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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: The Test of Gross MotorDevelopment – 3rd Edition is a process-oriented test to assesschildrens’ motor development. The aim of study was to evaluatethe validity and reliability of this test for 3-10 years old childrenin Ahwaz. Subjects and Methods: The strategy and design of the researchwere descriptive-normative and cross-sectional, respectively. One thousand and six undred children aged 3-10 years old werechosen from eight districts of the city using cluster sampling. Our research tool was TGMD-3. The Factor analysis, inter-classand Pearson correlation coefficients statistical methods wereused. Results: Content Validity Index shows a range of 0. 80 to 1. Theinternal consistency for the locomotor, ball skills subtests andtotal TGMD-3 was 0. 85, 0. 85 and 0. 91 respectively. Inaddition, the reliability of test-retest was 0. 92, 0. 94 and 0. 95. The intra-rater reliability coefficient for the locomotor, ballskills subtests and total TGMD-3 was 0. 98, 0. 99 and 0. 99respectively, while inter-rater was 0. 97, 0. 98 and 0. 98, respectively. In order to evaluate the construct validity, Ulrich’ stwo-factor design was confirmed using Confirmatory factoranalysis. Correlation coefficients of the subtests were highlypositive with age. Conclusion: Considering the confirmation of validity andreliability of TGMD-3, it can be safely used to evaluate themotor development in Ahwaz children. The correlation ofsubtests with age supported the age discrimination capabilityand developmental nature of the test. Our results are limited tocurrent population and should not be considered as arepresentation of the whole country, Iran. Future studies mayevaluate the properties of this test based on the cultural diversityof other regions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Urinary tract infection is thesecond most common infection in the human body. Among thecauses of urinary tract infections, E. coli is one of the mostcommon urinary tract pathogens in both genders. Subjects and Methods: In this study, 200 urine samples todetect E. coli were cultured. Isolates were identified by standardbiochemical tests and DNA extracted from isolates confirmed todetermine the genes papEF, fimH, afaBC and sfa/focDE byMultiplex-PCR (Multiplex-polymerase chain reaction) method. Results: In total, 110 E. coli strains from urine samples culturedwere identified. The genotype virulence genes showed that 42. 5% of the isolates at least one of the four acuity type gene. PapEF gene with 21. 81 % was the most frequent gene. Whilesfa and focDE genes had 4. 54 and 2. 77 % frequenciesrespectively. Thirty two samples (29. 09%) had both fimH andafaBC genes. Conclusion: Urinary tract infections are considered as awidespread health concern that is consistent with differentgeographic regions. The reason for the difference in results withother studies can be due to the difference in sample isolationregions.

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Background and Objective: Congenital heart disease(CHD) is one of the reasons of growth disorder andmortality in children all over the world. Growth disorderin these children affects their prognosis and mortalitybefore and after cardiac surgery. In this study, weevaluated growth factors in children affected with CHD toassess their condition for appropriate intervention. Subjects and Methods: Growth parameters includingweight, height, head circumference and body mass indexrecords of 368 admitted children aged 6 to 60 months oldwith CHD in Ahvaz Golestan hospital from 2011 to 2013were analyzed in this descriptive-epidemiologic study. Collected data were analyzed by using SPSS software andChi Square, Fisher and Logistic regression. Results: Underweighting was the most common type ofgrowth disorders (49. 2%) especially in 12-23 month agegroup. Ventricular septal defect (VSD) was the mostcommon cardiac lesion, and growth disorder was seen inVSD and TGA more than other cardiac disorders. Growthfailure was more common in cyanotic CHD, and the mostsevere disorders were related to cyanotic patients withpulmonary hypertension, which was statisticallysignificant (P<0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results, cyanosis andpulmonary hypertension were detected as two importantfactors for growth failure in children with CHD, and sex ofpatients was irrelevant. Thus, timely diagnosis andmanagement of growth disorder in these children canimprove their growth retardation and prognosis aftercorrective and palliative surgery.

