Analyzing of higher agricultural education and finding strategies for its improvement are of great interest because of importance of higher agricultural education and its impact on all dimensions of human resource, economical and agricultural developments. Therefore, this system must be continuously evaluated, reviewed and appropriate models and approaches should be provided.This research project used a Delphi technique to investigate and analyze the views of higher agricultural education specialists in order to provide an educational approach in form of a conceptual model for Bachelor of Science degree program in agriculture. The subjects of this research were Iranian higher agricultural education specialists that were selected by nominating method. Two questionnaires were used to collect data which a panel of experts confirmed their validity. The test-retest method was used to evaluate the second questionnaire reliability that was designed by using Likert type scale. An educational approach was designed for Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture on the basis of the findings of this research. This approach assumes that the current higher agricultural education system is not compatible with the changes that occur in agriculture, environment, socio-economic situation, science and technology, and is not able to train students who work in this dynamic world of agricultural development. In this approach planning is done with emphasis on national objectives, technical and practical skills. Due attention will be to make coordination between instructor, students and physical and human facilities. This education system works in such away that graduates can be employed in areas of agricultural production, services, education and research or continuing education. The ability to become self-employed is an important strategy in educational planning. Other necessary components of this educational approach are acquiring practical experience, enhancement of creative ability in the students and increasing practical and technical knowledge in students. According to this educational approach, to be dynamic higher agricultural education system must have continues and viable linkage with other organizations. In this system students will focus on real field problems and will try to propose solutions under the supervison of these instructors. In this program, higher agricultural education system will achieve the following goals: Training the experts who can recognize current situation and agricultural department problems, can use agricultural sciences in practice, and earn good income by their effective skills.