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Nepeta is one of the largest genera of the Lamiaceae family, and Iran is one of the main centers of origin of the genus. There are lots of reports related to biological activities of secondary metabolites of Nepeta that shows the importance of the genus. Quantity and quality of essential oil (EO) components of 12 accessions of three Iranian Nepeta species, N. cataria, N. menthoides and N. crassifolia, cultivated in West of Tehran, were studied. Also, EO components capability on intra and inter-specific relationships was investigated. Plant aerial parts were harvested at full bloom stage. EO was extracted by hydrodistillation method from shade-dried plant materials. EO was quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed by GC and GC/MS, respectively. Principal component analysis was used in order to determine the role of each EO components in intra and inter-specific diversity. The most part of EO yield (w/w) belonged to “ Markazi” accession of N. cataria (2. 5%). Main EO component(s) of species were NepII (4aα , 7α , 7aβ-nepetalactone) in N. cataria, 1, 8-cineole and NepII in N. menthoides and NepI (4aα , 7α , 7aα-nepetalactone), 1, 8-cineole and NepII in N. crassifolia. N. crassifolia and N. cataria species, respectively, allocated on the first positions based on the quantity of NepI and II. N. cataria had the most total quantity of nepetalactone (97. 8-99. 1%). Results indicated that EO components were able to distinguish species, and to identify intra and inter-specific relationships. N. crassifolia and N. cataria species were separated from N. menthoides by cluster and PCA analysis based on EO components.

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In order to study the effect of water deficit stress on yield, essential oil and some of physiological traits in different ecotypes of Thymus daenensis subsp. daenensis, an experiment was performed as split plot design based on RCBD with three replicates, in Karaj (2013). In this experiment, eight ecotypes of this plant were studied under three water deficit treatments including normal irrigation, stop irrigation at the start of flowering and stop irrigation at the vegetative stage. Result indicated that ecotypes under the different level of irrigation showed different responses for essential oil percentage, dry matter yield, chlorophyll, carotenes, proline and activity of catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase enzymes. Close correlation was not observed between essential oil percentage and dry matter yield with chlorophyll, carotene, proline, and enzymes activity. The highest dry matter yield (17. 27 gr per plant) was obtained in Malayer Bala ecotype under normal irrigation and the highest essential oil percentage (6. 2 %) was obtained in ecotype of Malayer2 under stop irrigation at the vegetative stage. The highest essential oil yield as the most economical important was found in ecotype of Arak under the both stress treatments.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between root traits and grain weight in fenugreek ecotypes. Fifteen fenugreek ecotypes were evaluated under two moisture environments (non-stress and drought stress conditions). The experiment was carried out as a split plot based on a completely randomized design with three replications in lysimetric system at the research glasshouse of Tarbiat Modares University. Water treatment had significant effect on all traits except for percent of root to shoot ratio and root number. Grain weight per plant was decreased 56 % from non-stressed condition (2. 71 g) to drought stressed condition (1. 19 g). Genotypic coefficients of variation ranged from 8. 12 to 50. 59 % indicates that there was high genetic variation in studied germplasm. Results of Biplot analysis showed that two main principal components were explained 64 and 80% of the data variation under non-stressed and drought stressed conditions, respectively. Also, results of biplot graphs revealed that there was high positive correlation between transpiration efficiency, grain weight, root length and root dry weight in both water treatments. Tiranchi and Shiraz ecotypes were favorable for many of traits especially for grain weight in both water treatments.

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Todays, most of vegetables are produced conventionally worldwide. Abundant use of chemical inputs in the production of vegetables and quick supply of these products to market (regardless of required time to reduce or decompose of chemical substances) reveals the necessity of proper nutrition management in cropping system more than ever before. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of nutrition management on the accumulation of nitrate and other quality parameters in celery. Treatments were included of mineral (urea with amounts of 300, 423, 700 and ammonium nitrate with amount of 560 Kg/ha) and organic (vermicompost 20 Kg/7. 8m2 and compost 10 Kg/7. 8m2 in combination with inoculum of biological fungus Trichoderma). After harvest, crop yield per unit area, number of stalks in a bunch of celery, plant height, minerals (sodium, potassium and phosphorus) and nitrate concentration was measured and after maintenance of fresh-cut celery in cold storage at ± 1 ° C for 4 weeks, some of quality parameters (weight loss, vitamin C, total soluble solids and total titratable acidity) were evaluated every week. Results showed that in organic treatments content of minerals, vitamin C, total soluble solids were more, but the yield, number of stalks in a bunch of celery, nitrate and weight loss were less than mineral treatments. Although organic treatments reduce the economic value of the product, but could lead to better tasting, safety and acceptance of the product by the consumers.

