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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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View 1064

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Introduction: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic progressive disorder with debilitating symptoms, which is associated with severe problems such as imbalance. The present study aimed at investigating the effects of Pilates exercise on changes in balance, body composition, and vital signs in females with MS.Methods: The current quasi-experimental study was carried out after approval in the Ethics Committee of Shahid Madani University in 2016. The present study was performed on female patients with MS in Tabriz. Of the statistical population, 34 females with MS were selected by the random sampling method and randomly assigned to two groups of exercise and control. The inclusion criteria were lack of a drug change during the study period, disability status score of 0 to 6, and the age range of 40 to 20 years. The exclusion criteria were no history of orthopedic, cardiopulmonary, or metabolic diseases, and severe and sudden neurological symptoms such as memory loss or poor judgment, seizure, severe depression, dizziness, severe balance or dizziness, hearing loss, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, etc. three weeks before the project onset. The exercise group underwnt three 60-minute sessions of Pilates exercise for eight weeks. The studied variables were measured 24 hours before starting and 24 hours after the complication of the exercise protocol in both groups. Balance was assessed via Timed Up and Go (TUG) test; body composition was assessed using Jackson-Pollock 3-site skin fold test, blood pressure was measured by the Omron blood pressure monitor, and using a wrist‐worn heart rate monitor. The data were then analyzed through paired samples t test; P ≤ 0.05 was the level of significance. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 20.Results: Pilates exercise induced significant changes in fat content, body mass index (BMI), waist– hip ratio, balance, systolic blood pressure, and resting heart rate in experimental group (P ˂ 0.05). However, it failed to indiuce significant difference in weight and diastolic blood pressure (P ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: Considering the significant effect of Pilates exercise on balance, body composition, and vital signs in females with MS, the exercises are suggested as a novel, non-aggressive method to suppress the progression of physical problems in such patients.

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View 1477

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Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common diseases of central nervous system (CNS), which causes many psychological problems. Therefore, the two concepts of prosperity and resiliency in people with MS are of great importance. Personality significantly deals with happiness and perseverance as most psychological responses, and the assessment of individuals about different situations depends on personality. The current study aimed at comparing the Myers- Briggs personality dimensions, happiness, and resilience in patients with MS.Methods: The current scientific-comparative study was conducted on a statistical population including all patients enrolled in the MS Society of Ghowchan City, Khorasan Province, Iran from 2016 to 2017. The sample size was 66 subjects calculated using Morgan table. The subjects were selected by simple random sampling method. Data were collected using the Myers-Briggs personality type, happiness, and the Conner Davidson resiliency questionnaires. The results were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in a step-by-step manner. Results: One-way ANONA showed a significant difference between sensing-intuitive and judgingperceiver dimensions in terms of feeling of happiness (P < 0.05). But, the difference between introverted-extravert and thinking-feeling dimensions in terms of feeling of happiness was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The difference between thinking-feeling dimensions in terms of resilience was statistically significant (P < 0.05), although the difference between the dimensions introverted-extravert, sensing-Intuitive, and judging-perceiver was not statistically significant in terms of resilience (P > 0.05).Conclusions: According to the findings of the current research, there is a significant relationship between some aspects of personality and the level of happiness and resilience in patients with MS. Therefore, it is recommended to develop educational programs for such patients in order to improve their resilience and happiness based on Myers-Briggs personality dimensions questionnaire to recognize patients’ personality traits and preferences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Infertility is a great crisis and main reason for psychological complications such as stress, which causes depression, loss of libido, and reduced social activities, and disappointment in the married couples. The current study aimed at investigating the impact of relaxation techniques (Benson relaxation) on the reduction of stress and sexual dysfunction, and improvement of social concerns and communication concerns in females with infertility.Methods: The present study was performed on females referring to Shahid Rahimi Clinic in Khorramabad, Iran in 2016. The subjects were selected by the convenience sampling method and randomly assigned into two groups of intervention (n=17) and control (n=17). The inclusion criteria were infertility for more than one year, age 34-18 years, lack of taking sedatives, not undergoing relaxation therapy, and lack of infertility factors with the exception of ovulation. The data collection tool was the infertility problems inventory developed by Newton et al. in 1999. Initially, two groups underwent pretest and at the end of the intervention, they were tested and analyzed with SPSS version 21.Results: Benson relaxation could decrease stress (P < 0.05), sexual anxiety (P = 0.01), communication concerns (P = 0.01), and social concerns (P = 0.02) in the experimental group. Conclusions: Relaxation plays an important role in reducing stress as well as sexual, social, and communication concerns in females with infertility. Gynecologists and reproductive specialists can use relaxation techniques to control stress in females with infertility.

