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In this paper, we reviewed properties of superheated water, the basic principles of superheated water extraction (SWE) and its applications. Also, the required equipments, advantages and disadvantages of this method in relation to the conventional extraction processes; e.g. steam distillation and Soxhlet, were explained.One of the novel applications of SWE is extraction of essential oils from medicinal plants. SWE is an environmental friendly, more efficient method and can be considered as a green chemical technology. In this regard, a laboratory extraction unit of SWE was designed; fabricated and essential oils of some plants such as coriander, cumin and lavender were extracted.

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Background: Salvia leriifolia (Lamiaceae) is indigenous to the east of Iran and some part of Afghanestan. It has many pharmacological effects such as antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, anti-ischemic, anti-hyperglycemic, hypnotic, muscle relexant, anti-peptic ulcer and anticonvulsant effects.Objective: In this research, the antianxiety effects of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of S. leriifolia Benth. leaves were studied using elevated plus maze.Method: Nine groups of male mice were used, each of which contained 7-10 animals. Half an hour before anti-anxiety test, the aqueous or ethanolic extracts (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg), diazepam (1 mg/kg) and saline were injected intraperitoneally to mice. The aqueous and ethanolic extracts were dissolved in saline or tween 80, respectively. In anti-anxiety test, the number of entries into open and closed arms by animals was recorded. In motor coordination (Rotarod test) experiment, the extracts were injected 30 or 60 min before the test and in locomotor activity (open field test) experiment, the extracts were injected 60 min before test.Results: In anti - anxiety test, among different doses of the aqueous or ethanolic extracts, only ethanolic extract (in dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg) significantly increased opened arms entrance (p<0.01) and all doses of the ethanolic and aqueous extracts declined closed arms entrance, dose dependently (p<0.001). In Rotarod and open field tests all of doses significantly decreased mice locomotion activity and motor balance (p<0.001).Conclusion: The ethanolic extract of S. leriifolia leaves extract showed anti-anxiety activity and declined locomotion activity and motor coordination in mice.

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View 1584

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Background: Candida albicans is the most important species, cause candida infections. The common forms of candidiasis are cutaneous and mucosal candidiasis, include oral (thrush), Vaginal candidiasis and onychomycosis. Different studies showed the drug resistance between candida albicans isolates, so it seems necessary to find replacement treatment for prevention of this resistance, side effects and avoidance of recurrent infection.Objective: Aim of this study is to determine of MICs of three essences against candida albicans isolates. Also, we compared the effects of essences between azole resistance and azole susceptible isolates.Method: In this study, 30 candida albicans isolates (16 azole resistance and 14 azole susceptible isolates) obtained from oral, vaginal and nails of patients with candidiasis were evaluated. In order to determine of susceptibility of Zataria multiflora, Geranium herbarum and Artemisia sieberi essences against candida albicans, Macrodilution broth Serial dilution of essences was prepared in sabouraud glucose broth tubes. Essences were solved in DMSO (0.12) as solvent. The same solvent at an appropriate concentration was used as a control (with and without organisms). After inoculation, incubation and subculture, MICs, compared to control tubes were determined.Results: The obtained results of MICs for Zataria multiflora, Geranium herbarum and Artemisia sieberi were between 0.11-0.25 ml/ml (mean: 0.18 ml/ml), 0.4-1.25 ml/ml (mean: 0.83 ml/ml) and 0.62-1.25 ml/ml (mean: 1.4 ml/ml), respectively. Also, there are not significant differences in MICs of these essences against azole resistance and azole susceptible isolates.Conclusion: We conclude that anti-candida activity of three herbal essences under study, against azole resistance and azole susceptible isolates were similar. With attention to resistance of different candida albicans to synthetic and chemical antifungals, these herbal essences are safe replacement treatments for cutaneous and mucosal candidia infections.

