In literature, unlike mathematics, two opposite things are sometimes brought together; being opposite they are not contradicting. The glory of God on the one hand and the limitations of human beings on the other for example, are considered as opposites. The names of God such as Omnipotent, Avenger and All Compassionate, seem to be opposites. In spite of all these oppositions, mankind has never stopped his quest and has gone further; not resigning himself to a mere internal exploration, he has rendered his endeavors into language. In order to discover human being's thoughts and his limitations, we need to analyze his language. One of the great thinkers and mystics of Iranian culture, who owns diverse and linguistically rich works, is Attar of Neishabour. In order to achieve his goals, the writer of the article, has analyzed Attar's eight works. After analyzing his language, he has shown how Islamic theology has engaged in expressing paradoxes.