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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Normal subjects are healthy peoples who have no cardiovascular symptoms. These people have usually normal values of cardiovascular parameters. Since reference values are influenced by a variety of factors including age, gender, stature, genetic and geographical region of living, though the reference values of one population should be used for that population. The aim of this study was to identify the physiological values of cardiovascular system in Iran adult population and obtain the reference equations for these parameters.Methods and Materials: Sample subjects were selected randomly through different cities in several regions of the country. Healthy individuals were identified after medical examination Cardiac parameters including heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and pulse pressure were measured using standard methods and devices by expert researchers.Results: The results obtained were calcified for different ages of men and women. Mean values for each parameters was calculated and then reference equations were derived for each parameters as below.Heart rate = 101.791 – 0.086 (age) – 0.132 (height) Diastolic pressure = 59.068 + 0.129 (age) + 2.653 (sex) + 0.15 (weight) Systolic pressure = 82.078 + 0.454 (age) + 0.64 (height) + 4.293 (sex) +0/63 (weight) Pulse pressure = 18.712 + 0.235 (age) + 0.097 (height) + 1.451 (sex)Conclusion: Using these equations, one can predict cardiac parameters for anyone with his/her features (age, sex, height and weight).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: To evaluate the dietary content of micronutrients in first-degree relatives of type II diabetic patients, with respect to the influence of dietary composition on the development of diabetes.Methods and Materials: 210 first-degree relatives of type II diabetic patients were divided into 2 groups (normal and IGT+ diabetic), according to the results of OGTT. 3-Day food recall questionnaire was completed by skilled nutritionists from all subjects. The participants’ intake of calorie, magnesium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, chromium and vitamins B1, B6, C and E was calculated and the results were compared between 2 groups.Results: The mean of age and BMI were 48.9±5.2, 43.6±6.7 years (P=0.373) and 29.3±0.7, 28.7±0.8 kg/m2 in impaired and normal groups, respectively. No significant difference was observed in energy, magnesium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, chromium and vitamins B1, B6, C and E intake between 2 groups.Conclusion: Although the micronutrient intake between studied groups didn’t differ significantly, the dietary content of chromium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin E was less than recommended daily allowance values. This finding can be taken into consideration with respect to the influence of some micronutrients, including magnesium and chromium, on glucose tolerance and insulin resistance.

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View 1113

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Introduction: Today, diabetes can be considered the most important social- economic and health concerns globally in which more than 170 million people throughout the world and 4 million people in Iran have been afflicted. The afflicted people are most likely to be more vulnerable from suffering blindness, nephropathy, neuropathy, heart attacks and amputation problems than normal people in society. Consequently, due to the importance of the prevalence of diabetes and its complications, we decided to carry out this study aiming to prevent diabetic complications, by using the research finding. The study was carried out through the diabetic clinic in shahroud.Methods and Materials: This is a descriptive study, carried on 340 diabetic persons visiting the diabetic clinics in Shahroud. The required data was gathered by fulfillingby questionnairs trough interviews and the results were analyzed using the statistical tests and SPSS soft ware.Results: 240 Females and 100 males' subjects with the average age of 50.2±15.2 were studied. It was detected that 87.9% and 11.8% of the patients were suffering from diabetic types II & I respectively. The average duration of affliction was 5.5 years, also affliction duration for %51.2 of the patients were about 5 years. Significant relationship between type II diabetes, BMI and education was found. %77.4 of patients had less than high school diploma. Finding shows that % 44.1 of patients with positive type II diabetes had some family background. By analyzing the result, it was observed that %77.3, %13.9, %33.5, %21.8, %12.7, 18.6 %5.9 of patients were suffering from neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, digestive disorders, problem in organs, cardio vascular diseases and goiter respectively.Conclusion: The results showed a high frequency of risk factors and the side effects among the diabetes. Therefore, it seem that, in order to reduce the side effects, public training is needed for everyone via mass media as well as face to face training can be conducted for the patients visiting the clinic hoping to reduce patient, families and society problems in general.

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Introduction: Drug therapy has a profound influence on the health all over the word the effective and the rational use of drugs (herbal or modern) constitutes one of the most important parts of health care programmed. To document attitude of women about use of herbal product among women refer to health care center.Methods and Materials: In this descriptive and cross- sectional stady 1449 women referring to health care center and Hajar hospital in Shahrekord were interviewed by using a structured questionnaire. The cases were chosen by simple random sampling. For the data analysis, the T- test & c2 were used.Results: In all, 68.1% of all women reported herbal use within the past 12 months, both women who had used herbal drugs and those not, had a positive attitude toward the use of herbal drugs (80.3%) and 62.6% be lived herbal drug free from side effect and harmless. These women used 126 types of herbs for 101 problems. 43.4% of women used herbal drugs with modern drugs and 62% use mixture of several herbal drugs. 7.8% reported side effect with herbal product. The most commonly reported reasons for using herb were cold (29.47%). Yarrow was the most commonly used herb among 126 other species of herb. 52.8% of women had not reported the use of herbs to their physicians and the most common reason for nondisclosure was the belief that traditional herbal drugs were natural and safe (39.9%). Factors associated with the use of herbal drugs in pregnancy were low education, lower income and age between 29-20 years but non significant. There was a significant higher frequency of herbal drugs use in women with chronic diseases (P<0.0001).Conclusion: The widespread use and positive attitude to ward herbal drugs by women indicates increase need for efforts educate health care providers about common herbs used by women. Physicians should routinely question their patients regarding the use of herbal product, which may cause drugs interaction and adverse effects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2497

