Aaran and Bidgol’s Rige-Boland sandy dunes with the surface area of about 168000 hectares are located in most northern part of Isfahan. The most important natural habitats of the study area are Populus euphratica woodlands, the sandy soils containing sulphate compounds, the profile of neogene hills, waterways and seasonal river beds, salty and wet regions, desert playa adjacent to the sandy dunes, destroyed lands, ponds, and the kanat margins. The study area is at least 780 m and at most 1100 m above the sea level. The average annual rainfall is about 120 mm, 52% of which occurs in the winter. The average annual temperature ranges between -13 and+48oC. In the present field study, all of the existing plants in the habitats were collected and identified during two growth seasons. One hundred and ninety seven plant species were identified in different habitats including: one alga, three gymnosperms, and 190 angyosperms (including 164 species of dicotyledons and 26 species of monocotyledons). The identified plants belonged to 40 families and 139 genera. The plant families which had the highest number of species were Chenopodiaceae (with 32 species), Brassicaceae (with 23 species), Papilionaceae (with 13 species), and Boraginaceae (with 12 species). The important life forms of the area based on Raunkiaer system are as follows: Therophytes (with 108 species, 54.9%), Hemichryptophytes (with 32 species, 16.3%), and Phanerophytes (with 27 species, 13.5%). The analysis of the geographical dispersion of the plants in sandy dunes indicated that the species with Irano–Turanian region’s geographical dispersion had the highest degree of dispersion, i.e. 118 species (60.7 %).