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View 1483

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Background: Molds are important spoiler of food material and have potential of mycotoxin production. The adverse side effects of chemical preservatives have caused that research focused on use of naturally occurring compound, especially essential oils (EOs), for inhibition of mold growth. Essential oils are natural compounds containing terpenic mixtures that have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Zataria multifloro Boiss., a domestic aromatic plant of Iran, has different effect such as antispasmodic and antibacterial. Objective: In this study effect of Z. multiflora Boiss. Essential oil on growth and spore production by Aspergillus flavus and its morphological alteration action were investigated.Method: After extraction of essential oil with steam distillation method, it was analyzed by GC-MS. Evaluation of essential oil effect on growth and spore production carried out by agar dilution method. For SEM evaluation, mold cultured on PDA was fixed with osmium tetroxide and blocks of agar were coated with gold and observed by scanning electron microscope.  Results: Effect of EO on growth and spore production by A. flavus was significant in all concentrations studied. MIC and MFC values were 400 and 1000 ppm, respectively. SEM analysis showed excessive sporulation of mold culture in absence of EO while sporulation of culture containing EO was very sparse. Morphological changes such as irregular surface with many folds and distortion of hyphae were seen in cultures treated with EO.Conclusion: Inhibitory effect of Z. multiflora Boiss. Essential oil demonstrated in this study candidate this EO as a substitution of chemical preservatives.

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Background: Regarding to the patient’s unwillingness toward lifestyle modification or drug therapy for hypertension and asymptomatic nature of this disease, the control of hypertension is difficult and may be resistant is some instants. On the other hand the popular tendency to the herbal medicines to treat disease including hypertension is grown.Objective: Based on animal and human individual reports of antihypertensive effects of olive leaf extract, and lack of well controlled human clinical trials, in this study the effects of olive leaf on mild to moderate and resistant blood pressure was evaluated.Method: In this placebo controlled double blind randomized clinical trial, 64 patients with mild to moderate hypertension referring to Heart Clinic, Baghyatollah Hospital were randomly assigned to receive treatment with olive leaf powder, 1000 mg daily or placebo. Patients underwent Holter monitoring for 24 hours at the beginning and end of the treatment. For each patient demographic information, risk factors of atherosclerosis and co-morbid medical conditions were recorded as well as maximum systolic and diastolic blood pressure, minimum systolic and diastolic blood pressure, mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and maximum and minimum heart rate before, during and after the treatment were recorded by holter manitoring.Results: The treatment groups were similar according to sex, age, height, weight, BMI (Body Mass Index), and risk factors of atherosclerosis. Significant reduction occurred in mean and maximum systolic blood pressure in the olive leaf extract group, but reduction in diastolic and mean arterial pressure was not significant in this group. In the other hand, in the placebo group, systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure underwent significant increase after the treatment.Conclusion: According to the results of this study, olive leaf extract is an effective agent in reducing the blood pressure especially systolic blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Based on the role of isolated systolic hypertension in patient’s complications, this botanical material is a suitable adopted drug for reducing the cardiovascular risks in the hypertensive subjects.

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View 3360

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Background: Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a valuable medicinal and aromatic plant which is cultivated throughout the world. Therefore, it is necessary to determine effect of important agronomical factors on quality and quantity of its volatile oil.Objective: To determine plant density and nitrogen fertilization effects on quality and quantity yield of basil.Method: This study was done in Research farm of ACECR, Institute of Medicinal Plants & Natural Products Research in 2006 on the base of factorial experiment in randomized complete block design with four replications. All possible combinations of three plant densities (266666, 200000 and 160000 plants ha-1) and three nitrogen rates (0, 50 or 100 kg ha-1) were established. Results: The results indicated that plant density had significant effect (p<0.01) on yield of dry herbage and oil. Plant density had no significant effect on oil content but due to the increment in dry herbage yield per unit area, oil yield had been significantly increased in higher plant density. Nitrogen fertilization had significant effect (p<0.01) on all studied parameters. Although, nitrogen application had adverse effect on oil content, nitrogen fertilization up to 100 kg ha-1 increased yield of dry herbage and essential oil. Such increase in essential oil yield was caused by N fertilization due to an increase in dry herbage yield.Conclusion: The maximum yield of dry herbage and oil were obtained in plant density of 266666 plants ha-1 with nitrogen application of 100kgha-1 and was the best treatment in respect of dry matter and oil yield.

