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In this research we are paid to quality of life assessment of resident in Siroos community in Tehran based on residents satisfaction of seven index ( transformation, facility and service, security: identity, beauty, variety and legibility, quality of environment and contamination ) and finally their satisfaction of life. The research method in this survey is analytic – description. the number of samples was 90. Collecting of data accomplished by questionnaire and interview. we used variance explained and one – sample statistics for data analysis. The results of this research show that although the quality of life in this community is middle-to-low (2/97) and the residents' satisfaction with the quality of life in general is lower than the average. However, residents' satisfaction with the main elements of the quality of urban life in the study area and its sub-criteria (environmental, social, psychological and physical) show different results. So, the lowest level of satisfaction (the most distressed), despite the implementation of renovation projects in Siroos community, was related to the indexes of identity and belonging (psychosocial) to 2/64 (lower than average). Also, the emphasis on physical goals and lack of attention to social goals in the framework of the modernization project (due to the traditional urban planning approach) has occurred in the face of current facts. In addition, in terms of satisfaction or distress of residents, duration of stay, age and type of occupation have affected.

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Introduction: The increasing growth of local and public institutions and their necessity in managing the general affairs of the country and the localization process of handling the general affairs in the final decade of the twentieth and the initial decade of the twenty first centuries have changed the status of local government as an indispensable reality in the World (Hafeznia, et al., 2012, p. 148). The geographical places and regions require local autonomy and management for a better management of the affairs, the horizontal and vertical planning of relations with other regions and the establishment of institutions and organizations.

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Introduction City is a social realm on a natural context which is erected by human beings to fulfil their basic needs along with well-being, comfort and social relations. In the process of hasty urban growth and while the world moves into urban age, an array of problems and difficulties against genuine development. Thus, urban development as one of the most important global challenges is considered and its measurement is a controversial issue among policymakers and planners. During last decades, a variety of Indices to measure the level of development among cities has been proposed and applied. At the beginning, the economic indices were prevalent, since development was correlated with economic growth, especially GDP and income per capita. Gradually the deficiencies of this reductionist view became evident, recognizing other interrelated and imperative aspects. This results in proposing composite indices with social and environmental components as well as economic one.

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Urban development strategies in each city affected by tourism It should be noted that urban development planning. In fact, the achievement of sustainable development requires a comprehensive view and strategic, as well as consideration of the factors contributing to the development of tourism. The aim of this study is to evaluate the strategic and provide optimal strategies of Kermanshah tourism sector in order to explain its position in city development strategy (CDS) is. The method used in this study, a combination of qualitative and quantitative study. In quantitative way, research has purpose and to methods of descriptive analysis. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews in order to extract various experts in the field of tourism. In order to collect information from a library of survey methods, questionnaire and interview were used. The results show 15 Premier strategy (of 56 strategy) of Kermanshah tourism development in three areas: historical tourism, cultural and ecotourism is. Also among the 12 tourism areas, four areas in the Group's strategy of growth and development, five areas in the Group strategy of stabilization and improvement in the status quo and its three areas, with defensive strategies

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Introduction Rapid urbanization, which refers to the rapid increment of people living in urban areas, is an attribute of many developing countries. This phenomenon has occurred in some metropolises of Iran e. g. Tehran, Mashad, Isfahan, Shiraz and Tabriz. Expansion of urban spaces, corrosion of villages and their peripheral lands are outcomes of rapid urbanization (Zia Tavana and Ghadermazy, 2009). If urbanization process-which often accompanied by urban expansion-is not managed prpperly, it would lead to urban sprawl, pollution, environmental discount, and unsustainable production and consumption patterns (United Nations, 2014, 3). Besides, unorganized expansion of cities has several spatial outcomes on peripheral villages e. g. land use and land coverage changes in common territory of villages (Afrakhteh and Hajipour, 2014, 159). Physical expansion of settlements toward each other usually leads to annexation of smaller settlement (village) to larger settlement (city).