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View 1549

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Introduction: Due to its unique characteristics among various therapeutic approaches, parents’ training is a supplement to psychotherapeutic interventions, where parents and other care-takers are trained against behavioral problems of their children. The present study investigated the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy along with behavior management of mothers in reduction of mothers’ depression and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among children aged 7 to 10.Methods: The study used an experimental method with a pretest-posttest-follow-up scheme with control group at elementary schools of Behbahan, during year 2014. The statistical society was made up of several mothers with depression, who had 7- to 10-year-old children with the ADHD disorder. In this context, using a multistage random sampling approach, 24 depressed females with ADHD children were randomly chosen among 320 mothers with depression. These mothers were divided to two test and witness groups. Research tools involved diagnostic interviews, Beck Depression Inventory, and Conners’ Parent questionnaire, the validity and reliability of which have been confirmed. The experimental group received 18 sessions of group interventions. Data analysis was done using the SPSS software version 21 and descriptive statistics methods (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (covariance analysis).Results: At the significance level of P<0.05, results of covariance analysis in posttest showed a reduction in the average scores of mothers’ depression, compared to the control group (P<0.001, F=81.27), yet no significant change occurred in the average scores of ADHD disorder among children (P=0.375, F=0.821). Average scores of mothers’ depression and ADHD disorder in the follow-up stage in the test group had a significant decrease, compared to the control group (P<0.004, F=10.32 and P<0.001, F=27.87 respectively).Conclusions: With regards to the findings on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and behavior management of the mothers on the reduction of mothers’ depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms among children, it is suggested that training and therapeutic programs should be used with further emphasis on the relationship between mothers and elementary school-aged children so that different behavioral, therapeutic, and educational problems in children can be prevented and mothers’ and children’s well-being can be improved.

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View 1138

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Introduction: Because of the relationship between clinical competency and quality care concept, clinical competency in nursing, as a practical discipline, has a unique status. On the other hand, one of the most important challenges of nursing management for promotion of quality of nursing services is to improve nurses’ occupational quality of life. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of promoting nurses' clinical competency on the occupational quality of life in pediatric nurses.Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental, before, and after study that was done on 62 pediatric nurses at selected Hospital of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. First nurses' clinical competency and occupational quality of life was measured. For evaluation of nurses' clinical competency, a check list was used. Sixteen skills were evaluated to assess the clinical competency of nurses. Thus, nurses were observed 3 to 5 times. Occupational quality of life was evaluated by the questionnaire. Then, in five meetings that lasted two hours, the process of educating about child and family was trained to the nurses. After 3 months, nurses' clinical competency and occupational quality of life were evaluated. Data were analyzed by the SPSS 21, using descriptive statistics and paired t-test at significance level of P = 0.05.Results: Before the intervention, level of clinical competency of all nurses was at a medium and low level. After the intervention, clinical competency of 93.5% of the nurses was promoted from the low level to the medium level. There was a significant difference between mean clinical competency before and after the intervention. Before the intervention, the majority of nurses (66.1%) had medium occupational quality of life. After the intervention, occupational quality of life of most nurses (75.8%) was reported as medium. There was a significant difference between the mean occupational quality of life before and after the intervention.Conclusions: Promoting clinical competency, even in a scope, improves occupational quality of life. For this reason and regarding the mission of clinical governance at health centers and providing more safety and quality of care provided to patients, it is recommended to promote clinical competency by planning for a period of continuing medical education, as a program to be carried out annually.