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The possibility of using six thyme species (Thymus sepyllum, T. kotschyanus, T. vulgaris, T. daenensis, T. pubescence and T. fedtschenkoi) as a ground cover plant in landscape were evaluated in a two year period. Results showed that in aesthetics point of view during vegetative and reproductive stages, Thymus sepyllum, T. kotschyanus, and T. fedtschenkoi had the highest ranks, while T. pubescence and T. daenensis has got the lowest ranks. Because of early flowering under favorable weather conditions in spring T. kotschyanus had the longest flowering period in comparison to other late flowering species, i. e. T. sepyllum, and T. vulgaris. The highest area coverage, inflorescence number and flower number per inflorescence were also recorded in T. sepyllum and T. kotschyanus. In comparison to other species, T. sepyllum and T. vulgaris had the longest inflorescence, but flower size of these species was smaller than the others, whereas the largest inflorescence diameter and flower size were shown in T. daenensis and T. pubescence. In general, results showed that all studied species have valuable ornamental potential, but T. kotschyanus and T. sepyllum are the most suitable species as a ground cover plant in landscape.

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Hairy root cultures are an effective method for production of secondary metabolites, because hairy roots are genetically and biologically stable and they are able to produce metabolite within a short time without need to use hormones. Chicory (Cichorium intybus L. ) is one of the important medicinal plants that contains a number of important medicinal compounds. In this research, hairy root induction was established through the mediation of the A4 strain of Agrobacterium rhizogenes. In first experiment, the effects of type and age of explant and co-culture times on the efficiency of hairy root induction were investigated. In the second experiment, the effect of three different media (Murashige and Skoog solid, liquid and liquid half strength) were investigated on growth rate and biomass accumulation hairy roots. In third experiment, effects of type and age of explant were investigated on the total phenolic content of hairy roots. In fourth experiment, the effect of various concentrations of NAA (0, 0. 5, 1 and 1. 5 mg/l) and sucrose (3, 4, 5 and 6%) were investigated on biomass accumulation. The obtained results showed maximum hairy root induction (60 percent) and number of roots (11. 61 roots per explant) induced from 5-days-old cotyledons. The half strength medium of liquid Murashige and Skoog was the best medium for growth of hairy roots. Also, maximum total phenolic content in hairy roots was obtained by 28-days-old leaves. Medium supplemented with combination of 0. 5 mg/l NAA and 3% sucrose showed the best effect on biomass accumulation.

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In this research, the effects of calcium ascorbate (CaA) on storage life of tomato cv. Rio Grande (harvested at color breaking stage) was investigated during 40 days of storage. This study was conducted as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with 3 levels of CaA (0, 0. 25% and 0. 5%) and 4 levels of storage periods. Fruits were dipped in CaA solutions and after drying in room temperature, were transferred to cold storage at 13± 1° C. 10, 20, 30 and 40 days after storage, some qualitative parameters, color indices and activities of polygalacturonase and pectin methylesterase enzymes were measured. Results showed that calcium content of treated fruits with 0. 25% and 0. 5% of CaA were 20 and 23% higher than controls, respectively. The firmness of 0. 5% CaA treated fruits had less reduction (13%) during storage in comparison with untreated fruits. L* and pectin methylesterase enzymes of treated fruits with both concentrations were 3% and 29% less than control fruits, respectively. CaA treatments had not significant effects on color indices (a*, b*, Chroma and Hue angel), pH, TA, TSS, vitamin C, carotenoids and polygalacturonase enzyme activity, but storage time affected all measured parameters except TA. Generally, results suggest that CaA have potential in maintaining firmness and quality of stored tomato by increasing calcium contents of fruits and decreasing activity of pectin methylesterase enzyme.

