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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Adolescents who lack family support grow up with a sense of insecurity, fear, and anxiety. According to the research, structural problems of primary family and inappropriate socioenvironmental factors may cause psychological traits in bad-caretaker girls. Therefore, psychological flexibility and perception of competence as a framework for understanding psychopathology and mental health are proposed. Accordingly, the present study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of self-compassion training on the perceived competence and psychological flexibility of the bad-caretaker girls. The research design was quasi-experimental based on pre-test and post-test with control and experimental groups. For this purpose, 24 girls of Mehr Boarding Center were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned into two control and experimental groups. Participants completed the perceived competence, Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire, Acceptance and Mindfulness before and after training. The training was conducted in eight weekly sessions for 2. 5 hours. The results of this study by covariance analysis showed that self-compassionate training with 95% confidence leads to increased perceived competence (cognitive 57%, social 60% and physical 44%) and psychological flexibility (avoidance and fusion-57% and acceptance and mindfulness 71%) in the training group. According to the results, self-compassionate training can be used as an effective method to increase the perceived competence and psychological flexibility in the bad-caretaker girls.

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The purpose of the present research was descriptive, analysis and synthesis analysis presented in the context of factors influencing self-regulation strategy in learning. This research method is the meta-analysis. The statistical population of the research includes all scientific and research articles, a research project at the Research Center of Education Organization and thesis at the University of Mohaghegh Ardebili and Razi between 1380-1394. In the research carried out, 11 were selected for review. Data analysis was performed with the help of software Spss. vs. 22, CMA2 & EXCEL. To calculate effect size used of G Hedges and fixed effect and random effect model, to study significant of frequency in research use of method counting (chi-square) and in order to combination effects size were used of T Vainer possible combination method. To fix the problem publication bias in primary studies used of chart funnel that shows publication bias in the primary study at test anxiety variable. To fix this problem was used for tow models of fixed and random effects of Dual and Tweedy fitness test. In order to cheek homogeneity studies I2 and Q test was used that showed the primary studies are not homogeneous. Also, The calculated effect size was significant for studies under both models fixed and random statistically for variable examined. Finally, 10 factors affecting the self-regulation strategy were identified and their significance evaluated. Among the identification factors, the highest index of the calculated effect size was related to the collaborative learning of the type of Jigsaw Variable.

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Jalaei Maedeh | CHERAGH MOLLAEI LEILA | Khodabakhsh Pirkalani Roshanak

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The purpose of this study was the effectiveness of play package designed to increase moral conscience, self-control and taking social responsibility of talented primary school students. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest with control group design. The population consisted of all girl students of the fourth, fifth and sixth grade of the 3rd district of Tehran. Then, 30 talented students were randomly selected and their intelligence was confirmed through Gardner's intelligence test. Students were randomly assigned into two groups of experimental (n=16) and control (n=14) groups. The designed play package was based on the theory and books related to the play and moral intelligence of Michele Borba (2001), and was approved by five child psychologists. This package was run for the experimental group for 9 one-hour sessions. The questionnaire used in the research was the Kurdlo Responsibility Questionnaire (2010), moral Intelligence by Ali Akbari Dehkordi, Golpayegani and Mohtashemi (1394) and Gardner Multiple Intelligence. The results of data analysis showed that the play package effectively increased conscience (p=0. 003), self-control (p=0. 006), and taking responsibility (p=0. 001). The follow-up phase was not performed in this study because of time limitation and inaccessibility of the sample.

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The purpose of present research, survey of the horizons and challenges of the researcher teacher program as action research on the Researcher teachers. To understand the lived experiences of the researcher teachers the methodology of interpretive expressions has been used. The research sample consisted of 20 people of the teachers participating in the researcher teacher program and who completed at least action research period has been completed and their reports have been selected. The research questions were: What are the horizons of action research on teachers' scholars? What are the bottlenecks of action research on teachers' scholars? Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and purposeful observations transcribed using the Van-Manen method. the most important horizons of action research on teachers' scholars include closing the distance between the viewpoints and the practice, expansion of participation and exchange of information and experiences, avoidance of factorization and scientific responsiveness to challenges, production of indigenous and applied knowledge, self-esteem development and self-esteem and improving teaching quality. The most important bottlenecks include the expansion of scientific intolerance, the lack of motivation and the need for research, the lack of research and research culture, the low quality of training courses and the lack of teacher dominance, lack of access to resources and facilities, lack of positive attitudes among authorities and Teachers were reluctant to take action and low accuracy in reporting judgments. Ultimately, short and long term solutions by participants were proposed for more effective of the researcher teacher program and eliminating bottlenecks.