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Having a safe and secure shelter has been one of the oldest wishes of any human being and in order to attain suitable houses, human societies have always attempted to improve the quality and quantity of houses by the use of various methods and technologies. According to the fact that residential areas with high quality will transfer the feeling of satisfaction due to the properties that might be physical, social or symbolic to a crowd, there’ s no doubt that houses have an essential importance in human beings’ improvement. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations states that all people have the right to reach a standard living condition for their family and themselves. This standard level of living according to the United Nations includes the required food, clothes, house, health care and social services. One of the regions in which Mehr Housing policies have been applied is Kazerun County in Fars Province. At first the settlement of about 5 thousands households was taken into consideration but due to lack of allocation of enough credit, this number decreased to 900 units and currently the project of 104 units has been operated in Pardis Town in Kazerun with the aim of providing services to the citizens. While studies show that researchers have carried out numerous studies to examine citizens’ satisfaction from Mehr Housings and no studies have been carried out so far to coherently evaluate the challenges of Mehr Houses. Aware of this important fact, researchers attempt to explain the following issues in the present study: What is the level of satisfaction of settlers in Mehr Houses of Pardis Town in Kazerun? What are the most important challenges of Mehr Housing in Pardis Town in Kazerun? And what strategies do the settlers in Mehr Houses suggest to overcome the identified challenges?

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Introduction Development of higher education in the recent years makes it necessary for evaluation of universities to ensure their quality. The importance of the evaluation is that it can determine the realities about the quality. Education assessment is a formal activity to determine the quality and efficiency of curriculum. To measure the efficiency, we have to consider the criteria and indices. The indices and criteria are numerical values representing qualitative attributes in numbers. The numerical indices were used as a mechanism for efficiency analysis to assess the universities. This is the task of the governments to show and eliminate the inequalities in education. Equal education opportunities in schools mean equal access of all to the efficient education for sustainable development. The equal access of all students to educational opportunities can improve educational system to achieve the sustainable development goals. The education for sustainable development is the learning based on some principles with the aim of sustainability in all levels. Thus, the purpose of this present research is to make a ranking of the universities of Tehran City using document and non-document indices for educational goals.

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The Present research is an attempt to realize the status of informal economic section in the sustainability of Tabriz megalopolis. The Tabriz megalopolis is a sample of urban development models which is wholly changed due to variation of urban planning in recent decades and involves porous and ill appearance. This investigation attempts to evaluate the economic roots of the problem based on urban sustainability views to provide a proper context for better realizing and judging them when they are applied in urban planning and development fields.

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Introduction: Developing of urban neighborhoods in line with the growth and expansion of the city and population growth has undergone many changes in time pass. Such change is more visible in cities environment with historical background. Thus, it can be seen well the difference between the traditional neighborhoods that no plan have been formed and after the formation, planning was done for them with new neighborhoods which were created and formed by plan.

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Introduction: If researchers and academics, believe that the discussions of urban development and rural development be done as separated from each? Answer such questions can be found in the form of regional development strategies. Therefore, strategies and policies for regional development have an important role in boosting economic activity and the development of deprived areas followed by, reduce differences between regions. Regional allocation of public facilities and funds can be a step forward to achieve balanced development and reducing regional inequalities; otherwise, the continuation of existing trends by focusing economic development in developed areas will lead to divergence and dissonance in national development. In general, regional development is following the creation of conditions and framework conditions suitable for continuous improvement of living standards, reduce unemployment; diversify economic activity, increased investment in the private and public sectors, increased economic prosperity, as a result, social and economic sustainable development. Considering this important, economic growth only goal of the strategy of regional development, but rather, justice, poverty elimination, economic sustainability, are the objectives of the strategy.

