Nanotechnology plays an important role in the scientific, economic, and political development of countries, so that adapting to today’s dynamic world and becoming the leading power in the Middle East and a pioneer in this field is subject to the acquisition of nanotechnology and the related knowledge. One of the short-term, urgent and effective methods for obtaining knowledge and technology concerned with nanotechnology is technology transfer but despite its outstanding importance, little attention has been paid. On the other hand, in extraordinary circumstances imposed by the sanctions against Iran, the urgency of this issue increases, since the technical and knowledge interactions under sanctions are harder and more complex. Also, the possibility of complete transfer of knowledge and technology, especially in the field of high technologies such as nanotechnology decreases. Therefore, this study has aimed to design a customized model for Iran to facilitate making accurate and wise decisions about transfer of nanotechnology and the knowledge associated with that technology. To achieve this goal, three basic steps have been taken. First, eighteen major factors influencing the transfer of knowledge and technology of nano has been identified. Then, these factors have been weighed. Finally, they have been categorized into five clusters that are: 1. Technology source, 2. Technology receiver, 3. Technology process, 4. Technology nature, 5. Technology environment. It is notable that this classification has been based on open systems approach.