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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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تشنج تب شایع ترین اختلال تشنجی کودکان بوده که در سنین بین نه ماهگی تا پنج سالگی رخ می دهد و بیشترین زمان ظهور آن در سنین 18 ـ14 ماهگی می باشد. علت تشنج تب ناشناخته است ولی عوامل ارثی را در ایجاد آن موثر می دانند. با توجه به اینکه سن وقوع تشنج تب با بروز کم خونی فقر آهن در شیرخواران همزمان اسـت و از طرف دیـگر خود آهن به عنوان جزئی از ترکیبات موجود در بعضی از آنزیم ها و انتقال دهنده های عصبی می بـاشد و کم خونی نیز منجربه کاهش اکسیژن رسانی به بافت های مختلف بدن منجمله مغز می گردد، در نظر گرفتن احتمال وجود ارتباط بین کم خونی و بروز تشنج تب انگیزه اصلی انجام این مطالعه بود. این بررسی انجام ودرآن یکصد کودک مبتلا به تشنج تب با یکصد کودک بیمارتب دار بدون تشنج (شامل عفونت دستگاههای تنفسی فوقانی و تحتانی، معدی ـ روده ای و ادراری) مقایسه شدند. همه کودکان با تشنج تب در سنین بین نه ماهگی تا پنج سالگی بودند، زمینه رشد و تکامل طبیعی داشته، دمای بدن آنها برابر یا بالاتر از 39 درجه سانتی گراد بود و اثری ازعفونت در سیستم عصبی مرکزی آنها وجـود نداشت. ازهمه  200بیمارمورد مطالعه، نمونه خون جهت تعیین هموگلوبین گرفته شد و مقادیرمربوطه با استفاده ازدستگاه شمارشگر خودکار2 اندازه گیری گردید.در بررسی بعمل آمده از یکصد کودک مبتلا به تشنج تب 68 نفر پسر و 32 نفردختر بودند و بیشترین گروه سنی را بچه های نه ماهه تا دو ساله تشکیل می دادند. میانگین سنی آنها 11/23 ماه بود. در 29 بیمار (29%) کم خونی مشاهده شدکه این میزان با تعداد موارد کم خونی به دست آمده درگروه شاهد (29 بیمار) برابری می کرد. این نتیجه مشخص نمود که نسبت شانس3 ابتلا به تشنج در موارد با و بدون وجود کم خونی با حدود اطمینان 95% بین (P value =1) 0.52-1.93  بوده که می تواند بیانگر عدم تاثیر نقش کم خونی در بروز تشنج ناشی از تب باشد.

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Amoxicillin suspension is often prescribed for children, considering that multidose preparation contains a noticeable amount of sugar and other nutritient ingredients, which are suitable for growth and multiplication of all microorganisms. Therefore these preparations must be protected from microbial contamination by using an effective preservative system with suitable concentration. In this study the protective activities of Na Benzoate and Na Methyl Paraben assessed by standard methods of U.S.P and B.P.Results showed that Amoxicillin suspension is capable for killing of bacteries without the presence of any kind of preservative agent, but it did not confer any antifungal activity, therefore it should be protected against Candida Albicans and Aspergillus Niger by using efficient preservative. In addition in this study it was impossible to assess antibacterial activity of Na Methyl Paraben, in presence of Amoxicillin.

