with review of previous findings we are facing to this major problem that what are the major patterns or ways, SMEs apply in organizing their marketing mix elements? So, In this study we intend to explain the building block of marketing mix elements in small to medium size enterprise, and in so doing we apply a modernize exploration view, and whit establishing an effective convergence between the marketing and requirement of SMEs, try to explain the nature of the subject. Two types of innovation have been done in this study. First, an effective theoretical contributions and development of marketing knowledge boundaries in SME context, and other, practical participation and recognize the role model of such an active player in marketing activity, Using qualitative approach and exploratory case study strategy. Results showed that the components of Marketing Mix in small and medium size enterprises, including five major elements: Person (owner/manager), Product, Price, Promotion and Place, and 49 sub elements, which the first one (Person), as a new element was extracted in the process of this study and added to other conventional items. However it should be noted that, the content of other elements are different from the conventional ones. Besides, this hypothesis was strengthened that the marketing mix which apply in SME context is different from traditional elements include: Product, Price, Promotion and Place.