In order to identify the nematodes associated with fruit trees in Moghan region (orchards), 120 soil and root samples were collected from several orchards in the region during 2004 and 2005. The samples were washed and the nematodes were extracted by centrifugal flotation technique. Then they were fixed and transferred to glycerin according to the De Grisse method (1966). The permanent slides were prepared from the extracted nematodes. After microscopic consideration, the useful measurement and drawings (morphological and morphometrical characters) were made. In this survey, 28 speceis belonging to 19 genus, were identified as follows: Aphelenchoides limberi, A. cyrtus, Aphelenchus avenae, Aprutides guidettii Basiria flandriensis, Boleodorus thylactus, Coslenchus pycnocephalus, Criconemoides xenoplex, Criconema informis, Ditylechus kheirii, D. medicaginis, D. parvus, Filenchus afghanicus, F. vulgaris, Merlinius rugosus, Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus, Paraphelenehus acontioides, Parartylenchus tateae, P. nanus, Pratylenchus neglectus, P. thornei, P. vulnus, Psilenchus hilarulus, Rotylenchus cypriensis, Zygotyenchus guevarai, Longidorus iranicus, L. profundorum, Xiphinema indexThree species viz: Aphelenchoides cyrtus and Paraphelenehus acontioides are reported here for the first time from Iran. Paraphelenehus acontioides is separated from the similar species with eight lateral fields and terminal spike or mucro of tail. Aphelenchoides cyrtus is separated from the similar species with four lateral fields, constriction in lip region, number and shape of mucro, length of body and male nematodes.