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Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) is a worldwide health problem.  Many parts of the Islamic Republic of  Iran had been known as areas of  endemic goiter.  IDD was accepted as a priority health problem in  the country, and a  National IDD council was formed in 1989.  One of the main strategies of National council for IDD control was to provide at least 150μg of  iodine per day to the entire population through making iodized salt available.  This study was performed to cvaluate the national IDD council program in 1996, in rural and urban areas of  Khuzestan province. 1300 schoolchildren, aged 8 to 10 year & including 50% girls and 50% boy & were selected through random sampling.  Grading of  goiter was performed according to WHO’s classification.  Serum T3, T4 and TSH were measured by RIA and uninary iodine by digestion method.  The mean of  serum T4, T3 and TSH were: 9.7 ± 1.7 μg/dl, 157±25 mg/dl and 3.0±2.0 μIu/ml , respectively.  There were no differences between males and females and schoolchildren of rural and urban areas.  0.15% had serum T4 more than 12.5 μg/dl and 12 person had TSH more than 5μIu/ml.  The mean of urinary iodine was 29 μg/dl in entire population, 89% had urinary iodine more than 10μg/dl.  Only 1.8% had urinary iodine less than 5μg/dl.  Total prevalence of  goiter was 58% (59% in girls and 57% in boys).  Based on the available data, seven years after generalized use of  iodized salt and 2 years after more than 50% of pupulation used iodized salt, uninary iodine of school children of Khuzestan province showed sufficient iodine intake.  However, goiter is still endemic in Khuzestan province.

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The paragigantocellularis nucleus (PGI) is a part of brain stem pontomedullary reticular formation that has an important role in pain processing . Investigations have shown that PGI neurons contain some neurotransmitters such as GABA ,neuropeptides, Monoamines , substance P, enkephaline and serotonine. It has been Also suggested that PGI is a main cholinergic source in rat brain stem . There is a little evidence about presence and importance of cholinergic receptors on PGI neurons for nociception . In present study 38 NMRI young male rats , 200-300 gr were used . They were aneasthetized with Ketamine Hydrochloride (110 mg / kg / ip ) and a guide cannule were implanted in dorsal or lateral subdivisions of left PGI of both test and sham animals . One microlitter contain 781 micromoles of scopolamine ( 0.3 mg/ml ) was injected in dorsal or lateral PGI ( DPGI or LPGI ) after 7-10 days recovery period . Acute and chronic pain were evaluated by formalin test (50 microlitters formalin %2.5 injected in right hind paw subcutaneously) ten minutes after injection of scopolamine . Sham animals were received same volume of normal saline . Results showed that injection of scopolamine in DPGI or LPGI reduces pain score in both acute and chronic phases significantly. Also injection of scopolamine in LPGI has induced longer analgesic effect. These data suggest that:1)PGI neurons contain cholinergic muscarinic receptors,2)these receptors involve in pain processing , and 3) the injection of scopolamine has longer effect on chronic pain in LPGI than DPGI .

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Kidney transplant recipients are prone to malignancies more than general population . These malignancies are one of the major causes of morbidity in these patients. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of post transplant malignancies in Gol estal Hospital, Ahwas, and comparing it to other centers.In this prospective study , 210 transplanted patiens , consisting of 181 cases in Ahwaz and 29 cases in other centers (Shiraz and Tehran ), were followed for one to eight years. ( Average period of follow up is 32 months). Of these 210 patients , 7 cases of malignancy were found ( 3.3% ) , contributes to 6.5% of mobidity and mortality causes.The most common malignancy was kaposis sarcoma (57%) lymphoma (29%) and skin malignancies (14% ) .Significant difference existed in general incidence comparing to oversease studies as kaposis sarcoma has high and skin malignancies has lower incidence than other studies performed in other centers . The short period of follow up and high percentage of live related donation( 30% ) can be the cause . Also the difference in the type of malignancies may be due to numerous hereditary , familial , environmental & other unknowns agents.

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It is generally found that the increased fetal loss in mothers with sickle cell disease, it attributed to increased incidence of abortion , intrauterine growth retardution, perinatal and infant death, published reports indicated a previous abortion rate of 50% in (SS) disease. However with imporoved maternal and fetal care, perinatal death has been reduced to 12.2% (hemoglobin SS).In a previous studies in Iran, sickle cell was shown that to be relativly milder in clinical manifestations. Those findings have been attributed to presence of a high percentage high percentage of FHb. We reported here 5 cases of (SS) and sickle - Beta thalassemic pregnant women with relativly high percentage of FHb and history of previous abortions, They complate the last pregnancy in Ahwaz Thalassemic Center and deliverd mature newborn through normal delivery or C/S at the 36-37 weeks of gestation. They did not have any clinical problams such as toximia - pregnacy, hypertesion, proteinuria or interautrine growth retardation.They treated by periodic regular prohylactic packed red cell transfusion during pregnancy if Hb became less than 8-9gr% or less 30% from normal baseline