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Bidaneh sefid is one of major cultivars that grow in West Azerbaijan province. Due to high production and mid ripening, every year huge problems occurs for its fruit marketing. For replacement and establishment of new vineyards, it is essential to use commercial cultivars with acceptable yield and early fruit ripening. To evaluate and compare quantitative and qualitative traits of some Iranian grapevine cultivars (Bidane sefid Qazvin, Khalili sefid) with six foreign cultivars (Thompson seedless, Flame seedless, Perllete, Fiesta, Ruby seedless and Black seedless) this study was carried out from 2010-2012 as RCBD design with four replications in Kahriz Horticulture Research Station, Urmia. Cultivars were prorogated in 2004-2005. Rooted cutting were transferred to the vineyard and trained as high bi lateral cordon system. The measured traits included, yield, berry and bunch length, width and weight, Total Soluble Solid (TSS), Titrable Acidy (TA), pH, shot berry and Bunch Stem Necrosis (BSN) incidence rate and phonological time. In the most measured traits there were significant differences among cultivars and studied years. The maximum mean of fruit yield were recorded in Khalili Sefid, Thompson seedless, flame seedless and Fiesta in three years, respectively. They showed high yield as compared to other grape cultivars. Maximum bunch and berry weight were observed in Fiesta and Ruby seedless cultivars, respectively. The most and the least TSS was recorded in Bidaneh Sefid and Khalili, respectively. Shot berry incidence rate was different among cultivars and studied years. Perllete cultivar was prone to shot berry production. Based on these results, Thompson seedless was acceptable because of earliness in ripening, higher yield with better fruit quality for marketing and is recommended as adapted and more suitable cultivar for cultivation in the Urmia region.

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In order to investigate morphological and physiological responses of six olive graft combinations to drought, this potting research was done in factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with four replications under greenhouse conditions in the University of Tehran, Karaj during 2015-2016. The first experiment included control (field capacity), water stress (permanent wilting point) and recovery (re-watering) with four replications that traits such as relative water content (RWC), cell membrane injury (CMI), leaf dry weight (LDW) and turgor weight/dry weight (TW/DW) were investigated. The secondary experiment included control (field capacity) and water stress (permanent wilting point) treatments that many morphological traits including lateral shoot number (LSN), leaf area (LA), main stem growth length (SL), root length (RL), root dry and fresh weight (RDW and RFW) were calculated. Variance analysis results showed that studied rootstocks had significant effect on all the investigated traits in the first experiment. In the second experiment, rootstock “ Koroneiki” showed the highest LA, SL, RDW and RL whereas rootstock “ Arbequina” owned the most LSN. Among the studied olive grafting combinations, Co/Ko had better performance than other grafting combinations under water deficit. Thus, that combination can be considered more. Since the current study is a pot-based research, the results presented are not applicable to the fields especially in the areas experiencing drought and cold winter tensions. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct complementary investigations on the related characteristics in the field conditions and then it might be advisable for practical grafting at olive orchards in Iran.

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Ozone (O3) is one of the important pollutants in lower atmosphere of earth which is created in the presence of sunlight from volatile substances and nitrogen oxide that emitted from the factories and cars. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of ozone pollution on the growth and some traits of strawberry. In this study two strawberry cultivars `Aromas’ (suitable for field cultivation) and `Selva’ (suitable for greenhouse cultivation) were used as commercial cultivars, resistant and sensitive to environmental stresses, respectively. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of ozone pollution on the growth and some other traits of plants which were pot-planted in a greenhouse and were treated with ozone. These cultivars were treated with three levels of ozone at concentrations of 0 (control – atmosphere with natural atmospheric ozone concentration), 50 and 100 mg. m-3 for a short period of 3 days. The treated plants showed ozone damage symptoms including chlorosis spots on the leaves, decreased amounts of chlorophylls a and b and total chlorophyll, decreased soluble carbohydrate and increased dry weight, dry matter percentage, total antioxidant capacity and proline contents. In Selva cultivar, after finishing of stress period and beginning of new growth, some morphological disorders were also observed in the produced flowers. Keeping in mind the smaller damage in Aromas cultivar during stress and growth period after the stress was finished and the ability of this cultivar to increase total antioxidant capacity and proline contents in dealing with 50 and 100 mgm-3 ozone stresses, it seems that this cultivar can have stronger tolerance against the mentioned stress compared to Selva cultivar.

