Since their emergence, throughout their whole history, the human being has always relied on his creativity and innovation. He has changed the quality and the quantity of the life by his astonishing innovations. First, he would use, his surrounding objects as fascinator instruments, then, using the power thinking, by manufacturing instruments, paced the way to change the life. Thus, by combining technology and social structure, he succeeded to produce new ways for the life. Unfortunately, the achievements out of these creativities and innovations, incarnated in knowledge and technology, are not, correctly and rightfully, distributed between countries and, inside the countries, between different strata of people. The most important problem of deprived people, who can be named as marginalized of information society, is laid in the fact that the gap between them and the people who enjoy fundamental possibilities of information society -technology of information and communications (ITC) - is increasingly deepening and growing. Some argue that ITC, as a new achievement of human beings, has produced the gap and marginalized the deprived people of remote regions of the world, instead of improving their lives. Others believe that the new technology has not led to such situation by itself, rather the way it is distributed and controlled has been the cause of the present situation. Thus, the efficiency of using this technology depends on justly distribution of potentials of it, adapting it with cultural, social and economic conditions of deprived groups, and free conveyance of information between nations and societies. This question arises: how can the educational systems of different countries prevent from the emergence of these marginalized groups and adapt them with other members of information society, in both levels of national and international? They should think of some solution for removing the obstacles such as traditional illiteracy and new kinds of illiteracy. The new kinds are including lack of skills in using information and communication technology and computer, and cultural, social illiteracy. Therefore, they should help people to compensate their informational deprivation and enable them to live in the world village and reduce the international information gap between people and countries.The aim of the present paper is to find some approaches to solve the above problem. Solving this problem facilitates the using of perpetual life long education system, on one hand, and proves the new approaches like open and distance education and using ICT to be the proper choices in this process, on the other hand.