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The main goal of this research was an evaluate of wheat production's support policy in Iran. For the purpose, Producer Support Estimate (PSE) indicator, which is an indication of the extent of direct and indirect government support for wheat producers, was used for the duration of 1989-2004 period. Results showed that this indicator increased from -126 billion Rls (local currency) in 1989 to 22900 billion Rls in 2004. Based upon the obtained results, it is proposed that policy makers reconsider the method of wheat producers' subsidization and shift the agricultural policies in Iran from distributive transfer oriented ones towards productive policies to promote the competitiveness in the world markets.

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Differing consumption patterns among individuals along with relative commodity price changes has made inflation effects differ from one person to another. On the other hand, inflation continues to be a general phenomenon in Iranian economy. The impacts of price changes on rural poverty have been hereby investigated. For this, market price fluctuations in rural areas of Fars province during the past three socioeconomic plans were evaluated, and poverty price elasticity, price index for the poor, and Laspeyre's price index assessed. Results indicated that an increase in relative prices of foods and housing, reduced income inequality as pro-poor, but increase in relative prices of other groups of goods and services increased income inequality as against-poor. In addition, increase in all prices of all goods and commodities (inflation) reduced income inequality as pro-poor and so dimensions of rural poverty phenomenon in Fars Province followed a reduction trend during this period.

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Technical and scale efficiencies of cotton farms, in Khorasan province, were estimated through the parametric approach during the period 2000-2003. Efficiency was estimated through stochastic Translog Frontier Production Function based on panel data. Results indicated that technical efficiency wa rated as less than scale efficiency. Means of technical and scale efficiency were found to be 63 and 88 percent respectively. In addition, education and promotion of agriculture exerted a positive significant effect on technical efficiency of farmers. However, a vast majority of cotton producing formers suffer from suboptimal farm scales. According to the findings, education along with promotion of agriculture with respect to optimal application of inputs and increasing of input productivity (as regards the offering of relevant supportive policies) have been emphasized for increasing yield and an improvement of efficiency.

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The main objectives of this research were measuring intrapreneurship in Agricultural Extension Organization and finding organizational and managerial prerequisites for developing intrapreneurship in Agricultural Extension Organization in Iran .The study was mainly an applied form of research, and with regard to the control of its variables it was a non-experimental cause and effect study type. A questionnaire was developed to gather the needed data. The questionnaire's face validity was vrified by a panel of experts while its reliability approved through a pilot test (Cronbach's Alpha=0.80). Research population included 214 extension agents who worked in the offices of Jihade Agriculture in the following six provinces of: Azarbayejan Gharbi, Chahar Mahal-o Bakhtiari, Booshehr, Yazd, Ghazvin and Lorestan. The investigation of intrapreneurship in extension organization revealed that the organizational structure, the style of management, reward system and organizational communication system were not the determining factors in facilitating intrapreneurship. Regression analysis revealed that organizational culture as well as organizational rules and structure exerted the most effects on the development of intrapreneurship in extension organizations, this accounting for 51.4% of the changes in the variances of organizational entrepreneurship.

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The purpose of this study was to consider the influences that the wheat farms' advisors exert on ways to adopt technology and innovations concerning soil protection. The methodological approach in the study was a descriptive- correlation one. The target population in the research included all wheat farmers participating in Wheat Program in Tehran province (N=831) from whom a number of 135 were selected as statistical prototype in a classification sampling method, using Kukran's table. One hundred and two questionnaires were finally filled out and analyzed (75%).Validity of the instrument was established through review and comments of a panel of experts consisting of senior faculty members in agricultural extension and education.A reliability analysis was conducted, Cronbach alpha value being reported as 87 percent. Findings in the study indicated that a majority of the farmers' adoption of technology and innovations as concerns the soil protection element was excellent with farmers' adoption of the advices of wheat farms' advisers considered at an 'average'.There was a significant and positive relationship obtained between the manner in which a technology or advice was adopted by farmers participating in wheat program and the extent to which wheat farms' advisors themselves had gained acceptance and adoption among the farmers.

