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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: With changing pattern of diseases from infectious to chronic, the role of psychological and social determinants of health; (SDH including distribution of income; (income inequality) have found importance. Severe income inequality indicates the decrease in income available to the majority of people in society; with its negative effects on health. Income inequality in society, increases the feeling of deprivation, and influences mental health in the society. This study was aimed to find relation between incomes inequality and health in Iran during 1976-2006. Methods: This is an analytical - ecological correlation study. Unit of analysis are the Iran the population , and data are obtained the SCI and the Central Bank of Iran. For data analysis Pearson regression by SPSS software was used. Results: Gini coefficient relationship with life expectancy is found significant(p=0.0001, r=-0.83). Relation between Gini coefficient and under 5 years mortality rate is also significant (p=0.0001, r=0.87). Conclusion: In the studied time period, with increasing income inequality, life expectancy has decreased and under 5 years mortality rate has increased. In order to improving and enhancing community health people; and reducing income inequality it appears that to adopt appropriate redistributive incomes policies is required.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2009

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Introduction: Medical Records Departments play an important role in evaluation and planning for performance of care services quality and quantity. This study was aimed to evaluate the performance of the Medical Record Department of Kermanshah Educational Hospitals by Standards of Ministry of Health & Medical Education. Methods: This is an applied descriptive cross-sectional research; Research population includes medical records departments of hospitals of affiliated of Kermanshah medical university and medical sciences. Needed data has been collected by Interviews and Observations, (using a questionnaire and four check-lists for Admission, Filing, Coding and statistics units). To analyze of data, each four checklists of units was assigned 100 scores and then the performance average of each unit was calculated and compared. Results: The best performance was for statistics units by average 70.5% and lowest of it was for filing units by average 56.3%. The best total performance of MRD was for Imam Reza hospital by average 83.25% and the lowest of it was for Motazedi hospital by average 48.6%. Conclusion: Some hospitals use obsolete books for diseases coding. None of hospitals have written instructions pertinent to destruction of ambulatory, emergency and inpatient records. Most of filing units don’t use correct filing system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: One of the human resources development methods is job rotation. Research in this field is highly recommended and needs to be implemented in social security hospitals. The main purpose of this research was to determine the effect of job rotation on performance of nurses in the social security’s hospitals in Tehran. Methods: The present research is a causative -retrospective study, that carried out in nine hospitals in Tehran social security’s hospitals. Statistical population includes 45 nurses as the case group (who had job rotation) and 45 nurses as the control group (who had no job rotation) selected in a purposive sampling. Two groups were matched in the terms of age, sex, marital status, organization post, education, work record, and relevant clinical ward. Data collecting tools were questionnaires; and the existing evaluation scores in the organization was used to assess of the nurses performance. Results: Average score of the case group performance is 28.42; and for control group 28.41. We did not found meaningful relationship between job rotation and Performance of nurses in two groups (P=0.796). Conclusion: The scores of the nurses performance in the studied hospitals is something independent from the status of their job rotation and, as was expected, has not improved the nurses performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: In Scientometrics evaluations, the main criteria for determining the rank of a country is the rate of participation in generating science, technology and innovation, i.e. total participation in the process of developing global science. This research applies Scientometric methods to study the growth rate and trend of medical fields' scientific productions in Iran during 1978-2007. Methods: This is a descriptive-survey research; includes the English articles in medical fields indexed in SCIE database during 1978-2007. These articles matched with NLM classification. To gather these information, we used advanced search web of science database with limited time for 6 periodic five time years. Results: We found 1901 records from SCIE, from 29 medical fields of SCIE, the most pharmacology and biochemistry fields, lowest in nursing and geriatrics. Fifty three per cent were without citation in SCIE. The Tehran University of Medical Sciences considered most active in 19 medical fields. The least number of articles found in 1983-1987 and 1988-1992; the most number in 2003-2007. Conclusion: Lack of citations in most of Iranian articles in SCIE, might because of publication in low impact factor journals, or deported of developing countries from valid international journals. One of the relevant factors in decline in second and third periods could be the Iran and Iraq war in 1981.Including of universities names with the different name has caused to exclude Iranians’ universities names in world rankings. We concluded that production in medical sciences is increasing intensively; its continuance trend depends on interaction between Iranian and foreign researchers, increase in educational budgets, collaboration with universities in the world.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The hospitals is known to be allocated about 70 percent cost of health system in developing countries, This study was aimed to analysis and unit cost estimation of services using “Step-Down Method” in Fatemieh Hospital (Semnan University of Medical Sciences-2006).Methods: This is a cross-sectional, study. The study population is the functional departments of Fatemieh Hospital. Data collecting tools were researcher made tables and reviewing of existent documents and evidences. To analyze the data, we used Excel Software and complementing step-down chain. Results: Among three functional departments, the final service departments with 47.5 percent allocated the highest share followed by overhead and intermediate service departments with 24.3 and 21.5 percent of total hospital-wide costs respectively. Annual depreciation was 6.7. Expenditures on personnel cost accounts for almost 48 percent, substantially higher proportion of total cost than expenditures on buildings and permanent structures (5 percent), expenditures on utilities (3 percent) or materials and supplies (2 percent). Conclusion: Special notice to subject of human resource management and labor productivity are visible and the final service department are necessary for organizing the same activity complementing Also making a database of cost recording in hospital, and implementing one comprehensive and integrated operational planning system at hospital system is needed for managers.