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View 2046

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Background: Gummosa (Ferula gummosa B.) is a highly valuable medicinal plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. it is a herbaceous, perennial and monocarpic plant. Flowers appear only once during the life cycle of the plant.Objective: Our aim through present research was to reduce the long time we need for breaking seed dormancy and germination period, second was to induce healthy plantlets for preparing suitable explants for callus induction, and introducing reliable shoot organogenesis protocol by changing different media components and hormones. Method: After seed sterilization, embryonic axes were excised from the pericarp and were transferred in greenhouse with different concentrations of MS Culture Medium (MS, 1/4MS, 1/8MS), In callus induction phase, root, cotyledons, main leaf, hypocotyle, embryo and cutting embryo as a explant, were placed on MS medium with 1/4 concentration containing various combinations of plant growth regulators (PGRs), 2,4-D, NAA, BAP and kinetin. In Shoot organogenesis phase, were used B5 and 1/4MS culture medium with various combinations of growth regulators (BAP, ADS, and ABA) and viable calli from (hypocotyle, root & cutting embryo).Results: MS medium with 1/4 had the best result for seed germination and growth of seedling, The best response obtained on concentration levels of 1,2 mg/l-1 BAP and 10 mg/l-1 NAA and Root and cutting embryo were detected best explants for callus induction. The only response for shoot organogenesis was observed on 1.5 mg/l-1 BAP and 0.5 mg/l-1 ADS.Conclusion: This study showed the in vitro embryo culture could reduce the time of dormancy breaking and germination, also the effect of culture medium, explant types and hormone levels on callus induction and shoot organogenesis.

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Background: It has been clearly documented that Elaegnaceae have a variety of medicinal uses including anti-ulcerogenic activity.Objective: We therefore hypothesized that Elaeagnus angustifulia L. (E. A.) fruit might be involved in the control of stimulated gastric acid secretion. To address this question, we investigated the pharmacological effect of the E. A. fruit extract on carbachol-induced acid secretion in a pylorus-ligated rat.Method: In this study we used pylorus ligation method. Briefly, animals were anesthetized and two cannulas were introduced into the stomach through esophagus to inject drug and pylorododenal junction to collect the stomach juice. Carbachol or histamine was infused into jugular vein and gastric juice was collected in 10-min periods to titrate with NaOH 0.01 N.Results: Our results showed that the E. A. fruit extract dose and time dependently decreased the carbachol- (but not histamine-) stimulated gastric acid secretion when it administered at increased steady level (at 30 minute) of carbachole time-course curve.  Stimulated acid secretion was completely suppressed at a dose 600 mg/kg 30 min after drug administration and this inhibitory effect persisted up to the end of experiments (100 min). Using E.A. fruit extract simultaneously with carbachol infusion had no effect on acid secretion.Conclusion: These results suggested that E.A. fruit has a pH-dependent anti-secretory action on cholinergic-stimulated gastric acid secretion by intragastric administration. It is likely that the inhibitory effect is mediated by cholinergic nervous system and/or non-neuronal membranes.

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Background: Previous clinical and experimental studies suggested the valuable effect of some herbal medicines on hyperlipidemic profile. Rheum ribes an herbal medicine has been prescribed for the treatment of diabetes and hyperlipidemia by several herbalists in Iran.Objective: The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of Rheum ribes stalk extract on lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic type II diabetic patients.Method: One month randomized double blind clinical trial was conducted on 36 hypercholesterolemic, type II diabetic patients, referred to Diabetic Clinic at Special Medical Center Tehran Iran. All the patients who participated were aged between 40 to 60 years had LDL cholesterol above 100 mg/dl and confirmed type II diabetes with fasting blood glucose above 150 -200 mg/dl. The patients were not taking any antihyperlipidemic drug during last one month and continue their standard anti-diabetic therapy without any change during the study.The patients were randomly allocated in two groups. One group received 1200 mg Rheum ribes daily in three 400 mg capsule and other received placebo similarly. The patients fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride, creatinine, SGOT and SGPT were determined at the beginning and at the end of the study after one month.Results: At the end of the study in Rheum ribes treated patients fasting blood glucose, LDL and total cholesterol significantly decreased as compared to placebo treated patients as well as compared to beginning of the study. In placebo treated patients all blood level of biochemical determination at the end of the study were not significantly changed as compared to beginning of the study.Conclusion: Rheum ribes stalk extract treatment had beneficial effect on lipid as well as glucose profile in type II diabetic hypercholesterolemia patients without any adverse effect on liver and kidney.