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Background and Objective: The aim of the present study wasthe prediction of life quality and daily activities of kidneytransplant patients in according to spiritual intelligence, healthcontrol source and coping strategies. Subjects and Methods: This research was type of solidarity. The sample including 200 kidney transplant patients presentingto Ahwaz hospitals. The sample was selected by conveniencesampling method. The instruments were spiritual intelligencescale (SISRI), Health Locus of Control Scale (MHLC), copingInventory skills in specific situations (CISS), Kidney transplantpatients' quality of life questionnaire (KTQ-25) andquestionnaire of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Results: Findings indicated that there was a significantrelationship between the two variables (quality of life and dailyactivities with spiritual intelligence, health locus of control andcoping style). In addition, multiple regression analysis ofspiritual intelligence, health locus of control and coping withstress is a linear combination of multiple Predictor variablessignificantly correlated with quality of life; the linearcombination predicted 84% variance in quality of life. Furthermore, spiritual intelligence, multiple regression analysis, health locus of control and coping with stress in a linearcombination of daily activities were predictor variables withsignificant multiple correlation. The linear combinationpredicted 52% variance of daily activity. Conclusion: There was a significant correlation betweenspiritual intelligence, health control source and coping strategieswith the life quality and daily activities of kidney transplantpatients in Ahwaz. These variables had an important andpredicting role in life quality and daily activities of kidneytransplant patients.

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Background and Objective: Hepatitis B infection is the tenthleading cause of death in the world and causes of 500, 000 to 1. 2million deaths every year for reasons such as chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The objective of thisstudy was to evaluate the frequency of the patients with HBsAgpositive test, referring to Imam Khomeini hospital Ahvaz, Iran. Subjects and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, for thefirst time in our area, a comprehensive review of the prevalenceof HBsAg among patients referred to Imam Khomeini hospitalAhvaz, Iran, during 2012 to 2014 years was carried out usingELISA technique. Results: From 12668 subjects, 6900 were males and 5768 werefemales. among whom 172 (1. 34%) were HBsAg positive. Among these, males constituted 124 subjects (72%) and theremainings (48, 28%) were females. The maximum agefrequency was observed between the ages of 20 to 50 years. Conclusion: These results suggest that the prevalence ofHBsAg is relatively low and show that the implementation ofvaccination program and hygiene schemes has been successfulin the recent years in Ahvaz city and the surrounding areas.

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Background and Objective: Depression is one of the mostcommon psychiatric disorder that is debilitating and causesimpairment in job, education and social performance. Thisstudy was aimed to investigate the prevalence of depression inhigh school girl students. Subjects and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 600 girlstudents of public and private high schools in the Kuhdasht cityparticipated in the study. Beck depression inventory anddemographic information questionnaire were used in order togather the data. The data were analyzed using descriptivestatistics and Chi-square test. Results: In the present study, 65 % of students experienceddepression (mild, moderate or severe) and 35% of students didnot have depression. The mean score of depression was 21. 1, instudents of public schools and 19. 39 in students of privateschools. There were no significant associations betweendepression and the type of school, mother’ s level of educationand number of family members (P>0. 05). But the relationshipbetween depression with educational function, father's level ofeducation and history of depression in family were statisticallysignificant (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Our results indicate that there is no significantdifference between public and private schools in terms ofprevalence of depression. History of depression in family haspositive relation with depression. Association between father’ slevel of education and students’ educational function withdepression is inversely related. The results of this study confirmthe importance of regular and effective training programs toenhance the awareness of society members, especially parentsof teenagers, about depression in adolescents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Irisine can lead to weight loss, improvement of insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerancethrough changes in the phenotype of white fat cells into brownfat cells and increase in thermogenesis. The aim of this study, therefore, was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks combinedtraining on the irisine and insulin resistance index amongsedentary obese women. Subjects and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study 32obese women (48± 14 years) were selected and divided into twogroup of control and experimental (n=16 each). Twelve weekstraining, 3 sessions per week included continuous aerobicexercises (20 min, 65-75% of HRR), and circular resistancetraining (10 stations with 70% 1RM). The aerobic trainingincluded 20 min duration with 65-75% HRR per session and theresistance training program included 10 stationary exercise asdid circular with 70% 1RM. Blood samples were collected 24hr before start the training and 48 hr after the last trainingsession. In the present study the analysis of covariance was used(P≤ 0. 05). Results: The results showed a significant increase in levels ofirisine (P=<0. 0001) and a significant decrease in insulinresistance (P=<0. 0001), weight (P=0. 013), Body Mass Index(P=0. 031) and fat mass (P=0. 045). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that combiningexercise (aerobic + resistive) in addition to weight loss anddecrease body fat mass it leads to improvement in insulinfunction and is therefore a sueful method for improving bodycomposition and promoting women's health.

