Copper sulfate is recommended for the control of poultry aspergillosis, candidiasis and gangrenous dermatitis at a dose of 500 ppm in water. Our objective was to determine the effect of consuming period of CuSO4 on performance and the structure of liver in broiler chicks. At day 5, 127 Arian broilers were divided into 6 groups, viz. A, B, C (each with 24 chicks in 3 equal replicates) D, E (each with 20 chicks) and F (15 chicks) with the same mean weights. All the chicks were fed ad lib with the same diet by 25 days of age. CuSO4 (500 ppm) was added to water of groups A & D for 5 days and groups B & E for 10 days. However, groups C and F (controls) received untreated water. Weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of groups A, B and C were measured at 5 - day intervals and analyzed by statistical methods. At the same time, 4 chicks from D & E and 2 from F were randomly selected and killed for liver histopathological study. The sections were stained with H & E and examined by light microscopy. While receiving CuSO4, groups A & B had significantly less weight gain than group C (P<0.05), but FCR was significantly more in group B than in groups A & C (P<0.05).The most severe microscopic changes such as congestion, fatty changes, especially around central vein, and hyperplasia and fibrosis of bile duct were seen in the liver of group E chicks.