Every year a number of young Iranians to continue their education go to foreign countries. These people who live for from their families in a foreign country usually face some problems. Recoqnition of these educational, financial, cultural and psychological problems and solving them is necessary concerning the cultural, political and economic aspects.This paper is a descriptive research in which it has been tried to recognize and categorize the problems that Iranian students are facing in Ukraine in different methods such as questionnaires, interviews and observations.The questions of this paper are as follows:2- How can Iranian students in Ukraine be categorized concerning their gender, age, marital status and the field of study.3-What is the most common problems that they are suffering from? Are they educational, financial, psychological or cultural.4-What do they usually do in their free times.5-What are their problems at the time of education.What are their problems after returning back to Iran.The results show that their problems in accordance to the degree of importance are as follows- Being for from the family (the average 4.21, too much)- Costs of life are expensive (average 3.90, many)- Possibility of rejecting the degree they possessd in Iran (average 3.67, many)- Lack of complete understanding of the lessons because they are presented in Kussian language (average 3.38, many)- Delay in the transfer of the money that their families sent to them (average 3.40, many).- Lack of sufficient educational and welfare facilities in the universities of Ukraine (3.31& 3.18, many)- Cultural differences of two countries (3.03, many) at the end of this paper some suggestione are given.