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It is generally found that the increased fetal loss in mothers with sickle cell disease, it attributed to increased incidence of abortion , intrauterine growth retardution, perinatal and infant death, published reports indicated a previous abortion rate of 50% in (SS) disease. However with imporoved maternal and fetal care, perinatal death has been reduced to 12.2% (hemoglobin SS).In a previous studies in Iran, sickle cell was shown that to be relativly milder in clinical manifestations. Those findings have been attributed to presence of a high percentage high percentage of FHb. We reported here 5 cases of (SS) and sickle - Beta thalassemic pregnant women with relativly high percentage of FHb and history of previous abortions, They complate the last pregnancy in Ahwaz Thalassemic Center and deliverd mature newborn through normal delivery or C/S at the 36-37 weeks of gestation. They did not have any clinical problams such as toximia - pregnacy, hypertesion, proteinuria or interautrine growth retardation.They treated by periodic regular prohylactic packed red cell transfusion during pregnancy if Hb became less than 8-9gr% or less 30% from normal baseline

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Brucellosis is caused by brucella species which are intracellular pathogens. In the presence of these pathogens, cell - mediated immunity (C.M.I) plays a crucial role in immune responses against the invading pathogens. In the present study alterations of T - lymphocyte sub - sets, which are cellular elements of C.M.I, were investigated. Overall, 71 patients with acute brucellosis and 28 patients with chronic brucellosis took part in this study. Diagnosis of brucellosis was based on case history clinical examination and serological tests. The blood T - lymphocytes with CD3, CD4 and CD8 surface markers were enumerated by technique of flow cytometry using specific monoclonal antibodies against these surface markers. The results indicated that the percent of CD3+ T - lymphocytes did not show any significant difference in patients with acute and chronic brucellosis (P=0.131), whereas the percent of CD4+ T-lymphocytes in patients with chronic brucellosis decreased significantly (P=0.007). On the contrary, the percent of CD8+ T - lymphocytes in the blood circulation of patients with chronic brucellosis had increased significantly (P=0.008). These alterations in T - lymphocytes sub - sets are an indication of severe disorder which this infection had induced in the immune system. This disorder has shown its manifestation by upsetting the balance between CD4+ and CD8+ ratio and probably in suppresion of T - lymphocytes proliferation and function .

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In this study the effect of cholestrol and lovastation on spatial learning task, was investigated by using T-maze in male N-MARI rats. The animals were divided into four groups; the first group were fed with diets containing %5 cholesterol at libitum for 7 days, and second group were fed with Lovastation (30mg/kg/day) for 9 days after administration of %5 cholestrol for 7 days, and the third group only were received lovastation (30mg/kg) for 9 days. The fourth group as a control were fed with lab chow diet.The results showed that administration of dietary cholestrol for one week decreased spatial learning (P<0.05) in comparison with control group. On the other hand, the rats fed with lovastation increased spatial learning task (P<0.05).The facilitative effect of lovastation prior to training may be due to decreasing of cholestrol. It is assumed that cholestrol produces learning defect, probably by decrease fluidity of membranee, influence on activity of neurotransmitter receptors, ionic channel and also learning activities.