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Medicinal Plants are almost reach sources of natural antioxidants such as terpenoids and phenolic compounds and have great potential as an alternative for synthetic antioxidants against oxidative stresses. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) infusion is a valuable worldwide source of antioxidants. The antioxidant property can be enhanced by inducing abiotic stresses. This experiment was conducted to evaluate prolong (4 months) water deficit stress (no stress, mild stress and severe stress as 100, 75 and 50% of field capacity, respectively) on cultivated peppermint on plant growth, secondary metabolite profile and antioxidant capacity of peppermint infusions. Both water deficit stress treatment decresed plant height, leaf wet and dry weight and leaf size significantly. Also, water deficit stress increased antioxidant capacity, total phenolic and flavonoid contents significantly. Some phenolic compounds such as quercetin, coumaric acid and luteolin were detected only in water-deficit conditions. Also, the amount of some identified amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids were changed under water deficit stress. Therefore, inducing water stress can enhance the biological value of peppermint and improve bioactive compounds and the antioxidant capacity of peppermint extract.

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Salinity is an important factor in limiting production in many countries. Today with using grafting method in vegetable production could overcome problem of soil and irrigation water salinity resulted in production of high quality crops. In this study, water melon (cv. Charleston Gray) was grafted onto rootstocks including; Shintozwa, Buttle gourd, pepo, Bitter cucumber, Indigenous masses of Kermanshah and Hamedan watermelon with using hole insertion grafting method and grown under greenhouse and farm conditions in Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University in 2016. Grafted and un-grafted (control) plants were studied for some vegetative and biochemical traits after exposing to 0, 30 and 60 mM Na Cl. Results showed that there was a significant difference between the three levels of salinity treatment at the 5% probability level for leaf carotenoids. In this research, some of the vegetative traits such as length of main branch (220 cm), fresh weight of shoot (420 g) and root fresh weight (30 g) in plants that grafted onto Shintozwa rootstock in all three saline treatments were higher than non-grafted plant that were 102 cm, 225 and 10 g respectively. The highest (28467 kg ha-1) and lowest (10496 kg ha-1) total yield of fruit were related to the watermelon grafted onto Shintozwa rootstock and control plants respectively. Also, Shintozwa, Buttle gourd, Kermanshah and Hamedan watermelon rootstocks were a statistical group in terms of total yield. Thus, Shintozwa rootstock could be a suitable rootstock for water melon Charleston Gray cultivar under saline conditions.

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In order to evaluate the effect of changing from furrow to drip irrigation methods on physiological traits and yield of Sultana grapevine, the experiment was set based on randomized complete block design with four replications during two years including 2015 and 2016 on 14-year-old vines irrigated by furrow method. Treatments of experiment consist of: furrow1 (I1), combined drip and furrow irrigation (I2), Bubbler irrigation (I3), drip1 (I4), combined surface and sub-surface drip irrigation (I5), drip 2 (I6), drip 3 (I7) and furrow 2 (I8). Results showed that total chlorophyll decreased in pressurized irrigation treatments while proline and GB was increased. The treatment of I4 had the highest concentration of soluble carbohydrates and least cell membrane stability. The yield of I8, I6 and I7 were 43, 31 and 28 ton/ha, respectively that were more than other treatments. The I7 treatment had the most berry weight (1. 2 gram). In terms of WUE, the I6 (10. 3) was more than other treatments especially I1 and I8 in this study. This research showed that changing furrow irrigation (I1) to drip method, caused drought stress in old vineyards, but the yield was not reduced.

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For the investigation of effects of nano Zinc chelate foliar application on drought stress resistance of Dracocephalum kotschyi, and it's qualitative and quantitative characteristics, a field experiment, was conducted during 2016 growing season at research field of Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin, Iran. The experiment was laid out in Factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with 6 treatments and 3 replications. The experimental factors were; drought stress at three levels (100, 60 and 30% of field capacity) and nano zinc chelate at two levels (with and without foliar application). Results showed that with increasing of drought stress intensity, fresh and dry weight of plants as well as plant height were significantly decreased, but foliar application of zinc caused increasing in these traits. The maximum essential oil percentage (1. 53%) was observed in plants treated with moderate drought stress and Zn foliar application. Zinc application could increase the amount of chlorophyll a, however the highest chlorophyll content (0. 85 mg/gFW) was obtained by 100% FC irrigation. Main constituents of D. kotschyi essential oil are limonene, verbenone, neral and citral. The maximum percentage of limonene (30. 72%), verbenone (33. 72%) and neral (7. 37%) were found in plants that treated with medium drought stress (60% FC). However the amounts of limonene, neral and verbenone were increased in presence of zinc foliar application.

