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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The objective of this experiment was to study an unknown disease which was encountered during rearing of Boophilus annulatus larvae originated from Mazandaran on a calf. Seven 3 to 6 month-old normal Iranian Holstein calves (expriment animals), 20 Holstein calves with similar age range and 30 adult Holstein cattle (field control animals); without history of infestation with ticks were studied. The calves No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 were experimentally infestated using the larvae of Boophilus annulatus in the first stage. Then, the blood of the diseased calves No. 3 and 4 invloved in maximum of fever was intavenously injected to the calves No. 5 and 6 respectively, which had not been diseased in the first stage of the study. Clinical examination, complete blood cell count, microbilogical culture of calves blood and treatment with some kinds of antibacterial agents were carried out. The clinical signs of the disease were recorded in each seven calves except for calf No.7 within 4 to 7 days after the infestation. Severe fever, rapid progressing anemia, leukopnea and neutropnea were observed in the diseased animals, which responded dramatically to sulphanamide+trimetoprime combination. The manifestation of rod and morula-like agents characteristically similar to Anaplasma phagocytophila in cytoplasm of the neutrophills and also monocyts in the peak of fever and their disappearence after administration of the drug was the only etiological finding of the experiment. This study showed the agent of tick borne fever existed in Mazandarn, its relevent vector is Boophilus annulatus and had transovarial transmission. The epidemiologic, clinical and laboratory aspects of the disease were completely similar to the disease inducable by Anaplasma phagocytophila infection. The diagnosis of the disease must be confirmed by additional serologic and particularly molecular biologic studies.

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Copper sulfate is recommended for the control of poultry aspergillosis, candidiasis and gangrenous dermatitis at a dose of 500 ppm in water. Our objective was to determine the effect of consuming period of CuSO4 on performance and the structure of liver in broiler chicks. At day 5, 127 Arian broilers were divided into 6 groups, viz. A, B, C (each with 24 chicks in 3 equal replicates) D, E (each with 20 chicks) and F (15 chicks) with the same mean weights. All the chicks were fed ad lib with the same diet by 25 days of age. CuSO4 (500 ppm) was added to water of groups A & D for 5 days and groups B & E for 10 days. However, groups C and F (controls) received untreated water. Weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of groups A, B and C were measured at 5 - day intervals and analyzed by statistical methods. At the same time, 4 chicks from D & E and 2 from F were randomly selected and killed for liver histopathological study. The sections were stained with H & E and examined by light microscopy. While receiving CuSO4, groups A & B had significantly less weight gain than group C (P<0.05), but FCR was significantly more in group B than in groups A & C (P<0.05).The most severe microscopic changes such as congestion, fatty changes, especially around central vein, and hyperplasia and fibrosis of bile duct were seen in the liver of group E chicks.

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View 3871

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The genus Secale (Poaceae, Triticeae) was described first by Linnaeus. Based on the latest taxonomic treatment the genus contains three species, four subspecies and two varieties. Secale taxa are naturally occurring in Mediterranean areas, Eastern Europe to central Asia and South Africa. This study concerns the evaluation of taxonomic value of morphological characters and phenetic among Secale taxa in Iran. Our statistical analyses were done using the software STATISTICA. The resulting data matrix used for cluster analysis and Factor analysis. The results of this study showed that there is no diagnostic morphological character among the studied populations of Secale. The homogeneity of the morphological characters can be caused by gene flow and hybridization in this taxon, limited the taxonomic value of such traits. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that there is a little possibility for effective separation of Secale species based on morphological characters. In the present study, the liver of 10 normal fish was studied macroscopically and microscopically. Section of tissues were made by routine paraffin embedding method and stained with H&E, PAS and Weigret's Iron Haematoxylin techniques. Macroscopic results showed that the liver is situated in cranial part of abdominal cavity and consisted of two thick and wide lobes (left and right), with a long thin process extended from each lobe. The processes were joined together. Microscopic results showed that the liver encapsulated by a thin serosa. The lobulation was not seen in the liver clearly. Parenchyma of the liver consisted of central vein, hepatic cords and sinusoids. Pancreas tissue was penetrated into the liver along with portal vein. Pancreas tissue consisted of serous cell clusters (exocrine tissue), which were arranged around a central vein. The serous cells had a euchromatin nucleus in basal portion, and their basal cytoplasm was basophilic, but the apical cytoplasm contained eosinophilic zymogenic granules. A few pancreatic islets were seen in H&E staining and only 2 types of cells were recognizable; A or a cells with large and euchromatin nucleus and B or β cells with small and heterochromatine nucleus. Common hepatopancreas duct opened in the middle part of intestinal bulb. The results showed that although the hepatopancreas structure of tenopharyngodon Idell fish has many similarities other fish species hepatopancreas of Lungfish (Stoskopf 1993) and Fat Head (Takashi, Yonkos and Kane 2001), it has also considerable structural differences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2379

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24 Pirbright guinea pigs, divided into 2 groups comprising of 3 months and 1.5 years old, were selected. Each group consisted of 6 male and 6 females. In each sex group 3 guinea pigs were used for macroscopic and the other 3 for microscopic studies. Total and regional length of the vertebral column, spinal cord, the termination of the spinal cord within the vertebral canal, allometric growth rate of the spinal cord in relation to the vertebral column, transverse and vertical diameters of the spinal cord, central canal of the spinal cord and the ratio between gray and white matter of the spinal cord were studied. The results were statistically analyzed. The longest region of either vertebral column or spinal cord was the thoracic region and the shortest region of both structures belonged to the sacro- coccygeal region. In all four age groups, the termination of the spinal cord was at the level of sixth lumbar vertebra. Allometric growth rate of the spinal cord in relation to the vertebral column of the guinea pigs in the 3 - month male was 0.728±0.03, in the 3 - month female 0.715±0.02, in the 1.5 year – male 0.746±0.01 and in the 1.5 year - female 0.748±0.01 This allometric rate in all four age groups indicated that in cervical region there is positively allometric, in thoracic region isometric, in lumbar region relatively negatively allometric and in sacro – coccygeal region vigorously negatively allometric.