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The present study was undertaken to analyze factors affecting farmers' participation in the management of water Network in Jarghouyeh district in Isfahan County. A descriptive correlation research design was adopted for the study. At the field work level, surveying was the basic method which was taken into consideration.The statistical population of the study consisted of about 1810 members of Water User Associations (WUAs) of Jarghouyeh district, Isfahan country, out of which 150 farmers wew selected as the sample, using proportional stratified random sampling method. A questionnair was developed for gathering data. The questionnair was validated through a panel of expert judgment; the panel being consisted of the faculty members of the Department of Agricultural Extension and Education of the University of Tehran. The reliability of the questionnair was validated through an application of Chronbach Alpha the coefficient for which was found out to be more than 0.75. The results of linear regression indicated that four variables, viz, cultivated land size, duration of membership in WUAs, farming experience and educational level of farming predicted about 54 percent of the variation of the dependent variable respectively. Factor analysis showed that five factors of: participation in the maintenance and technical development of the network, participation in improving irrigation profitability" participation in optimum distribution of water, participation in group activities and cooperation with the government water and irrigation agencies accounted for about 72% of variance of farmers' participation in irrigation network management. The findings related to the prioritizing areas of farmers' participation in the management of irrigation network indicate that involvement in constructing new canals and gates, as well as their maintenance and reconstruction were the first two prior activities in which the farmers showed a higher level of enthusiasm for participation.

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The main purpose of this surveying research was to investigate the effective factors affecting entrepreneurial mentality of graduate students of the University College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran. The target population consisted of 686 graduate students (M. Sc. & Ph. D levels). To select sample population, stratified sampling was employed the sample size being comprised of 150 students. The questionnaire's validity was confirmed by a panel of faculty members of Tehran University. Reliability was assessed through Cronbach's Alpha (a=0.84, 0.93 and 0.79 for psychological factor, educational and university factor and for entrepreneurial mentality respectively) indicat the reliability of the questionnaire as acceptable. SPSS/win software was empolyed for data description and analysis. The results of correlation analysis showed that there were significant relationships between age, physiological factor, educational and university factor and the dependent variable namely entrepreneurial mentality. The results of regression analysis showed that physiological factor, educational and university factor as well as age respectively explained 63.5 percent of variances of dependent variable. Also the results of t- test showed that there were significant differences observed between the independent variables marital statuses, invention, occupation, father's education level, organization, and entrepreneurial mentality as the dependent variable.

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The undesirable negative consequences of conventional farming have lead to the need and emphasis for new sustainable agricultural production techniques. Organic farming has arisen to be considered as one of the sustainable agricultural systems.Agricultural experts play an important role in extension and spread of the system. The research goal is to investigate the effective factors on expert's knowledge toward organic farming. The survey was conducted using cluster random sampling among 114 agricultural experts in Khuzestan province. Questionnaire was employed for gathering data. The results indicated that access to agricultural and environmental information as well as the record of service has positive and direct effect on knowledge toward organic farming. Based on the results, variables of attitude towards health, attitude toward food supply within the framework of total environmental attitude, exert indirect effects on knowledge toward organic farming. The results of the research will be useful in directing the extension programs towards on improvement of knowledge and skill of agricultural experts as regards organic farming.

