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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Diabetes has no cure, but complementary therapy being used to reduce its complications. Medicinal plants have been applied to control the blood glucose, reducing the diabetic complications, increasing the life span and quality of life in these patients. The purpose of this study is investigating the active compounds of these medicinal plants and their mechanisms of action. Up to now, over 1200 species in 725 genera and 183 families of herbals have been reported with antidiabetic activity. We also reported the therapeutic effects of saffron extract and crocin, as one of its purified components, in bothin vivo and in vitro conditions. To classify the medicinal plants according to their active compound and mechanism of action, all databases, especially Web of Science and PUBMED with different keywords like "Medicinal plant, Antidiabetic component, Mechanism of action, etc., "without restrictions in the year was conducted. Then, based on the active ingredient of plant material and the mechanism of action of these materials, the articles were classified. Results showed nine main groups of materials: Imidazolines, Alpha - Lipoic Acid, Phenylpropanoids (including flavonoids, Stilbenoids and lignins), phenolic acids, saponins, alkaloids, polysaccharides, amino acids, carotenoids and dietary fibers, alone or mixed, as the antidiabetic components. Overall, one or several of these activities are found in these materials: stimulating insulin secretion, antioxidant property, inhibition or activation of some enzymes, alteration in the expression of genes involved in the glucose catabolism or excretion, and inhibition of sugar binding to the biomacromolecules such as proteins and DNA.

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The use of medicinal plants and plant active constituents in the treatment of skin diseases is very common. Here, primarily the clinical trials concerning the use of medicinal plants and plant active constituents in the treatment of noninfectious skin diseases published in English from the beginning of the year 2000 to the end of the year 2012 in the databases PubMed and Scopus are discussed. Many studies have been conducted in this field so far and further studies to determine the efficacy and safety of these drugs in the treatment of skin diseases seem necessary.

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View 1760

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Background: Rhus coriaria was growth in some areas of Iran. Fruit powder is used as a flavor in foods. Fruits are used as traditional drug, too. Some researches have isolated some phytochemicals from thye herb. There isn't any report about identification of the essential oil of this plant.Objectives: Identification of the essential oil of seeds and leaves from Rhus coriaria.Methods: The essential oil of frits and leaves from R. coriaria was obtained by hydrodistillation, separately. The oils were analyzed by GC/MS. Method of identification was based on comparison of mass spectra with standard and using of retention indices.Results: Yields of essential oil extraction from both leaves and fruits of sumac were about 0.2%.65 Components in leaves and 54 components in fruits were identified. Major component of the oils was b-caryophyllene (32.2% in leaves and 20.2% in fruits). Other major components in leaves are caryophyllene oxide, cembrene and a–humulene in leaves, and cembrene, (E, E) 2, 4-decadienal and a–terpineol in fruits.Discussion: The sumac leaves and fruits have essential oil which extractable by hydrodistillation and the essential oils are identifiable and determinable by GC/MS technique.The major components of both essential oils are identical.Conclusion: The result of our study is the same of other researchers on the plants in other countries.b–caryophyllene and cemberene which identified as major components in our samples, had identified in other research as major components of sumac essential oil, previously.

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View 2820

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Background: Hypericum perforatum is one of the valuable medicinal plants in Iran that is used in treating human diseases likes mania, anxiety and depression.Objective: Iranian H. perforatum populations were gathered from deferent region of Iran and also their genetic diversity in company with the possible relationship between genetic diversity and geographical distribution were studied.Methods: DNA was isolated by CTAB method from young leaves and double digested by Eco RI and Tru 1I enzymes. Polymorphic DNA markers generated by DNA fingerprinting technique AFLP (Vos method)using 12 primers combinations. DNA fragments detected with silver nitrate staining according to Basam protocol.Results: Totally 235 bands were scored, that 97% of them were polymorphic. The PIC values ranged between 0.31 and 0.45 with mean of 0.38. The highest and the lowest levels of genetic similarity were 0.89 and 0.29, respectively. Cluster analysis using UPGMA method and DICE similarity coefficient indicated a high genetic diversity among H. perforatum populations. There was no relationship between genetic diversity and geographical distribution. Also for the all loci, the PC1 and PC2 explained 12.8% and 8.3% of the variation, respectively.Conclusion: Wide genetic diversity between Iranian H. perforatum pupulations provide applied information to performance of breeding programs and genetic resource management. Of course, investigation of amount of hypericin and hyperforin metabolites in these populations are requiring to selection paramount genotypes.