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To evaluate the contamination rate of Sambusea to Staphylococcus aureus in Ahvaz, 160 samples of Sambuseas during four seasons from five different regions of Ahvaz were collected. Isolation, identification and counting methods were based on the Standard Institute and Industrial Investigation of Iran’s recommendations. The results showed all of the 160 samples were contaminated to Staphylococcus aureus. Twenty two samples (13.7 %) had less than 105 cfu/gr. The most and the least contamination rate by dose of more than 105 cfu/gr in food samples were related to the south region (100%) and north region (72.7%) respectively. Therefore, according to the obtained results, the consumption of this food is not recommended. The most important reasons of high rate contamination (72.7 – 100%) of this food could be that 1) almost 50% of healthy people including food peddlers carry Staphylococcus aureus in their nose and 2) peddlers keep the raw material of Sambuseas out of refrigerator with environmental temperature round about 12-46°C. The difference of contamination rate to this bacteria (with infectious dose) between various seasons and different regions of Ahvaz were statistically significant (P<0.05).

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View 856

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The Present study was undertaken to evaluate pregnancy rate, ovarian cyclicity and embryo transuterine migration in goat during October 2001-2002. The genital tracts of 721 doses were collected from Ahvaz slaughterhouse. Out of 721 reproductive tracts examined, 150 (20.8 Percent) were pregnant (stages of pregnancy were not recorded). Maximum and minimum gravid uteri were found in February (32.2 percent) and April (14.28 percent), respectively. Ovarian cyclicity was observed in 61.71 Percent (n= 445) of 721 samples, with monthly variation of 30 Percent during July and 95.3 Percent in November. Right ovaries were significantly more active than left ovaries (57.3 Percent comparing with 42.7 Percent) (P<0.05). Transuterine migration rate was found to be 48.67 percent of the examined uteri with the direction of right to left and left to right to be 27.34 percent and 21.33 percent respectively. The latter difference was not significant (P>0.05).

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This survey was carried out on a total of 18795 sheep in Urmia slaughterhouse from November 2000 until June 2001. Results revealed that 1791 (9.53%) livers of slaughtered sheep were infected by helminthes infection (Trematod and metacestode). Of 1791 infected livers, frequency rate of Dicrocoelium denderiticum, Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica, and hydatid cyst was 72.81%, 12.12%, 1.45%, and 13.62%, respectively. Trematod, cestode and mixed infection were, respectively, 86.38%, 13.62% and 30.49%, as well. During this survey, the economical loss for average 1791 of the infected livers was 35820000 Rials.

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In present study prepared blood smears of 587 sheep were studied. Age, sex and climate effect on Babesia parasite in Lenjan region of Isfahan within a 6-month period were analyzed. The result of this study showed that among the 587 sheep, 50 (8.51 %) had parasites. Among 282 rams, 23 (8.2 %) had parasite and 27 of 305 ewes, (8.9 %), were contaminated. 46 affected sheep (6.9 %) were under two years, 34 sheep (9.6 %) above two years. The highest prevalence was seen in Jul-Aug and the lowest in March- April. No significant differences were between sex, age and climate groups (p< 0.05).

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The aim of this study was to investigate the bacteriological aspects of the uteri of cattle slaughtered in Fars complex abattoir. A total of one houndred samples of uteri were collected, and transported to the bacteriological lab. Grossly pathological, 33 cases were suspected abnormal. All were cultured on routine bacteriological media and incubated under aerobic, anaerobic, and microaerophilic conditions. Isolates have been biochemieally identified. The results indicated that 13 uteri were negative and 49 bacterial isolates were identified from 20 positive uteri, out of which 19 (38.7%) were gram negative and 30 (61.3%) were gram positive. Escherichia coli (16.3%), Staphylococcus aureus (12.2%), Arcanobacterium pyogenes (8.2%), Streptococcus dysgalactiae (8.2%) were isolated most frequently. Bacillus coagulance, Manheimia haemolytica, Salmonella and Corynebacterium spp. were less frequently isolated.

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View 734

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Hydatidosis may cause direct or indirect economic losses on sheep industry. In this experimental study, the effect of hydatidosis on weight gain of the affected live sheep as an important factor was studied. Each of three dogs was given 15,000 viable protoscoleces.About two-month post infection, immediately after observation the taenid eggs in dogs stools, the dogs were autopsied after euthanasia. The small intestines were opened and Echinococcus granulosus were collected and placed in physiologic saline. The gravid proglottids were crushed and nearly 2000 eggs were orally administered to each of 13 sheep. Six other sheep were kept as controls and saline was orally administered. All sheep were weighed before and four months post infection. The mean of the weight infected group was 1.94Kg (p<0.05), less than in control group. It seems that sheep hydatidosis has negative effect on body weight of the infected sheep.

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