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Symbiosis effect of three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species from the Glomus genus with two and three mixtures were studied on growth characteristics, chlorophyll concentration, gas exchange, chlorophyll florescence and the activity of some antioxidant enzymes in trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliate L. ) under salinity stress. 40 days old trifoliate orange seedlings were transferred into the pots containing G. intraradices×G. mosseae, G. hoi×G. intraradices×G. mosseae and no fungi (control). After 175 days, seedlings were exposed to 0 (control), 35 and 70 mM sodium chloride for 45 days. Mycorrizal colonization, shoot and root dry weight, leaf number, plant height, transpiration rate and photochemical efficiency (maximum quantum yield through the dark adaptation “ Fv/Fm” ) were increased in colonized seedlings under salinity stress specially when the three mixture of fungi were used compared with the non-AMF seedlings under salinity stress. Seedling colonization particularly with three fungi mixture caused increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes (catalase and ascorbate peroxidase) compared with the control. Overall, AMF colonization could help trifoliate orange seedlings against salt stress through increasing growth and oxidative damage reduction.

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Micronutrient deficit is the one of major factors in reduction of citrus yield and quality. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of pre harvest treatments of zinc and manganese sulfate on quantity and quality characteristics of Washington Navel orange fruit at harvest time as factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Experimental factors were spraying of zinc sulfate (0, 2, 4 and 6 g lit-1) and manganese sulfate (0, 1, 2 and 4 g lit-1) in two stages, the first stage, 15 days before full bloom (March 2nd) and second stage15 days after full bloom (April 9th). Results indicated that both zinc sulfate and manganese sulfate could improve the quality of orange fruit in the time of harvest as compared to control. Although, sprayed fruits had higher fruit number, length, diameter and weight, juice content, total soluble solid (TSS), Vitamin C as compared to control. Most effective treatments in all factors were obtained in 4 g lit-1 zinc sulfate + 1 g lit-1 manganese sulfate. Over all, results showed that combined treatment including 4 g lit-1 zinc sulfate + 1 g lit-1 manganese sulfate, 6 g lit-1 zinc sulfate + 1 g lit-1 manganese sulfate and 6 g lit-1 zinc sulfate + 4 g lit-1 manganese sulfate had better results. Generally, both zinc sulfate and manganese sulfate improved fruit quality and quantity during the harvest time compared to the control.

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Awareness of genetic diversity is a prerequisite and the first step in plant breeding. In this regard, the present study investigates the genetic diversity of 20 cultivars of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium. Ramat) using SSR molecular markers. The markers used in total were able to create 731 bands with sizes from 128 to 404 bp. The number of bands in different primers were range from 22 to 96 bands in the cultivars studied. The average number of effective alleles for 12 primers was 1. 25 alleles with the highest number of effective alleles in five primers JH09, JH52, JH72, JH30 and JH47 with 2 alleles. The polymorphism of the bands in the cultivars were high (100%). The PIC in the cultivars under study were from 0. 26 to 0. 50, respectively, and related to the JH42 and JH31 primers. The dendrogram obtained from the cluster analysis of cultivars in a similarity coefficient of 0. 61 placed the cultivars in the seven main clusters. The analysis of the main components showed that the first six components justify more than 60% of the total variation. Overall, six primers JH09, JH11, JH52, JH72, JH30 and JH47 can be introduced as useful and desirable for separation of genotypes and cultivars of Chrysanthemum.

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In order to evaluate yield, yield-related traits and fruit quality in 83 tomato lines, this experiment was conducted using Completely Randomized Block Design with three replications. Results of analysis of variance indicated highly significant genotypic differences for all studied traits. Fruit yield showed a positive and highly significant correlation with average of fruit number and weight, fruit length and diameter, pericarp thickness and titrable acidity (TA), and negative significant correlation with days to 50% maturing and ripening index (TSS/TA) traits. Cluster analysis classified all lines in five groups and there was highly significant difference among the clusters for all traits except TSS. Based on mean comparison between cluster analysis groups, the lines in cluster 5 including, 282, 276, 244, 213, 247 and 412 were early maturing and had a high value of yield related traits. Among the cluster 5 lines, some of them had a high titratable acidity and length to diameter ratio, and a lower TSS/TA than other line. These lines could introduce as suitable lines for fresh consumption and also for processing as a result of their long shelf life and could be used for production of suitable hybrids.

