Regarding the environmental dynamics and complexities in different communicative, scientific, academic, economic and social dimensions, organizations established after the Information era have become greatly interested in knowledge, and this is to their advantage. With respect to the aforesaid qualities, it is obvious that new complex organizations are in dire need of knowledge management.Meanwhile, intellectual organizations, like research institutions, which can distinguish problems, provide mechanisms and methods to solve them, and publish the results of their studies, are more in need of considering information, especially in the production, documentation, publishing, evaluation and reviewing of the knowledge.The border between research institutions and excecutive organizations is gradually omitted and, in near future, the executive and intellectual sections of the organizations will merge.Creativity and innovation, problem solving, doing research, learning, and producing thoughts are the common themes pertaining to knowledge, which makes the prime subject of study; therefore, in this article such themes are dealt with. This article is compiled on the basis of studies on (1) designing the pattern of managers’ continuous learning (organizational learning and the learner organization), (2) the designing of documentation systems, and (3) reviewing and publishing managers’ experiences. Besides, the results of the researches done since 1374 SH/1995 into knowledge management are examined.