In the present research, the conflict between married couples in Shiraz has been studied through a sociological approach. The main purpose of this research is to examine the degree of conflict between couples as well as the effective relevant factors. The theoretical framework of this research is based on Collin's theory which identifies four sociological explanations for domestic violence and conflicts including sexual possession rights, economic stress, intergeneration conflicts and social control. In this research some variables identified by Collins have been utilized as independent variables and their relationship with the dependent variables have been tested. The CTS scale has been also applied in order to measure the degree of conflict. Survey method and data collection via questionnaire have been utilized to serve our purpose. The statistical sample consists of families who have lived in Shiraz in 2007 and the sample size was 657people who have been selected in term of sample volume formula of Lin. Our findings indicate that variables such as the education level of both spouses, the main decision maker in woman's marriage, the length of time the couples got to know each other before getting married, the positive and negative events within the family, the wife's income, the way the husband exerted his authority over his wife, economic stress, kind of emotional relationship between couples and their relationship with relatives and friends have significant relations with the degree of conflict.