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Risky decision making and active memory weakness are components of this disorder whose negative implications are known. . The purpose of the study was to increase the working memory and reduce risky decision By stimulating the forehead with the device tDCS device In children with ADHD. This was a quasi-experimental study with single-subject study design, in which 24 children with attention deficit disorder and active participants were 7-11 years old. The children were randomly divided into intervention and control group. The intervention group was intervened At 10 sessions a day in between and 20 minutes each session. Assessments were one day before the intervention, one day after the end of intervention, and two months after the end of the intervention. Bart's test was used to assess risky decision and in order to evaluate the working memory, we used N-BACK task. To analyze the data, covariance analysis and effect size were used. the findings from the analysis of the charts showed that the brain electrical stimulation program improved risk decision making and work memory in this children.

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This study aimed to compare the emotional processing, help seeking and goal achievement in students with high and low test anxiety. The research method is Descriptive with causal-comparative type. The population of this study consisted of all students of High School Level II of Ardabil city in the academic years of 2014-15, that of these, 160 students (80 ones per groups) were selected by random multi stages clustering sampling method and responded to the Backer emotional processing questionnaire, Ryan and Pentrich help seeking questionnaire, Midgley and et al achievement goals questionnaire and Spielberger test anxiety questionnaire. Multivariate Analysis of Variance was used to analyze the data. Results showed that there exist a significant differences between students with high and low test anxiety in terms of emotional processing, help seeking and goal achievement (P<0/01). So that compared with students low test anxiety, the average score of emotional processing techniques, accepting help seeking, Mastery and performance-approach goals of students with high test anxiety were significantly lower (P<0/01) and the average score of avoidance of help seeking and performance-avoidance goals were significantly more (P<0/01). Thus, we can conclude that emotional processing, help seeking and achievement goals are among the variables of interest in students with high test anxiety and requires programs for managing correctly of these variables.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the factor structure and reliability of the teachers’ goal orientation Inventory. So 300 teachers from first to sixth grade were selected randomly by cluster sampling among primary school teachers in Tehran and answered to Butler goal orientation Inventory (2007). This research is descriptive and of type validation. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to investigate factor structure of the instrument, and Cronbach’ s alpha and Test-Retest method were employed for examining the reliability. The results of Principal component with Varimax rotation showed 4 factorial factorial solutions that explained and 51. 33% of whole variance. he results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed good fit of the model. The Cronbach’ s alpha of the instrument was 0. 82 and the correlation coefficient of test-retest was 0. 72 that showed acceptable reliability for the instrument. In general, the results show a good fit of Butler's goal orientation in the Iranian society and the reliability of this questionnaire that make it a suitable measure for determining teachers’ goal orientation for screening purposes.

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The purpose of the present study was to identify the effective factors in academic immorality among students studying at Farhangian University. The statistical population of the study consisted of students Farhangian University of Khorramabad. 15 students were selected as the sample of the study using purposeful sampling and also theoretical saturation. Data extracted from semi-structured interviews, were analyzed using coding and extraction of main and minor themes. The findings of the research showed that the teaching staff included: the way of dealing with the teaching staff and academic position of the professors, university facilities including nutrition and university facilities, the contents of the courses include: content compatibility, future use and the content of specialized courses, friends and related issues Students themselves, as well as issues related to the policies of the University of Cultural Studies, include: Occupational policy and the policy of conducting classes are among the factors contributing to the students' academic immaturity. The findings of the research can be considered as part of the reform programs of the University of Cultural Studies in order to eliminate students' academic immensity.

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Successful intelligence, wisdom and creativity can be so important features of success in learning English. This study was designed to determine the predictive role of successful intelligence, wisdom and creativity in learning English in girls and boys. The method of this study was descriptive and correlation, and the statistical population were all girls’ and boys’ English learners’ of Ghaemshahr, Babol and Sari, who were studied in 1976-97, out of which 625 were selected, 351 were boys and 274 were girls, which answered three Questionnaire; Sternberg Successful intelligence Questionnaire with a 36 Question and a reliability coefficient of 0. 88 and Ardlet wisdom questionnaire with a total of 29 Question and a reliability of 0. 84 and an Abedi Creativity Questionnaire with 60 Question and reliability coefficient of 0. 89, which answered a total of (125) questions. Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis were used for data analysis. The results showed that the components of successful intelligence and creativity can play a role in predicting language learning. The results also showed that successful intelligence, wisdom and creativity are important factors in learning English that can directly enhance the learning process by implementing them correctly in the classroom and teaching them to learners.

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