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Introduction: Managers personality differences can be source of organizational creativity or inevitable problems. Which are effective factors in managers' behavior, decisions and behaviors. Managers who are apathetic to these differences, they can’t often achieve to organizational and individual goals. This research is about studying staff managers of Qom University of Medical Sciences (QUMS) based on Five Factor Model of Personality (Big-5). Methods: This study is a descriptive - applied research. Population includes 31 staff managers of QUMS whom are selected based on stratified random sampling method. Research instrument is a researcher made Five factors model of Personality, and some management professors. In order to data analyzing, τ test and Friedman Test by using SPSS software. Results: The mean of Neuroticism in study population is less than average, and the means of other four dimensions includes extroversion, conciseness, agreeable, Openness, is higher than average. The highest mean is related to Conscientiousness and the lowest one is Neuroticism. Friedman rank test show that there is a meaningful difference between mean ranks. Neuroticism is the lowest one. Conclusion: Manageress's five factors personality fall in a desirable level.

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Introduction: The motivation in human resources is very influencial in achieving the organizational goals. Some of the recent management theoreticians believe that the work itself can have a strong influence on motivation, satisfaction and productivity of the employees. This study was aimed to determining present motivating power of the occupations in order to have a job diagnostic survey on the jobs existing in the rehabilitation zone of the welfare centers. Methods: This study is a descriptive-analytic study carried out at welfare centers in Tehran province. Research population is employees of rehabilitation area. which work in governmental daily welfare centers of Tehran province selected by census. Data are collected by a questionnaire, and analyzed using SPSS software; and presented as descriptive statistic and one sample t-test comparing. Results: There were no relation found between the demographic aspects such as age, gender, job experiences, marital status, educational degree and the type of employment with motivating potential score and its subscales. The dimensions mean of each job were as followed: skill variety 3.62±0.70, task identity 3.96±0.67, task significance 4.03±0.70, autonomy 4.03±0.73, feedback 3.35±0.53 and motivating potential score was 49.90±19.32.The jobs in the rehabilitation jobs have skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and motivating potential, and there is no feedback. (p<0.05). Conclusion: Job designing intrinsically motivates the employees except for the feedback subscale.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1123

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Introduction: It is necessary for every country considers establishing such a system; considering to its goals, laws national, interests and standards. The main goal of this research was to compare the national cardiovascular disease DRG system in selected countries. This research is dealing with survey on system of Iran too. Methods: This descriptive-comparative study conducted in 2007-2008. The cardiovascular diseases of DRG systems in USA, Australia, England and Canada were reviewed. Data collected through literature review, Internet and e-mail, and presented in comparative tables. Results: Our findings showed that all of the selected countries have national cardiovascular diseases of the DRG systems. This model employs health care standards, e-learning, annual educational programs, and consultation with experts. Iran lacks such a national classification system for cardiovascular diseases. Conclusion: Constituents of the model are: using a suitable committee for the cardiovascular DRG system in ministry of health and medical education, development coding standards, relationship between cardiologists and medical coders, presenting educational information about the national cardiovascular of the DRG system, using experiences of the developed countries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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