for the students, from a total of 280, 40% believed that the evaluation forms- to a great extent- could not evaluate teaching quality of an academic member 78.2% of them filled out the forms patiently enough and 82.8% thought that the results of evaluation are credited very little.Conclusion: Evaluating teaching method of academic members is a process aiming at improving their teaching and promoting it and giving evaluation feedback to them can reveal their strengths and weaknesses in teaching. Besides, with respect to the fact that students, more than all other educational staff are in touch with teaching process and they are able to offer their views on the nature of teaching. Evaluation will often be useful if it is part of a comprehensive assessment program of academic staff and if the feedback data have the necessary validity and reliability.

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