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Introduction: Endometrial hyperplasia is common disease with difficulty in diagnosis and management in over years. According to WHOM classification low to moderate diagnostic reproducibility reported in different studies with need for new classification system. Presented new strategy based on objectively measured parameters such as VPS, SDSNA and OUTSD and calculated D-score. Morphometric analysis with higher accuracy and reproducibility will divided endometrial hyperplasia to EH and EIN subgroups.Methods and materials: Archival paraffin-embedded biopsy and curettage specimens (n=100) of both endometrial hyperplasia and well differentiated Adenocarcinoma selected. Then inter & intra observer agreement assayed. 55 of 100 candidate specimens yielded suitable regions for morphometric assay. Analysis performed on delineated H&E stained sections. D-score was calculated, incorporating Volume percentage stroma (VPS), standard deviation of shortest nuclear axis (SDSNA) and gland outer surface density (OUTSD). Results: Pathologists morphologic data showing overall moderate inter observer reproducibility (p<0.0001, K=0.5372) and excellent intra observer reproducibility (p<0.0000, K=o.8690) as calculated with statistical software and weighted kappa test. Higher diagnosis reproducibility were seen in SH & WDA subgroups and lower ones in CH & AH. Case by case comparison of computerized D-score and VPS with pathologists diagnosis shows a strong concordances with pathologist data no: 1 (p<0.05) with higher experience in gynecopathology. Discordances were seen between histopathology assessment of pathologists No: 2 & 3, (p>0.05) and D-score as calculated with post Hoc test and Sheffe exam.Conclusion: Inter observer reproducibility is not sufficient  for treatment protocol and an alternative strategy such as morphometric analysis with higher accuracy and reproducibility shows more benefit in this regard especially in lower experience pathologists.

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View 1383

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Introduction: This study was carried out in order to examine the effect of solution-focused psychotherapy on the marital satisfaction of some dual career couples. Solution-focused psychotherapy is a type of short-term psychotherapy that stresses on finding solutions to the problems a couple may have with the aid of a therapist.Methods and Materials: The partners who took part in this research work were both teachers. Among couples who participated in our pre-test, 24 of them were selected and were randomly allocated to two groups, experimental and control. The couples in the experimental group were put under the solution-focused psychotherapy for 7 sessions. The research instrument was the revised marital satisfaction inventory (MSI-R) form, devised by Schnither. To analyze the data, the split plot design ANOVA test together with the descriptive statistics methods was used.Results: The four variables aggression, togetherness, financial issues and sexual satisfaction were analyzed on the basis of the split plot design ANOVA and P<0.01. Significant differences were observed for these variables in different test levels (pre-test and post-test).Conclusion: According to the results of this study, solution-focused psychotherapy could decrease sexual problems and aggression and, on the other hand, could improve financial issues and togetherness.

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Introduction: The balanced nutritional diet and intake of milk and dairy products is one of the main determinants of child health and their success in school. This study was undertaken to determine the effect of education on KAP of middle school girls about milk and dairy products.Methods and Materials: This quasi experimental study was carried out on 106 second grade middle school students which were matched by parent education level, job and family size. Subjects were divided to case (group two classes with 52 students) and control (group two classes with 54 students) randomly. Data were collected with a questionnaire which was included four parts: demographic questions and questions regard knowledge, attitude and practice of students about milk and dairy products. In the pretest both group completed the questionnaire. According to the results an educational interventional program were designed and implemented for case group. After two months post test were carried out. Data were analyzed by SPSS soft ware and suitable tests such as paired t-test were used as well.Results: The paired t–test showed a significant increase in scores of knowledge, attitude and practice of case group after intervention (P= 0.000). But increase in scores of their practice was not significant (P= 0.06). There was no significant increase in scores of attitude (P= 0.11) and practice (P= 0.68) of control group and the score of their knowledge was increased significantly (P= 0.000). However the difference between increase scores in case and control groups was significant (P= 0.000).Conclusion: According to the results education has a positive effect on KAP of middle school girls about intake of milk and dairy products and due to low KAP scores of students, seams mass health education should be provided for all students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2358

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Introduction: Rapid ageing is a worldwide phenomenon. In Asia, including Malaysia, population of aged people is growing. As increasing of average age of population and many problems of elderly people, modification of their living environment is mandatory, According to person-Environment Fit theory; elderly people need to live in a safe environment. Such an environment buries least risk factors and promotes the quality of life in elderly people.Methods and Materials: In this research, 386 old community- dwellers in urban area in Malaysia were randomly selected. The tools of this survey were an In-depth interview, a checklist for home visit and a questioner in regard to subjects' level of satisfaction from safety and ergonomics of their living environment.Results: Based on the results of this research, in 6 main parts of homes, including living room, bedroom, bathroom, toilet, stairs and kitchen main causes of UN safety were small space, placement, uneven floor, slippery floor and lighting.Conclusion: Providing Person-Environment fit promotes quality of life and level of satisfaction in elderly people. In order to achieve these objectives, it is recommended that home designers use appropriate door knobs, not slippery floor, installing grabbers in rooms stairs, toilet, etc and removing uneven floors to promote independence, safety and satisfaction in elderly people.

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