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Background: Diabetes mellitus (especially type I) is accompanied with disturbances in learning, memory, and cognitive skills in the human society and experimental animals.Objective: Considering the beneficial effect of Apium graveolens (AG) on lipid peroxidation in hyperlipidemia and on serum lipids in diabetes mellitus, this research study was conducted to evaluate the effect of chronic oral administration of AG on learning and memory in diabetic rats using passive avoidance test.Method: For this purpose, male Wistar diabetic rats were randomly divided into control, AG-treated control, diabetic, and AG-treated diabetic groups. AG treatment (at a weight ratio of 1/15 mixed with rat chow) continued for 6 weeks. For induction of diabetes, streptozotocin was injected i.p. at a single dose of 60 mg/kg. For evaluation of learning and memory, initial latency (IL) and step-through latency (STL) were determined at the end of study using passive avoidance test. Meanwhile, alternation behavior percentage was determined using Y maze.Results: There was a significant increase (p<0.05) in IL in diabetic and AG-treated diabetic groups after 6 weeks as compared to control group. In this respect, there was no significant difference between diabetic and AG-treated diabetic groups. On the other hand, STL significantly decreased (p<0.05) in diabetic group and significantly increased (p<0.05) in AG-treated diabetic group as compared to control group at the end of study. In addition, STL did not significantly change in AG-treated control group in comparison with control group. Results of Y-maze showed that alternation was significantly higher (p<0.05) in AG-treated diabetic rats relative to untreated diabetic ones and AG treatment did not have any significant effect in control group.Conclusion: Chronic oral administration of AG could enhance the consolidation and recall capability of stored information and improve spatial memory in diabetic animals.

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Background: Glycyrrhiza glabra L. has been used in respiratory diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers and liver insufficiencies for many years. The plant grows in different regions of Iran. Since our country is considered one of the greatest exporting countries of the plant roots, investigation of licorice quality from different parts of Iran and determination of the best area for its growing seems to be important.Objective: According to validated references, glycyrrhizic acid percentage and water-soluble extractives are determinative of quality; therefore, in this investigation, these two factors have been measured in the plants collected from different regions of Iran.Method: Roots of the plant were collected from Kerman, Kermanshah, Sirjan, Sarhadd (Fars province), Istahban (Fars province), Ghasredasht (Fars province), Najaf Abad (Isfahan province), Ganjnameh (Hamedan province), Ekbatan (Hamedan province), Mahabad, Khorram Abad and Ardabil and water-soluble extractives using maceration method and glycyrrhizic acid percentage with HPLC technique were determined in each sample.Results: The results showed that the amount of water-soluble extractives and glycyrrhizic acid are high in samples from Kermanshah, Sarhadd and Kerman while these two factors are the lowest in the plant roots collected from Ekbatan and Ganjnameh.Conclusion: The plant roots collected from Kermanshah, Sarhadd and Kerman have the highest quality and are the best for medicinal purposes, sweetening and flavoring agent and for exporting as well.

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Background: Cassia Angustifolia Extract (CA) has indication as a colon irritant. For rapid and full action of this extract or their derivatives need to high dosage of them. CA can have toxic effects on different organ of body, therefore it is necessary to study effects of them on liver and kidney.Objective: In this study effect of Cassia Angustifolia syrup on liver and kidney of rat were assigned by analysis of biochemical factors which related to these organs.Method: 40 rats randomly divided in two groups with 20 members. First group was received 0.9 ml/kg CA containg of 1.85 mg CA extract in 30ml sterile water. Second group was received only 30ml sterile water. After 1, 24, 48 and 72 hours blood samples were taken from these groups and then analysis of biochemical factors related to liver and kidney activity were done. Also, the clinical conditions were recorded four times a day. Results: diarrhea as a clinical condition showed only in the first group during 72 hours. 1 hour after receiving CA or water in both groups the ALP, ALT and AST showed no changes but after 24, 48 and 72 hours these factors showed significant differences between two groups. There were no significant differences between bilirubin levels after 24 hours in both groups but there were after 48 and 72 hours. There were no significant differences in levels of nitrogen urea during 72 hours.Conclusion: Considering to significant changes showed by statistical analysis of biochemical factors which results in two groups after study and also due to no significant changes in clinical condition, We suggest more study about effects of CA is necessary.

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View 2011

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