Background: The hospital consists of many components for serving patients, and the relationships between these components should be integrated, because the defect in each component can lead to problems in the delivery of the patient. Emergency departments of hospitals, in situations where human life is at risk, should seek urgent medical assistance in order to eliminate those factors and save the lives of those in need. Factors such as manpower, physical space and essential medical equipment and appropriate facilities can represent the readiness and efficiency of the emergency department and the criteria for comparing hospitals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of human resources, physical space, medical equipment and workflow of the emergency department in the social hospitals of the Social Security Organization in 2016. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study. In the descriptive part, the demographic characteristics of the emergency department managers and in the analytical section have examined the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables. This research was conducted on emergency technicians, head nurses, metronists (Supervisors) and physicians working in the emergency department. The statistical population includes the emergency department of 70 civilian hospitals of Social Security Organization. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS 22 software. Results: In this study, the hospitals with an average score of 83. 33 were in a favorable situation. Indices of medical equipment, workflow process and quality indices were obtained by obtaining average scores of 85. 7, 85. 5 and 90. 5%, respectively, and the manpower and physical space indices respectively with the average score of 75 And 77. 8% were relatively favorable. Conclusion: Most of the studied hospitals are in desirable condition in terms of indicators. The findings indicate the need for an increase in manpower and emergency facilities. There is also a significant and direct relation between the human resources of the emergency department and the quality indices (p<0. 05), which means that with the improvement of the human resources index in emergency departments, the performance of these sectors also improves.