Background and Objective: The Test of Gross MotorDevelopment – 3rd Edition is a process-oriented test to assesschildrens’ motor development. The aim of study was to evaluatethe validity and reliability of this test for 3-10 years old childrenin Ahwaz. Subjects and Methods: The strategy and design of the researchwere descriptive-normative and cross-sectional, respectively. One thousand and six undred children aged 3-10 years old werechosen from eight districts of the city using cluster sampling. Our research tool was TGMD-3. The Factor analysis, inter-classand Pearson correlation coefficients statistical methods wereused. Results: Content Validity Index shows a range of 0. 80 to 1. Theinternal consistency for the locomotor, ball skills subtests andtotal TGMD-3 was 0. 85, 0. 85 and 0. 91 respectively. Inaddition, the reliability of test-retest was 0. 92, 0. 94 and 0. 95. The intra-rater reliability coefficient for the locomotor, ballskills subtests and total TGMD-3 was 0. 98, 0. 99 and 0. 99respectively, while inter-rater was 0. 97, 0. 98 and 0. 98, respectively. In order to evaluate the construct validity, Ulrich’ stwo-factor design was confirmed using Confirmatory factoranalysis. Correlation coefficients of the subtests were highlypositive with age. Conclusion: Considering the confirmation of validity andreliability of TGMD-3, it can be safely used to evaluate themotor development in Ahwaz children. The correlation ofsubtests with age supported the age discrimination capabilityand developmental nature of the test. Our results are limited tocurrent population and should not be considered as arepresentation of the whole country, Iran. Future studies mayevaluate the properties of this test based on the cultural diversityof other regions.