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View 812

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Background: Application of natural compounds, including essential oils (EOs) and lysozyme is an effective method against growth of bacterial pathogens in foods.Objective: Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of lysozyme and Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil on L. monocytogenes.Methods: In this study different concentrations of lysozyme and Zataria multiflora Boiss. EOwere used alone and in combination on BHI broth to determine MIC of Zataria multiflora Boiss. EO and lysozyme with macro dilution and micro dilution methods and effect of sub inhibitory concentrations of them on bacterial growth curve of L. monocytogenes.Results: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Z. multiflora Boiss EO was estimated %0.04 using macro and microdilution. lysozyme at the highest concentration (1000 mg/ ml) was not effective in inhibition of bacterial growth and no MIC value obtained. Combination of EO and Lysozyme decreased the MIC value to %0.02 and 250 mg/ mlfor Z. multiflora Boiss. EO and lysozyme, respectively. The results of growth curve analysis showed that combination was effective in increasing the lag phase.Conclusion: Z. multiflora Boiss and lysozyme showed to be effective against bacterial growth and its potential application in food systems may be suggested.

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View 1721

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Background: Silybum marianum Gatrn. (Family: Asteraceae) is an annual or biennial plant, native to the Mediterranean area, which has spread in North and South of Iran. The seeds contain high amount of oil (20-35%) which exhibits wound-healing, anti-burn, and hepatoprotective properties.Objective: Determine the most seed yield components and oil yield in milk thistle.Methods: This research was conducted using two genotypes of milk thistle (Ahvaz wild type and Germany) in a randomized complete block design with four replications, to evaluate the most seed yield components and oil yield.Results: Initially, oil and seed yield (dependent variable) separately determined for any variety using stepwise regression analysis. In Ahvas type, seed yield and oil percent for oil yield, and capitulum diameter for seed yield whereas, in Germany type, number of capitulum for seed yield and seed yield for oil yield justified variation related to dependent variable significantly.Regression analysis represented seed yield is affected by capitulum diameter and number, and secondary metabolites of seed (R2=98.16) and oil yield is justified by oil percent and seed active constituents and yield (R2=99.91). The path analysis revealed that direct and positive effect number of capitulum (0.49), diameter of main capitulum (0.41) and oil percent (0.1) and direct and negative effect of active ingredient silymarin, are important components of oil yield.Conclusion: In general, this result showed that for increasing of seed and oil yield can be used from capitulum diameter and number and oil percent in medicinal plant breeding of milk thistle.

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View 892

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Background: Matricaria chamomilla (MC) has a series of flavonoid compounds with benzodiazepine-like properties.Objective: So it may be effective in the treatment of epilepsy and seizures. We evaluate the effect of intraperitoneally injection of hydroalcoholic chamomilla extract on seizures induced by pentylenetetrazole in male rats.Methods: In this study, 56 male rats (200-250 g) were divided into to seven groups (n=8): 1-control (saline) 2 - MC 50 mg/kg, 3 - MC 100 mg/kg, 4 - MC 200 mg/kg, 5 - MC 500 mg/kg, 6 - Diazepam (0.2 mg/kg), 7 - Flumazenil (0.5 mg/kg)+MC 200. All groups received PTZ (65 mg/kg/ip) 30 minutes after material injection and the animal's convulsive behavior were recorded. The data were analyzed statistically by SPSS software with using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test.Results: The administration of hydroalcoholic extracts of chamomile, delayed onset of tonic seizures in the animal's anterior limb and body at all used dosages. This effect was significant at doses of 200 and 500 mg/kg, in compare with control group. Also the extract of chamomile reduced the total duration of seizure and the duration of tonic -colonic seizures dose - dependently, that were significant at 100, 200 and 500 mg/kg of dosage.Conclusion: Intra-peritoneal administration of chamomile hydroalcoholic extract can effectively reduce seizures that induced by PTZ in rats. Here by, it is recommended to identify its effective components by conducting complementary research.