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The excessive use of chemical fertilizers has caused a lot of environmental problems, so the use of organic and humic compounds, especially fulvic acid, has been considered in the production of horticultural crops. This research was carried out to evaluate the effect of foliar application of fulvic acid on quality and antioxidant properties of grapevine cv. Fakhri at four levels (0, 2. 5, 5 and 10 g/l) using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Grapes were cultivated in a traditional traning system. The vines were sprayed at three stages: 1-Berry formation, 2-Lag phase, 3-Veraison. After harvesting, (Brix 20) qualitative and antioxidant properties of fruits were evaluated. Results of the experiment showed that 2. 5 g/l of fulvic acid significantly increased soluble solids, vitamin C, soluble sugars, total phenol, antioxidant capacity of fruits, chlorophyll and leaf potassium content while 10 g/l of fulvic acid increased only titratable acidity of fruits. With increasing fulvic acid concentration evaluated traits decreased, so that 10 g/l fulvic acid did not show significant effect on improving qualitative and antioxidant properties of fruits. Application of fulvic acid did not show significant effect on fruit flavonoid, carotenoid, phosphorus, and nitrogen contents of leaves. As final result, fulvic acid treatment had an important effect on improving the qualitative and antioxidant properties of Fakhri cultivar and 2. 5 g/l had the highest effect which is recommended to be considered as a best concentration.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to study morphological characteristics, yield, elements and Gallic acid contents in Rhus coriaria L. fruits under the influence of manure and chemical fertilizers, a factorial experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands. Manure factor was included control, 20 and 40 tons per hectare and chemical fertilizers (Mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) were N0P0K0 (control), N50P25K25 and N100P50K50 kg ha-1 from urea, triple superphosphate and potassium oxide sources. Results showed that the interaction of manure and chemical fertilizer on plant height and trunk diameter was significant at 1% probability level. Manure had a significant effect on leaf number and width, fresh and dry yield of cluster at a probability level of 5%, and on leaf length and leaf weight at 1% probability level. The effect of chemical fertilizer on leaf weight was significant at 1% probability level. The effect of manure fertilizer on nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and iron was significant at 1% probability level. Mean comparisons of morphological traits showed that the highest number of leaves (683. 44 number per plant), leaf length (24. 06 cm), leaf weight (1754. 9 g per plant), fresh cluster yield (301 g per plant) and dry cluster yield (281. 2 g per plant) were achieved with using of 40 tons per hectare manure. The highest percent of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were obtained with mean of 1. 9, 0. 32 and 0. 71%, respectively with consumption of 40 tons per hectare manure. The highest amount of Gallic acid was obtained from manure application of 40 tons per hectare with 0. 44 mg/kg of fruit. Results showed that this plant has been affected by fertilizer and increased fruit and Gallic acid with the use of fertilizers.

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Salinity stress, is one of the environmental stresses that has negative effects on seed germination and plant establishment in a soil and reduced the quantitive and qualitative performance indices of plants. For this purpose, salinity in four levels (1, 3, 6, and 9 ds/m) and priming in six levels – including no-priming, hydropriming, ascorbic acid in 10 and 20 mg/l and humic acid in 100 and 200 ml/l – were used. This experiment carried out in a factorial test based on completely randomized design with three replications. Results demonstrated that studied traits were significantly influenced by priming treatments. In the treatment of 20 mg of ascorbic acid, proline content (32. 24 micrograms per gram), catalase activity (2. 94 mol mg protein), and superoxide dismutase activity (0. 28 U mg protein) were observed. The treatment of humic acid (200 ml/l) increased chlorophyll content to 0. 57 mg/gFw. The treatment of ascorbic acid in 10 mg/l in extreme conditions of salinity (9 ds/m) showed the highest rate of peroxidase (5. 34U/mg). In this experiment, the treatment of hydropriming had not acceptable efficiency in all traits.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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