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Nowadays universities are keen to play a more effective role in the development of their societies. Entrepreneurial education for enhancing entrepreneurial mentality in students is one of the new functions of universities and educational centers in meeting society's needs. So, an identification of entrepreneurial characteristics of students can help fostering goals of universities for planning and implementation of entrepreneurship-oriented programs. The purpose of this research was to investigate entrepreneurial mentality among students of Ilam Islamic Azad University. The research was carried out applying a descriptive-survey method. The research population consisted of students of Ilam Islamic Azad University. Using Random Sampling Technique, 115 students were selected. Instrument of data gathering was questionnaire. Methods of Cronbach's Alpha and Split-half were employed to determine the main scales of the questionnaire's reliability. The coefficients were found to be equal to 0.89 and 0.51 respectively, indicating a high level of reliability.Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts' panel. Data analysis was accomplished using SPSS. The results revealed that mentality of ambiguity tolerance, need for achievement, risk-taking, creativity, and internal locus of control among most students while the need for independence amongst most students was low. A comparison of entrepreneurial mentality between newly admitted vs senior students indicated significant difference between these two groups. Male and female students differently benefited from creativity, the females enjoying more creativity than males.As regards other entrepreneurial mentality characteristics there is no significant difference observed between male and female students.

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This research was carried out to identify the role of ICT in intrapreneurship development in Iranian Agricultural Extension Organization. It was implemented as a correlational research through the use of casual model. Statistical population of the study consisted of2768 Iran extension employees. One out of each six regional groups of provinces (N=25) was randomly selected while 250 extension workers being randomly picked up from these six provinces as based on Cochran's sampling methodology. Research instrument consisted of four parts in Likert scale. The fIrst segment was related to a measurement of intrapreneurship development as a dependent variable (DV) while the other segments being related to research independent variables (IVs). Validity of the questionnaire was verified and reliability coefftcient calculated using Cronbach's alpha ratio (a=0.96 for the first, 0.88 for the second, 0.92 for the Third, and a=0.95 for the fourth part). These figures indicate that the questionnaire is highly reliable for data gathering. Path analysis was the predominant statistical method. SPSSWin15 was employed to process the data of the research. The results showed that the variable "The extent of applying ICT" was positively correlated with the organizational communication components. The variable "skills of agricultural extension organization staff in applying ICT" was positively correlated with the organizational communication components. Such components as a "two way communication and information flow", increasing of communication and information rate", and "the existence of rapid feedback to new ideas" were regarded in the same way. Path analysis revealed that, from among eight variables of Information and Communication, the three variables of "appropriate content transferred to personnel", "the existence of strategies for creation of data base related to organizational needs" and "managerial supports for ICT in the organization" have a most causal effect on intrapreneurship development. These variables could express %64 of the variance of "intrapreneurship development". It was also concluded that ICT has a high capacity in developing entrepreneurship in Agricultural Extension Organization.

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A glance at rapid change in societies and the trend of global progress along with development and the necessity to go along in - direction with this growth, demonstrate the value of Entrepreneurship more than any other time. The purpose of this research was to study factors influencing entrepreneurship of agricultural graduates as viewed from viewpoint of the faculty members. Survey method was employed as means of gathering data. The statistical population of this study included the faculty members of University College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran (N=203) from whom a sample of 83 members was randomly selected. Reliability and validity of the instrument was determined through opinions of faculty members and application of Cronbach's Alpha. The data were analyzed using SPSS software, version 11.5. The findings showed that the most important variables influencing entrepreneurship of agricultural graduates from faculty members' viewpoint were motivation, creativity, and finance. Factor analysis showed that four most highly ranked factors influencing entrepreneurship of agricultural graduates were psychological, supportive services, educational, and business skills covering 28.76, 21.67, 18.91, and 18.76 percent of total variance (88.11%).

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Recent debates concerning sustainable agriculture have received many attentions, but efforts concerning materialization of the concept haven't enough. If the concept of sustainability is to be used as an underlying component of human interventions in the environment and ecosystem, a sound measure of sustainability is surely required.Development of agricultural sector without considering the condition of sustainable indices will damage society. Since Nazarabad county is one of the appropriate areas of Tehran province, and because of the recent changes taken place and going on in its structure of agriculture, on awareness of the condition of sustainable indices in this county is indispensable. The purpose of this research was to investigate viewpoints of farmers about subjective indices of sustainable agriculture at farm household level in Nazarabad County. This research was carried out applying a survey method. The research population consisted of 657 farmers of Nazarabad County (using stratified proportionate random sampling technique) from among whom 166 were selected.Instrument of data gathering was questionnaire. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was employed to determine the main scales of the questionnaire's reliability found equal to 0.88,0.82 and 0.91 which was favorable. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by an experts' panel. Data analysis was accomplished using SPSS. Results from cluster Analysis indicated that %22.8 of subjective indices at the farm household level were sustainable; %28.6 of indices were relatively sustainable; and %48.6 unsustainable, So a majority of the subjective indices at the farm household level were concluded as unsustainable.