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View 944

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Background: The sudden involuntary muscular contractions of the air ways is a very common disease in human societies. Study on medical plant extracts to affect contractile activity of the tracheal smooth muscle can be useful manner in control of pulmonary obstructive sickness.Objectives: This research was designed to determine the effect of Althaeas' root methanol extract on contractile function of rat tracheal smooth muscle.Methods: In this experimental study, 36 tracheas of a healthy and male of 18 Sprague Dawley rats were dissected in 6 groups. The effect of Althaeas' root methanol extract concentrations (0.2, 0.6, 2.6, 6.6, 14.6, 140.6 mg/ml) and epinephrine (5 mm) in presence and absence of 1mM propranolol under one gram tension based on isometric method was assayed. This assay was recorded in an organ bath containing kerebs-hancelit solution on tracheal smooth muscle contractions by KCl (60 mM) induction.Results: Epinephrine (5 mm) alone and root methanol extract concentrations (0.6 - 140.6 mg/ml) reduced the tracheal smooth muscle contractions induced by KCl (60 mM) dose-dependently.Propranolol couldn't reduce the antispasmodic effect of root methanol extract concentrations, but it could reduce the antispasmodic effect of Epinephrine on tracheal smooth muscle contractions.Conclusion: Althaeas' root methanol extract inhibited the tracheal smooth muscle of rat contractions dose dependently, but it seems that b-Adrenergic receptors are not engage in this process. Realizing the mechanism of this process can be useful in treatment of pulmonary obstructive disease.

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View 1387

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Background: Borage of Boraginaceae family is a valuable medicinal plant. This plant because their seeds contain unsaturated fatty acids is introduced as an important food. Many research has indicated that the borage extract is able to scavenge active oxygen species and DPPH free radical Objective: To study the effect of different levels of calcium nitrate on phenolic contents and antioxidant activities in aerial parts of borage.Methods: The split-plot experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications in the research farm of Institute of Medicinal Plants, ACECR, located in Karaj was done from 2008 to 2009.Results: Results showed that Phenolic content and antioxidant activity (IC50) in the various stages of growth significantly was different (p<0.05). Also, spraying of calcium nitrate had significant effect (p<0.01) on antioxidant activity and phenolic content, but interaction effect of calcium nitrate and vegetative stages on amount of phenol and IC50 wasn't significant.Conclusion: Generally, results showed that spraying calcium nitrate throughout seed ripening increased antioxidant activity of borage plants. Considering to the borage plant is important in the formulation of health and food products, the increasing antioxidants compounds can be valuable.

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View 787

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Background: Antibiotic resistance is a problem around the world. Some bacteria are resistant to these medicines. Medicinal plants and derivatives are good source for therapy of these diseases.Objective: The curing of four medicinal plant extracts (Thymus caramanicus (T.c), Dracocephalum polychaetum (D.p), Adianthum capillus-veneris (A.c), Viola tricolor (V.t)) on plasmid bearing strains of klebsiella pneumoniae resistance to multiple antibiotics were investigated.Methods: Klebsiella pneumoniae resistance to multiple antibiotics were isolated from hospital infectious samples. Alcoholic and maceration extraction were carried out from leaves, flowers or roots of the above plants. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of each plant extract was measured. At the same time the sub inhibitory concentration (SIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) activity of each plant extract was carried out in order to cure plasmids from plasmid bearing strains. The sensitivity of the strains treated with SIC of each plant extracts to ampicillin, amoxicillin, cefotaxime, ceftizoxime, vancomycin has been measured.The morphological changes and capsule staining of klebsiella pneumoniae has been investigated with fluorescent microscope.Results: Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of each plant extract indicated that all of them have anti microbial activity and were able to inhibit the growth of resistant strains of kleb.pneumoniae. Furthermore the T.c and A.c extract had highest anti microbial activity as compared to other plant extracts.Kleb. pneumoniae cells treated with T.c and A.c extract, the cells aggregated and change their morphology, similarly, production of capsule was also lost. In addition gram stain properties of bacteria has been changed. That is the high mutagenic properties of these plant extracts on gene or gene expression in capsule modulation.The agarose gel electrophoresis (0.7%) of the treated cells and untreated one and observation of the gel with U.V. gel documentation system indicated that there were any physical loss of plasmid band on the gel.Conclusions: From above data it could be concluded that the above plants extract though they have antibacterial activity they didn't exert any curing effect on the plasmid bearing microorganisms, but antibacterial effects of T. c and A. c extracts are considerable.

