The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between personality factors (similarity and complementarities) with marital satisfaction. The sample included all the married students of public universities of Tehran, living in the dormitory, (174 married students and 87 couples) selected by cluster sampling and randomization. ENRICH and NEO-FF-I questionnaires were used in order to collect data. The data were analyzed by correlation coefficient and student T. Four personality factors were revealed to be the similar dimensions.While neuroticism was considered to be the complimentarily factor, extraversion, agreeableness, openness and conscientiousness were revealed to be the similarity factors respectively. The results showed a negative relationship between neuroticism, as a complimentary factor, with marital satisfaction and a positive relationship between extraversion and agreeableness with marital satisfaction. Finally results of T test did not show any significant difference between degree of marital satisfaction with similarities and complementarities in personality factors.