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View 1078

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Introduction: Diabetes is one of the most prevalent and costly chronic diseases that imposes many limitations on the activities of the patient. Rejection of disease, sensitivity to glycemic fluctuations and physical symptoms, nutrition restrictions, and the amount of activity are stimulating factors of psychological problems in patients with diabetes. Low levels of emotional health lead the patient to other undesired results, such as distress, self-regulation problems, adverse metabolic control, and increased rate of mortality. On the other hand, stress reduction treatment based on mindfulness is a technique, which is used in mind-body medicine in order to reduce mental and physical disorders in patients with chronic diseases. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of stress reduction treatment based on mindfulness on distress problems and self-regulation in patients with type 2 diabetes.Methods: This paper was an experimental study based on control and treatment groups with pretest and post-test. Overall, 34 male and female patients with type 2 diabetes and at least high school education, from Molasadra clinic of Isfahan, were selected and placed randomly in two groups of control and treatment (17 patients in the treatment group and 17 patients in the control group). Pretest stage was done for both groups by Distress Tolerance (DTS) and Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ). The treatment group received 8 sessions of 2 hours (once a week) of mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention. Afterwards, the post-test was done for both groups. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS software version 20 and Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA).Results: The findings showed that MBSR had an effect on distress problems and self-regulation of patients with type 2 diabetes with effect size of 0.83% and 0.75%, respectively.Conclusions: On the basis of results, it could be said that mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention could have a positive impact on distress problems and self-regulation of patients.

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View 1797

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Introduction: Nursing shortage is one of challenges in nursery settings, while the situation is messing. Ethical problems is of the most important issues that can exacerbate this dilemma. The current study aimed at reviewing the ethical challenges that various communities experience due to lack of nursing staff.Methods: The present narrative review study was conducted in 2017 in three stages: search for relevant articles, evaluation of data, and analysis of data. EMBSE, OVID, PUBMED, MEDLINE, and CINHAL databases were searched. The searched keywords were nursing shortage, workforce shortage, healthcare staff shortage, moral, ethic, ethics, ethical problems, and combination of the keywords. The Persian databases such Magiran, SID, and IranMedex were also searched for the same terms and articles about nursing shortage and ethical problems. Articles were evaluated and selected based on the inclusion criteria.Results: Out of 562 titles, 6 papers were selected and enrolled in the study. Various challenges were discussed in the selected studies of which nurses migration from the developing countries to the developed ones, ethical challenges due to decreased quality of nursing services, ethical challenges related to drug administration errors and work pressure because of nursing shortage were the most important ones.Conclusions: Lack of nursing staff is one of the most important challenges in the last century that nurses in most communities faced with. Iran also deals with such dilemma. Lack of nursing staff is associated with many problems such as ethical issues, may be the most important ones, since it caused a lot of problems to nurses such as burnout, job dissatisfaction, job leaving, stress, and emotional exhaustion. Therefore, it is necessary to collect and categorize the problems associated with lack of nursing staff in order to make an urgent decision to overcome this dilemma.

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Introduction: Self-efficacy is the sense of personal ability to learn contents and perform tasks. Self-efficacy although is an effective factor in academic achievement, by creating a desirable environment for the success of educational system, it can play a predictive role for medical students in the promotion of health in the community. The current study aimed at evaluating the relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievements in the students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and exploring the variables affecting self-efficacy and showing the role of self-efficacy as a factor influencing academic achievements.Methods: The current descriptive–analytical, cross sectional study was conducted on 301 students selected through cluster random sampling method in 2014-2015 the academic year. The students were asked to completed a standard demographic questionnaire as well as a 17-item general self-efficacy scale developed by Sherer et al. Grade point average (GPA) was considered as a measure of academic achievement. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 16 using descriptive statistics including frequency, mean, and standard deviation.Results: The average self-efficacy score was 61(8); 90% of the students have a strong self -efficacy. The average academic achievement score was 17.47 (1,68).56% of students were successful. There was a significant relationship between self-efficacy and educational level, mental discomfort (P<0.05), interest in the field and satisfaction with learning(P < 0.001). There was no meaningful relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement (P≥0.05). Academic achievement significantly different in men and women. (P<0.05).Conclusions: Identification of talents and interests, academic advice when choosing field of study, activation of counseling centers, as well as research on the relationship between motivation and academic success is suggested.