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Introduction Today, with the increasing tendency of the vehicle to walk to public transport is much reduced from their desire the increase of private cars has increased and environmental pollution; So that the air pollution in many countries of the world, especially major cities in Iran is so important that Forced the government to take seriously the issue and adopt policies and programs for its short and long term; In this way and in a different perspective, it is necessary to think. Including urban planners to design their ideas and their views on this issue has been raised and transit-oriented development approach. This approach in urban planning from the 1970s in USA policymakers and researchers in the field of planning and urban design has been considered. Citizens are encouraged to use public transportation in areas with mixed-use residential, commercial and office near a node or transit stops (bus, subway, etc. ) is; that if implemented, this type of planning can bring many benefits, including reduction in transport costs, reduce congestion, sustainability and urban vitality, open shape the development of cities and etc. the cause. In our country, Iran, using public transportation and take advantage of the benefits that have been addressed in the cities, especially big cities. And plans have been implemented in these areas. In Tehran, the large-scale projects such as metro and bus systems were operating Extremist; but the development of such systems requires understanding the effectiveness of various dimensions. The aim of this study is to answer questions about the operation of the bus system Extremist in Tehran to what extent the framework for transit-oriented development approach and its physical properties have been considered. Since then one of habitable transit-oriented development quality objectives in this study is that air pollution is taken into account; Using zoning air pollution in Tehran and its compliance with the requirements of transit-oriented development approach around Extremist bus system to answer the question whether or not there is a connection between the two?

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Quality of life, a complicated word in relation to living conditions and demographic situation in the region. Quality of life, Aspects of objective and subjective indicators such as satisfaction, happy and security in the cover and in some cases, also called social satisfaction. This research is aimed to quality of life measures in the social, cultural, physical, and economic environment in rural villages in the southern city Bahmaei Bahmaei of functions Kohgiluyeh and Boyer review. The study was descriptive survey that after studying the documents, 8 villages of more than 60 households were studied. 243 questionnaires (using the Cochran) systematically distributed among heads of households. After collecting information, sorting and statistical processing (descriptive and inferential analysis) was conducted in SPSS and GIS Findings show that According to head of household, sample the quality of education, quality health and safety and the quality of social relations and solidarity in social and cultural conditions are acceptableBut the quality of leisure (social dimension), quality residential environment and quality of infrastructure in the physical, environmental quality of the physical environment and the quality of income and employment in the economic conditions are not favorable and below the national average were evaluated. So we can say that the quality of life in the village normal and desirable living spaces and an important factor in the slow pace of rural development and away from sustainable development considered And an obstacle to the promotion of development indicators in the area of study

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Introduction: Discovering theories and laws explaining the patterns and behaviors of natural and human world is the goal of science. In social science realm, there here been two antagonist and different approaches about lawability of this sciences. Some schools based on realistic approach have insisted on assimilating the natural and human sciences on the contrary idealistic school considering humanism, considers social science different from natural science and denies the similarity between the lawability of and social natural sciences. This issue in geography is also from those disputable issues that has already been the subject of many disputations among different geographical schools. Some of them points out the geography as a lawable science such as environmentalism, behaviorism, spatial and systematic. In opposition, possibilism, exceptionalism and radical schools (critical and post-modern) considers the geography as a lawless knowledge. this paper proceeds the issue differently that whether the geography is a lawable science or not? If it is, then how are its laws? According to the analysis of the paper, geography is considered as a lawable science. Methodology This paper is a fundamental research by the typology and by the purpose is problem resolving (mental and philosophical problem). The analysis of paper is based on logical and epistemological theorems and reasoning’ s. The sources used in the paper are documentary and library based.

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Garbage generated in cities is one of the most important challenges in urban planning and in achieving a healthy city and consequently the clean city. Since the formation, garbage is involved with important issues such as collection, recycling, disposing style and location of disposing. The issue of garbage collection from the cities Surface can be studied in relation to urban cleanliness because they are directly affected in the face of the city and negligence in this area creates many problems in cities. In addition to Technical issues, it is involved with social, economic, cultural, and management problems and their identification and rank them can be useful. This paper aims to study the bottlenecks in garbage collection in the Rasht city via qualitative methods using Grounded Theory. Based on purposeful and theoretical sampling, 48 Citizens were selected. Techniques used for data collection and data, focused on semi-structured interviews and field observations. Interviews continued until theoretical saturation stage. Based on the Grounded Theory, data coding was done in three stages and as a result, five nuclear issue are extracted, including factors related to the social and cultural, economic, Infrastructure, management and rules.

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