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View 1865

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Background: Drug treatment of Allergic rhinitis is based on anti-histaminic and antiinflammatory drugs. Glycyrrhizic acid is an effective ingredient of liquorice root that has affirmed anti-histaminic and anti-inflammatory natures.Objective: The present study has evaluated the clinical efficacy of local glycyrrhizinic acid drop for treatment or reduction of allergic rhinitis.Methods: A double blind clinical trial study was preceded on patients with allergic rhinitis that referred to the ENT clinic of Baghiyatallah hospital.The severity of rhinitis symptoms (rhino rhea, Sneeze, pruritus, congestion) were evaluated before and after treatment with either beclomethasone nasal spray (standard) or glycirrhizic acib nasal drop. Also, complications of treatments and rate of recovery were recorded.Results: The rate of allergic rhinitis symptoms including, sever rhinorhea, Sneeze, pruritus and congestion were lowered significantly after consuming of either glycyrrhicinc acid or beclomethasone nasal spray on day 3.While, more reduction of moderate sneeze and congestion was seen prominently in patients who received beclomethasone, but patients with mild symptoms were increased in beclomethasone treated group.Conclusion: This study showed that efficacy of glycyrrhizinc acid nasal drop is closely similar and comparable to the beclomethasone nasal spray in treatment of severe symptoms of allergic rhinitis. So, this drug can be premier for treatment of severe allergic rhinitis, because of more accessibility and less complications than chemical drugs.

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View 980

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Background: Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) is an aromatic and medicinal plant of Lamiaceae family which cultivated in different region of Iran.Objective: Evaluation of methanol and ethanol spraying effects on dry matter and phytochemical yield of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.).Methods: This study was done in a randomized complete block design with three replications and eleven treatments in the research farm of ACECR - Institute of Medicinal Plants in Karaj, Iran. The treatments were: control (without spray), ethanol solutions with 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% (v/v) and methanol solutions with 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% (v/v). The volatile oil was extracted by hydrodistillation using Clevenger-type apparatus then after it was analyzed by GC and GC/MS.Results: The results showed that the foliar application of hydro-alcohols treatments had significant effect (p<0.01) on all studied parameters. The highest dry matter yield was obtained at methanol 30% and ethanol 20%. Also, the highest yield of oil, thymol and carvacrol was observed at 20% methanol, 10 and 20% ethanol, respectively.Conclusion: Foliar application of methanol and ethanol increased the yield of dry matter and content of volatile oil, thymol and carvacrol.

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View 1541

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Background: Opium poppy contains important pharmaceutical alkaloids such as Morphine, Codeine, Thebaine, Noscapine, Papaverine and Sanguinarine which are of a high economic value in pharmaceutical industries. Since production volume of secondary metabolites is very low, many strategies have been so far adopted for commercialization of its production.Objective: this research has been carried out to investigate accumulation process of morphinan alkaloids in opium poppy plant during different stages of growth.Methods: Opium poppy plant was cultured in greenhouse condition and during three stages of seed, development and flowering, samples have been taken from root and aerial organs’ tissues and after extraction of alkaloid from each specimen separately, amount of Morphine, Codeine and Thebaine using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was measured.Results: results indicated that amount of these alkaloids differs in various parts of plant during different stages of growth. Highest content of Morphine, Codeine and Thebaine was observed in aerial organs and at flowering stage of this plant. Morphine was the dominant alkaloid in all parts of plant.Conclusion: after study of the results, it was found that the plant’s growth stage has a crucial role in the under study alkaloids concentration amount, so as the amount of all the three alkaloids, Morphine, Codeine, and Thebaine after flowering stage, both in the roots and aerial organs, is by far more than their amount at growth and seeds stages. Since the largest amount of morphine was observed in flowering stage, it seems that application of new techniques such as metabolic engineering will yield better results at this stage.