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View 1883

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Introduction: Today, retention and improvement of health employees is an important point in health system. Health literacy is one of the most important issues for the promotion of public health by affecting the decisions made by the health officials. The current study aimed at determining the association between health literacy and use of social networks among administrative staff in Tehran University of Medical Sciences.Methods: The current cross sectional study was conducted on 150 administrative staff of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The data collection tool was a three-part questionnaire including demographic information, health literacy, and use of social networks. Descriptive statistics such as absolute and relative frequency and statistical tests such as Pearson correlation were used with SPSS version 18 to analysis the data.Results: The results showed that the mean age of participants was 5.7±41.6 years and 76.7% were female. The majority (82%) was undergraduate. The average score of their health literacy was 128.8 ± 21.5 and average score of using social networks was 130.6±16.6. The mean score of health literacy and use of social networks was above the average and the two variables have significant and direct relationship. Health literacy aspects including accessibility to health information, understanding, and decision making were a direct relationship with social network in the current research (P<0.001).Conclusions: According to the research findings, by the widespread use of social networks health literacy and associated behaviors, effective steps can be taken.

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View 2502

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Introduction: The role of nurses is important in the health system, thus they face a variety of psychological disorders, such as despair and aggressive behavior. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between social support, aggression, and hopelessness among nurses of Kerman, during year 2016.Methods: This correlational descriptive study was conducted on 200 nurses of Kerman University of Medical Sciences through the available sampling method. Data was gathered using a questionnaire, which included four parts, demographic data, Phillips et al.’s Social Support Questionnaire, Beck Hopelessness Scale, and Aggression Questionnaire. Data were collected by the self-reporting method and analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation and regression analysis) with the SPSS 21 software.Results: The findings showed that there was a significant negative correlation between social support and aggression (P = 0.0001) and hopelessness (P = 0.02). There was a significant positive correlation between hopelessness and aggression (P = 0.001). Conclusions: The results revealed that social support could influence negative psychological factors, such as hopelessness and aggression. Planning should be considered with the objective of social protection of nurses to prevent and heal from psychological problems, such as hopelessness and aggression behavior, and to improve the quality of patient care and quality of life.

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Introduction: Today, work-family conflict among nurses is a major issue for organizations. This research was administered to investigate the effect of psychological capital on work-family conflict among nurses.Methods: This study was correlational from the research methodology perspective. The statistical population of this study included 354 nurses of Shohadaye Kargar Hospital. The sample size was calculated through Cochran formula and a sample of 185 nurses were selected through the random classification method. In order to collect the research data, standard questionnaires of Psychological Capital, Work-Family Conflict, and Family-Work Conflict were used, the validity of which was checked through content validity and structural validity, while reliability was checked through Cronbach's alpha. Data analysis was performed by structural equation modeling using SPSS and Amos software.Results: The results of this study revealed that Psychological Capital is an effective factor on Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict. Also, the results of Sub hypotheses indicated that hope, as one of the dimensions of Psychological Capital, had the highest effect on these conflicts. Finally, the results revealed that self-efficiency and optimism had no significant effect on Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict, respectively.Conclusions: Psychological capital can be an appropriate solution to reduce Work-Family Conflict among nurses. Due to the importance of this subject, officials of hospitals should take appropriate actions to maintain or increase psychological capital among nurses.

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View 1048

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Promotion of nursing clinical education requires an effective measure with high quality. In this regard, clinical faculty plans are needed to solve the challenge between the theory and the clinical course. A review of this area suggests the uncertain effects of this plan in addressing the challenges posed by clinical nursing education. On one hand, the presence of nursing professors as a faculty member in the role of formal clinical environments will cause the clinical environment to deal with less problems and, on the other hand, there are many uncertainties regarding the clinical responsibilities of these individuals. Therefore, this article intended to present some of the problems of existing clinical education, examining the advantages, and disadvantages of the subjects of clinical faculty in the form of a perspective.

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View 1381

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Introduction: The current study aimed at investigating the impact of dialectical behavior therapy on interpersonal conflict resolution in patients with coronary heart disease.Methods: The current experimental study was conducted with control group and pretest posttest design. A total of 32 male and female patients with coronary heart disease with least highschool education referring to Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Institute were selected and randomly allocated to two groups of control and intervention each with 16 subjects. Pretest was done for both groups by conflict resolution questionnaire (CRQ). The intervention group received eight 2-hour sessions once a week for the dialectical behavior therapy. Afterwards, the posttest was done for both groups. The obtained data were analyzed with SPSS version 24 and multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was used.Results: The findings showed that DBT can affect interpersonal conflict resolution in patients with coronary heart disease with effect size of 0.81%.Conclusions: On the basis of results, dialectical behavior therapy intervention can positively affect interpersonal conflict resolution in patients with coronary heart disease.

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