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Febrile convulsions are the most common type of seizure in infants and young children. Febrile seizures are age dependent and are rare prior to 9mo. and after 5yrs. of age. There is a strong family history of febrile convulsion in siblings and parents, suggesting a genetic predisposition. The convulsion is associated with a rapidly raising bodys temperature and usually develops when the core temperature reaches 390C or higher. The seizure is typically generalized, tonic-clonic of a few seconds to 10-min.duration, followed by a brief postictal period of drowsiness. Its prognosis is excellent, however, a febrile convulsion may signify a serious underlying acute infectious disease such as sepsis or bacterial meningitis, so that each child must be carefully examined and appropriately investigated for the cause of the associated fever. Anemia is also common in this age period, so we decided to find any possible relationship between febrile convulsion and anemia.This case - control study was done in one hundred infants and children with febrile convulsion and one hundred of children between 9 mo. to 5yrs.of age with fever of 390C or higher without seizure. Their hemoglobin concentrations were measured and compared in these two groups. In children with febrile convulsion, 29% had anemia as in the control group (29%). Odds ratio with 95% confidence limits was 0.52 to 1.93.Despite the Kobrinsky and Pisacanes findings, we pointed out no relationship between febrile convulsions and the anemia.In this study the Prevaleance of febrile seizure was higher among males than females (68% versus 32%) and the peak time of onset was between 9 -24 months of age, average 23/11 months. In this study we only measured the hemoglobin concentration but the types of anemia were not determined.

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Anemia and iron deficiency anemia is one of the important nutritional and health problems specially in children ,teenager girls and women of fertile ages. The aim of this survey was to identify prevalence of anemia and iron deficiency anemia in school girls in Zahedan in 1374- 75 .Ovelall , 1300 female students (1123 students from public schools and 177 students from private schools) were chosen, by using of a multistage random sampling method. Haemoglobin and hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, serum ferritin were measured by standard methods and their individual , social and economical charactristics were recorded by questionnaires. Results showed that prevalence of anemia in public and private school girls was 8.7%, 1.5% and prevalence of iron deficiency anemia was 16.2%, 3.8%, respectively. Since, the anemia in public schools was more than private schools, so it has revealed that iron deficiency anemia is more common and a risk factor in young girls. Therefore, administration of iron supplements and nutritional education for this group is recommended.

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Pyogenic Liver Abscess (PLA) is a rare disease in normal infants and its presentation is usually nonspecific. PLAs occur in infants and are asseciated with sepsis, umbilical vein infection or vessel cannulation. The major cause of generalized edema occurring before 3 months of age is Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome (CNS). The most common and the best known of all types of CNS is the Finnish type, which is an autosomal recessive disorder (with poor prognosis). In this report two infants with PLA who presented with generalized edema several weeks after birth are presented. They were hospitalized as the Finnish type of CNS. The parents of both cases was first cousins. There was a history of hospitalization due to sepsis and exchange transfusion in the case 1 and meconium aspiration in the case No 2. Serum albumin in both was less than 2.5g/dl and patients had mild transient proteinuria. After administration of low-salt human albumins and decrease in ascites, hepatomegaly was diagnosed. Initially, in abdominal ultrasonography & then in abdominal C/T scan, liver tumors were diagnosed. Lapratomy was done and in both cases PLA was established. In the pathology microbiology reports, PLA was confirmed. Both infants were discharged without edema and in good conditions 2-3 weeks after operation and given IV antibiotics and several human albumins. We concluded that in any case with a picture of CNS, other causes of generalized edema including PLA should be initially ruled out.

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Cesarean section is one of the most frequent operations in the field of ob & Gyn. Medical consensus (1996) recommends hospital stay of up to 96 hours following uncomplicated cesarean delivery The average length of postpartum stay in the United States was recently surveyed by the center for disease control and prevention and they found the above recommendation . Now some insurance companies and prepaid health plans specify lengths of stay up to 72 hours for cesarean births . In order to satisfy the desire of the patients for early discharge and economic benefits we studied the safety of early discharge, 24 hours after cesarean delivery . This was a quasi experimental study and we followed 501 cesarean sections, including elective , emergency and elective repeat cesarean sections from June to April 2000 in a private hospital , operated on by different gynecologists. They were discharged during the first 24 hours post cesarean births to be followed in the office. We had only one post discharge readmission with the diagnosis of puerperal infection which had medical treatment and was discharged in a good condition . Eight patients (1.6%) developed postpartum infection (stated 13%) with a meaningful p- value (P=0.001) who were treated on an outpatient basis with no problem . One patient developed superficial wound infection who was followed in the office with no sequela . In conclusion early hospital discharge in cesarean births is a feasible option and with a morbidity reduction and is cost effective with no increased risk to the patient .

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