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برای آن که سازمان ها قادر به رقابت در دنیای نوین امروزی باشند، نیاز به خلق مزیت های رقابتی دارند. به همین دلیل برخی معتقدند که به اشتراک گذاری دانش در سطوح مختلف سازمانی گامی بسیار مهم برای دست یابی به مزیت های رقابتی است. اما آن چه مسلم است لازمه این کار، شناسایی منابع دانشی سازمان و استخراج دانش از آن ها است. یکی از ابزارهای مدیریت دانش که کمک شایانی به شناسایی منابع دانشی سازمان می کند نقشه دانش است. نقشه دانش یکی از زیربناهای هوشمندانه و ابتکاری مدیریت دانش است که اساس تدوین و تهیه آن شامل دسته بندی پویای خبرگان و تجربه های آن ها، کمیته های تخصصی، فعالیت های سازمانی و مفاهیم موجود در سازمان است. از این رو در سال های متمادی، ترسیم و تدوین نقشه دانش مورد توجه قرار گرفته و محققان فنون و روش های گوناگونی برای تدوین آن ارائه کرده اند. این مقاله بر اساس روش پیمایشی تهیه شده است؛ یعنی عوامل مهم و تاثیرگذار بر تدوین نقشه دانش مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و بر اساس آن الگوی مفهومی پیشنهاد شده است. بر همین اساس ابتدا به جنبه های گوناگون نقشه دانش مانند ویژگی ها، انواع دسته بندی ها و روش شناسی های موجود برای ترسیم آن پرداخته شده و سپس چارچوبی مفهومی برای تدوین نقشه دانش به همراه گام های اساسی اجرایی آن برای اجرا در سازمان ها ارائه شده است.

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Measuring social capital of different societies, the size of existing crimes in those societies can be used as an index for existence or absent of social capital. The results of many scientific researches, across the world, have indicated, the reduction of social capital among individual in society considered one of the most important reasons for crime increase in past decades. The concept of social capital has been analyzed in different levels. Fukuyama for instance considered social capital as the charactistics of nations or geographical regions and Putnam considered it as societies charactristics and Burt considered it as the charactristics of individual networks and Baker regarded it as organizations charactistics in interaction with other organizations. As the results of social capital, in each of these levels, is different, so social capital at society level is analyzed. In this article the attributive method, texts study; survey and well-established research in fields related to subject of this research were used. As the statistics show the trend of social capital reduction and consequently the increase of crime in our country is well shown. It is evident to use the positive results of social capital in society (here the emphasis is on the social capital role on crime reduction), first the theoretical basis of this concept should be studied and debated and after conceptualization the results and the effects of this concept were analyzed and finally it was noted how the positive results of social capital can be used.

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Power is the ability to obtain desirable results or to have influence on people or group to obtain considered targets in organizational behavior. The degree of targets achievement in management science defined as effectiveness. People, groups or organizations are effective when they achieve the predetermined targets. But to achieve predetermined targets (effectiveness), it is necessary to formulate and execute the strategy. Methods of achieving desirable results or influencing others in achieving the considered targets are called power strategies. In another word, organizations having power strategy are more effective. Since formulation of power strategy based on strategic reference point has not been considered so far, the authors of this article have introduced model to display power strategic types based on strategic reference point using literature review and library studies. Therefore the current research method is qualitative and theoretical.

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The concept of followership requires the existance of leadership. In another word, these two are correlative. First the subject of followership is new to management literature; second in academic circles of the country it has not received mutch attention. kelly (1988); chalf (1955) were among first who introduced the debates of followership independent of leadership and claimed that leadership can no longer be studied without followers or by giving very little role to them. Therefore the purpose of this research is to study and understand and compare followership models in management fields and organization leadership. More precisely the purpose of this article is to study the dimensions and charactristics of followership in related theories and furthermore to reach to an optimised model and introduced it to organizations managers and leaders and management researchers. In our country little attention is given to followership in management and leadership literatures. The question of this research is whether the same condition prevails elsewhere or not. The results of general review of researcher, on the subject of followership indicated that since past decades till now many researchers have dealt with this subject. Today attention given to followership is not less than leadership. This article has applied paradigm outlook to review theories related to followership and finally by introducing a model of followership; it was analyzed and compared.

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Organizations need to create competitive advantages so that they can compete in today new world.Therefore many believed that sharing knowledge at diferent levels is an important step in achieving competitive advantages; but what is evident is the necessity to recognize organization knowledge resources and extraction of knowldge thereof. One of the tools of knowledge management is Knowledge mapping, which is of greet help in recognition of organization knowledge resources. Knowledge mapping is one of the inventive and intelligent bases of knowledge management. Expert’s dynamic grouping, their experiences, specialized commitees, organizational activities and available concepts in organization are the basis of its formulation and provision in organization. Therefore mapping and formulation of knowledge mapping have attracted the attention and the researchers have introduced different methods and techniques for its formulation in succeeding years.This article is based on metrical method; therefore the significant and effective factors on knowledge mapping formulation were reviewed and conceptual model was suggested accordingly. Therefore at first different aspects of knowledge mapping such as charactristics, types of grouping and available methodologies for its mapping considered and then conceptual framework for knowledge mapping formulation along with foundemental steps for its implementation in organizations were introduced.

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Today the paradigm of new government management, which applied the privete sector methods in government sector, and has included factors such as reorganization, down sizing, privatization and out sourcing, has roots in practical and scientific thinking of management. In the pattern of this paradigm, the psychological contract with the characteristics of permenant employment and job security which always link employees to organization, has been challenged because its orientation has been to temporary, flexible and contractual employment. This article has reviewed, analyzed and compared the articles and books related to psychological contract and has analyzed the reasons and the changes and the nature of new psychological contract. Today, organization should improvise new methods to increase employee commitment and loyality to find outlet from the challenge of employee job security. In this article employment competency is suggested as a new substitution for job security and enhancement of loyality and organizational commitment. Employment competency is the relative capacity of person to acquire the meaningfull employment resulted from interaction of market and individual conditions. Employment competency is able to bring deplacement and movement to market and has capacity to operationalize hidden capacity through durable employment and availability. Therefore, employment competency can be considered as individual ability for initial employment, job retention, job changes in the same organization and availability to new job in necessary cases.

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Present research is carried out to evaluate the influence of this journal among its readers. How much has it received the attention of its different readers? Which part of the journal has received much attention or which part has been weaker. We used questionaires to collect different views of the readers. The questionnaire is consisted of 26 open and closed items. We have distributed 600 questionaires among police personnel. The results of this questionnaire showed that the appearance of the journal, the time of issuance and the present status of the journal have been satisfactory. Furthermore the majurity the interviewees considered the cover design and graphical condition of the journal satisfactory. Concerning the contents of journal, the results indicated that the readers found the scientific articles usefull.

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Competency is a formidable weapon in the armour of organizations to create performance excellence. level of human resource competency reflects in the core, competence of an organization. Competency-based performance management helps organizations in accomplishment of their vision, mission and objectives. This achievement is possible because competency management enhances worth of human capital by evolving distinct and unimitible human experiences. Enriched human capital obtimizes other organizational resources and leverages the existing strengths for organizational growth. First initiative in planning and implementation of competency-based performance management strategy is nurturing competency-based management in terms of systems, practices and people. This is popularly called building competency models. This intervention, in a state of matured practice, can transform an organization and its people into entities of competency. This is accomplished with the assistance of ten drivers. Second intervention is concerned with institutionalization of performance management with the support of competency models. This is realized with the assistance of 10 most pragmatic and action oriented drivers.

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