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Agricultural Sustainability (AS) in Fanning Systems has turned into an extremely sensitive issue, which has attracted the attention of most researchers in recent years. The Main objective of this survey research was to assess the situation with regard to different levels of fanning system sustainability among wheat growing fanners in Agricultural Production Cooperatives in Fars Province of Iran. All fanners who were members of agricultural cooperatives, were included in the study (N=2700) of whom 132 were selected through Proportional Stratified-randomization method.The reliability of the instrument was determined through Cronbach's Alpha (0.76). Study instrument was sent to the agricultural experts in Research Center, Fars Province to be tested for face validity. The results of Cluster Analysis Technique revealed that the Agricultural Production Cooperatives (APCs) in Arsenjan, Marvdasht and Darab Counties; Lar and Eghlid counties; and Abade county stood in unsustainable, semi sustainable and sustainable categories respectively. Also, results revealed that fanning systems were categorized into three levels of sustainability namely sustainable (30.2%), semi-sustainable (43.1%) and unsustainable (26.7%).

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Land is one of the most important effective factors in production in agricultural sector, Existence of small owners units due to the lack of effective use of technology, machinery and agricultural production tools are restricting factors for profiting and yielding in agricultural sector, The purpose of this study was prioritizing the preventive factors of extension of land Consolidation Plan in Darmian city, south Khorasan. For this purpose, Darmian city, was selected as the research area. The method has been in the form of field work and the information gathered by questionnaire and the data were examined by the use of AHP technique (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and the Expert Choice software. The results of the research shows that the social factor in Darmian city is the main preventive factor and the cultural, economic and structural factors are in the next priority.

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate an extension agent's perception with respect to effectiveness of mass teaching methods employed in educational activities of irrigated wheat growing farmers in Golestan Province. Survey and correlational methods were employed in the study. Questionnaire was used as means to collect data.The study population consisted of the whole extension workers who had participated in the educational activities of irrigated wheat growers in Golestan Province. Trough census sampling method, 91 extension workers were selected. The data resulted was analyzed using SPSS. Establishment of validity was done by obtaining the view points of faculty members of the Department of Extension and Education in Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources as well as the view points of agricultural extension specialists from Jihad of Agriculture Organization in Golestan Province. Reliability test was carried out through a pilot test outside the research sample. Cordnbach's Alpha for questions of extension worker frequency use from group teaching methods and effectiveness of group teaching methods determined as 0.87 and 0.82, respectively. The findings of the study revealed that there exists a significant correlation between the rate of using such educational methods as slide and film (95%) and use of such educational methods as communique, leaflet, poster, exhibition, predicate blackboard and pictures (99%); and an extension agent's perception of the effectiveness of mass teaching methods. This study suggests a paying of attention to extension worker's education on mass teaching methods for more efficient educational activities as regards irrigated wheat growing farmers.

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Based on Kolb's theory of learning and teaching a Post-test Group Design was applied to investigate the effect of congruent/ incongruent teaching and learning styles on students' performance at the faculties of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Kurdistan, Iran in 2007. Using SPSS software descriptive statistics, Ttest and MANOVA were employed in analyzing the data. Results showed that: 1- the dominant learning styles among male and female students are Accommodator and Assimilator ones respectively; 2- the main teaching style among teachers is Assimilator which is in line with the female students' learning style; 3- Congruency between teachers' learning style and students' learning style exerts a positive significant effect on students' performance. The result could be used to improve the quality of teaching and learning at the faculties of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Kurdistan, Iran.

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