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Background and Objecitve: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is aninflammatory, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system(CNS). MS is determined by interaction between genes andenvironment. In the past decade, much attention has been given tovitamin D and its role in MS. Recent data implicate vitamin D inmodulation of the risk as well as clinical course of disease. Sincevitamin D acts through the vitamin D receptor (VDR) the aim ofour study was to determine the association between the VDRrs731236 and rs7975232 polymorphisms and the MS risk inpopulation of Khuzestan province. Subjects and Methods: This study comprised 150 MS cases, plus150 healthy individuals as a control group. For all subjects, level ofvitamin D in serum was measured and association of the VDRrs731236 and rs7975232 polymorphisms and the MS risk wasdetermined using PCR amplification and then RFLP. Data wasconfirmed by direct sequencing. Statistical analyses wereperformed using SPSS version 16. 0. Results: Level of vitamin D in serum of case and control groupswere not differed. The rs731236 polymorphism odds ratios for AAand GG genotypes were 1. 2 (P=0. 46) and 1. 51 (P=0. 33) comparedwith the AG genotype, respectively. The rs7975232 (C/A)polymorphism odds ratios for CA and AA genotypes were 8. 65(P=<0. 001) and 1. 38 (P=<0. 001) compared with the CC genotype, respectively. Conclusion: The rs7975232 polymorphism in VDR gene did notshow association with MS, but rs7975232 polymorphism showedgood association with this disease.

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Background and Objective: Radiotherapy in one of the mainmethods of tumor treatment and control. Today, the integratedradiation therapy-MRI systems have been developed. The magneticfields of imaging systems can have effects on dose distribution intarget volume. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigatethe effect of magnetic fields on dose distribution in radiationtherapy. Materials and Methods: This is a review article which was donethrough searching the google scholar and PubMed data bases byexpressions: radiation therapy and magnetic field photon therapyand magnetic field, electron therapy and magnetic field, protontherapy and magnetic field. Related research papers were sortedand their results were summarized. Results: Magnetic fields can change the path of charged particlesin the medium can enforce the primary charged particles, secondaryelectrons and positrons to experience a spiral path, if appliedperpendicular to beam axes which leads to produce a peak dose. Longitudinal magnetic field decreases the penumbra and lateraldeflection of electrons. Conclusion: Magnetic fields influence the dose distribution inradiotherapy and modification of treatment plan is essential whenapplying integrated MRI-radiation therapy systems. Also, applyingan intensity controlled transverse magnetic field can be aninexpensive approach to adjusting the maximum dose of chargedparticles in tumor volume while protecting normal tissues.

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Background and Objective: One of the most importantevaluations of fixed restoration is their strength and resistance tofracture which has important role on their longevity andperformance. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate theeffect of two different preparation designs (shoulder andchamfer) on the fracture resistance of feldespatic crowns madewith CAD/ CAM. Materials and Methods: This study was undertaken using 20machined stainless steel dies (10 samples for chamfer and 10samples for shoulder) with 7 mm height, 5 mm diameter and 10´ axial walls canvergency in two finish line designs of 50´ chamfer (0. 8 mm depth) and 90´ shoulde (1 mm depth). Twentyimpressions were taken using a polyvinylsiloxane and pouredwith vacuum– mixed type 4 dental stone. Twenty first premolarfeldespatic (cerec blocs) crowns were made with CAD/CAM. Each crown was cemented on its definitive stainless steel dyewith clearfil SA luting and underwent a fracture test with auniversal testing machine. Results: The mean value of fracture resistance for chamfermargins were 771. 40± 99. 47 N and for the shoulder marginswere 782. 30 ±129. 40 N. The student’ s t-test did not reveal astatistically significant different between two groups (P=0. 835)Conclusion: The results indicate that marginal design of thefeldespatic crowns do not effect their fracture resistance andselection of finish line designs should be based on clinicalcondition of the restored tooth.

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