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View 8799

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Background: Studies have shown that aqueous extracts of plants and herbs Aloe vera cousins on physiological functions and especially their impact on thyroid function.Objective: This study examined the effect of a 20% solution Aloe vera gel on serum T3, T4 and TSH is.Methods: In this study 20 male Wistar rats divided into ten series, control solution, 20% received a dose of 625 mg kg Aloe vera gel was divided into 21 days. Aloe vera 20% gel solution was administered by gavage. After each group of experiments, blood samples were collected via blood from the heart. After preparation of serum hormones T3, T4 and TSH were measured by using electro-chemiluminescence. The data using ANOVA test statistics were compared between groups.Results: The results showed that mice receiving a 20% gel solution Aloe vera, serum levels of T3, T4 and TSH showed a significant decrease compared to the control group (respectively p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001).Conclusion: The results indicate that 20% gel solution Aloe vera reduced serum levels of T3, T4 and TSH in the regulation of hyperthyroidism, and administering the solution may be used.

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Background: Primary dysmenorrhea, sometimes with one or more systemic symptoms and is associated with severe bleeding.Objective: we conducted a double-blind randomized placebo controlled clinical trial to evaluate the impact of Valerian on the bleeding and systemic manifestations of menstruation.Methods: A total of 100 students were randomly assigned to treatment (51 subjects) or placebo group (49 subjects). The treatment was 255 mg of Valerian 3 times a day over 3 days at the onset of menstruation. Bleeding and systemic manifestations were evaluated with a menstrual pictogram and multidimensional verbal scale before and during 2 consecutive menstrual cycles respectively.Results: Statistical tests showed that severity and duration of bleeding between the two groups were not significantly different (p=>0.05).after treatment in two groups the mean total score for intensity of systemic than before treatment can be reduced (p<0.001), but this decreased statistically between valerian and placebo groups was not significant. Except on fainting variable intensity difference between groups was significant (p<0.05).Conclusion: This study showed that valerian doesn’t increase severity of bleeding and systemic manifestations. Valerian and placebo reduce severity of systemic manifestations but the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant. It seems more research is need. Valerian can reduce faint with dysmenorrheal.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Some knowledge about medicinal plants is available in old references or books.But important point is, the information of traditional usage of medicinal plants from different parts of Iran be worthwhile and people is encouraged to use of them, another way it is a good background for future examination about medicinal plants.Objective: One of the most important sources of traditional medicine data collection is indigenous people. So the aims of the study are asking the knowledge from eldest and native people to accumulation the wealth and to guide interested people to use of medicinal plants.Methods: We started our investigation after prepared a map to distinction the area and different villages. Then we interviewed about medicinal plants in the region from eldest and native people. The specimens that were collected in the region were transferred to herbarium (ACECR) to recognition.Results: In this investigation 14 medicinal species belong to 11 families were collected and identified. In comparison with another survey in some region in neighboring provinces, there are some differences between how to use of medicinal plants and traditional usage that it is due to mores of indigenous people in the each part.Conclusion: Considering that the region has a favorable weather and rich flora especially medicinal plants and also has a previous historical of traditional medicine, so it is needed to pay attention to protect them. Another way we found some new effects of the medicinal plants that can be subjected for investigations to more examination.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Arctium lappa is a medicinal plant, which natively grows in Iran. Arctiin and arctigenin are two of the most important secondary metabolites produced in this plant and used as anticancer reagents. Application of biotechnological methods for increasing the production of these metabolites is very essential. Recently, induction of hairy roots in plants to improve the production of desirable secondary metabolites has been considered.Objective: In this study, hairy roots were induced in Arctium lappa using Agrobacterium rhizogenes, strain AR15834.Methods: The leaf explants and seedlings of Burdock were used for the hairy roots induction.The leaf explants were turned brown and died when culturedin vitro. To improve the viability of these explants, different antioxidants including ascorbic acid (ASC), citric acid (CIT), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and L-cysteine were added to the MS medium, in different concentrations either alone or in combination with each other. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) forrol B gene confirmed the morphological identification of the transformed hairy roots.Results: Although the best antioxidant reagent was PVP 0.5% (w/v), it did not stop tissues browning of the leaf explants when they were co-cultured with A. rhizogenes for the hairy roots induction. When the two or three weeks old seedling were used for the hairy roots induction, the roots were observed 2 weeks after the bacterial infection with 5% frequency.Conclusion: In this study, A. rhizogenes induced hairy roots in Burdock. To the best of our knowledge, this is a first report on the hairy roots induction in Arctium lappa.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Z. multiflora Boiss. is one of the Iranian traditional spices and it has antimicrobial effect on the pathogenic bacteria which are agents for some current foodborne intoxications.Objectives: The present study was conducted to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Z. multifloraBoiss. Essential oil on Staphylocuccus aureus ATCC 29213.Methods: Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of Z. multiflora Boiss. essential oil (EO) for Staphylocuccus aureus at 35oC, the effect of subihibitory concentrations of EO on growth of bacteria up to 72 hours and also production of entertoxin E (SEE), all at 25 and 35oC has been determined.Results: MIC and MBC of EO which have been evaluated in 0.005-0.06% (V/V) were 0.03 and 0.04%, respectively. Colony counting during 72h showed that 75%MIC of EO in 72h reduced 3 log (cfu/ml) at 25oC and 2, 2 and log (cfu/ml) at 35oC in comparison with control culture. Subihibitory concentrations of EO, significantly, decreased the production of SEE at both 25 and 35oC in a dose dependent manner.Conclusion: The results showed that Z. multiflora Boiss. essential oil had inhibitory effect on Staphylocuccus aureus and it can be used as a natural preservative in food industry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Epilepsy has prevalence about 0.5-1% of world population. From many years ago, plants used to treat of various neurological diseases such as seizures.Objective: The anticonvulsant effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Tanacetum Sonbolii was examined in male mice.Methods: 60 mice were randomly divided into six groups (n=10), included: A control group (normal saline) and 5 groups receiving Sonbolii extract (150, 300, 600, 900, 1200 mg/kg).30 min after peritoneal injection of different doses extract or saline, PTZ (85 mg/kg) were injected and the animal immediately transferred to a special cage, and the seizure behavior was evaluated within 30 minutes.Results: The tonic and colonic seizures were significantly reduced in the groups that received extract compared to control group. The onsets of seizures were difference between treated and control animals statistically. Extract were reduced the rate of death during seizures and was prevented the outbreak of tonic-colonic seizures in some case.Conclusion: Our results showed that the extracts of Tanacetum Sonbolii have strong anticonvulsant effect, and more complementary studies will be done for identifying the mechanism of action and effective material of Sonbolii exact.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: In traditional medicine "Crataegus melanocarpa" is one of the medicinal plants that has many therapeutic effects. One of them is its effect on nerveous system.Objective: Evaluation of Intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of alcoholic extract of "crataegus melanocarpa" leaves on fear behavior in presence pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) in adult male rat.Methods: Animals were divided into 3 groups: experimental, saline and, pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) 20mg/kg as positive control (I.P). In the experimental group, the animals received 4000mg/Rat alcoholic extract of "Crataegus melanocarpa" leaves (ICV) and PTZ (I.P). Then plus maze was used for evaluation of the fear. Open arm entries percentage (%OAE) and open arm time percentage (%OAT) were evaluated.Results: The results show that intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of alcoholic extract of "Crataegus melanocarpa" leaves increased %OAE and %OAT significantly (p<0.05).Conclusion: We concluded that alcoholic extract of "Crataegus melanocarpa" is effective on fear reduction in presence pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) in adult male rat.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1055

