"Ma'ani al-Quran" is the name of Behbudi's translation of Quran. Identifiying Behbudi's methodology in his translation can be accomplished by contemplating on his translation along with his other works such as: Contemplating on Quran', 'the teachings of Quran', 'the miracle of Quran', 'fighting against the philosophy of polytheism', his selection of the four main hadith books (Kutub Arba'e) and his footnotes on Bihar al-Anwar. Accordingly his most significant fundamentals in translating Quran are as following: considering the time of revelation, the situation of revelation, the introductory addresses of the verses, following sound traditions, ignoring innovations not justified by Sunna, considering other verses and the context outside the verse, examining different readings of Quran and choosing the ones in accordance with the writing of it, following Arabic rules in linguistic, and considering the original meanings of the words. Behbudi is in no mood of using parantheses while adding extra explanations, claiming that following the role example of the Quran proper in translation, gives a free translation of Quran.Providing the omitted clauses or embedded ones which equivalent to 'or' is apparent in his translation. In his work we also notice his special exegetical views. In Behbudi's translation of Quran, tendency to esoteric interpretation is not seen, rather he gives a natural constant image of the events, employing a materialistic interpretation in narrating events.