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Background: Medical pumpkin is a medicinal plant that has a special place in the pharmaceutical industry, and evaluation of quantitative and qualitative yield is a under different agronomic treatments is necessary.Objective: Investigating of quality/quantities yield of oil and morphological traits of Cucurbita pepo. affected of planting date and row arrangement.Methods: This study was done as split plot on complete randomized blocks design with 3 replications at Research field of Aburaihan College, University of Tehran in 2010 and 2011 years. Treatments were included 3 main plots of planting dates (20 Apr, 21 May and 21 June) and 3 subplots of row arrangement (1, 1.5 and 2 meter between two rows). In this study evaluated 1000 seeds weight, seeds number in fruit, seeds weight per fruit, seed yield, seed produce index, oil percentage and oil yield.Results: The year had not significant effect on any traits expect of oil percentage and seeds number in fruit. The interaction of planting date and row arrangement were significant in all quality and quantity traits. Maximum of seed yield, seed oil percent and oil yield were obtained in 1 meter row spacing´21 may treatment and 1.5 meter´21 June treatment. Maximum of unsaturated fatty acids percent and minimum of saturated fatty acids percent were obtained in planting date of June with 1.5 and 2 meter row spacing.Conclusion: According to significant effect of row arrangement and planting date on seed and oil yield of medical pumpkin, quality and quantity growth followed economic yield of this plant could be improved by using appropriate agronomic management.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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