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Perenial Rygrass (Lolium perenne cv. “ Numan” ) belongs to Poaceae family as an important lawn in landscape design. The objective of this research was to evaluate effects of different concentrations of salicylic acid to enhance the growth and biochemical characteristics of Lolium perenne L. under drought conditions. Factorial experimental design was arranged in a completely randomized block design with four replications. Treatments consist of SA at 3 levels (0, 0. 75 and 1. 5 mM) and drought stress at 3 levels (50, 75 and 100 % FC). Results showed that drought stress increased the electrolyte leakage and proline accumulation, however decreased chlorophyll rate, relative water contents, root dry weight and shoot growth. Foliar application of SA at the 1. 5 mM increased chlorophyll rate and relative water content, but decreased electrolyte leackage and proline accumulation under drought stress. SA application also resulted in highest root dry weight and shoot growth at the 0. 75 mM. Based on the present results, foliar application of SA treatments can ameliorate the negative effects of drought stress on the growth and biochemical characteristics of Lolium perenne cv. “ Numan” .

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Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus mossea CA) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) of Bacillus pantea and Psedomonas putida were evaluated on growth parameters of Osteospermum (Osteospermum hybrida ‘ Passion Mix’ ) under different watering conditions (field capacity, two and one third of field capacity). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) and PGPR were applied as single or mixed. A factorial trial based on randomized complete block design with 3 replications per treatment and 4 replicates was carried out under greenhouse conditions. Root colonization, growth parameters and P concentration in plant was measured. Results showed that PGPR and mycorrhizal inoculated plants had better nutritional conditions than that of non-inoculated plants. Moreover, there was a synergetic effect between AMF and PGPR in this study. PGPR were as much effective as AMF on alleviating the negative impacts of drought stress. According to the results, applied microorganisms were more effective on improving the growth parameters at 70% of field capacity, while at 40% of field capacity; their effective role was reduced, although the plants were persistent, yet. Results revealed exploitation of AMF and PGPR and administering an optimized irrigation regime can be effective on improving yield of this plant.

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In order to investigate the effects of salicylic acid on some growth and stomatal characteristics of calendula plant, a factorial experiment was conducted based on completely randomized design with five replications in the research Greenhouse of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in 2013. Salt stress levels including 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 mmhos/cm were applied to the soil and salicylic acid solutions with 0, 100 and 200 mg/lit concentration were sprayed on plants. Results showed that both salt stress and salicylic acid reduced length and width of stomata. Compared to the control conditions, highest level of salt stress reduced plant shoot and root dry matter and also relative water content to 51, 58 and 24 percent, respectively. However, application of salicylic acid improved all these characteristics at all applied levels of salt stress. Compared to the control conditions, application of 200 mg/lit solution of salicylic acid increased plant shoot and root dry matter (24 and 28%), respectively. Meanwhile, 100 mg/lit salicylic acid solution increased the relative water content (9%) compared to the control.

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BABALAR MESBAH | Jalili Khadijeh | Asgari Sarcheshmeh Mohammad Ali | TALAEE ALIREZA

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Production of high quality with high shelf life of apple fruits, is of great importance. Present study investigates the effects of ammonium nitrate and iron on quality and antioxidant properties of apple fruit cultivar Gala in a randomized complete block design. Foliar application of iron chelate in three levels (0, 5 and 10 mg/l) and soil nutrition of ammonium nitrate in three levels as strip (0, 40 and 60 mg/kg per tree), were applied. Results showed that using iron and ammonium nitrate had a significant effect (P≤ 0. 01) on fruit quality. According to these results, using ammonium nitrate increased total antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds. With increasing iron concentrations, total antioxidant activity increased, but it reduced the amount of total phenolic compounds. Application of iron decreased total acidity and increased fruit flavor index. According to results, treatments had no significant effect on TSS and color indices. This study showed that balanced nitrogen and iron fertilization could increase the quality and antioxidant contents of apple cv. Gala.

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In order to investigate the characteristics of in vitro microtuberization of potato cv. Agria in response to the two triazole anti-gibberellin, paclobutrazole and uniconazol, two independent experiment in five concentrations (0, 0. 08, 0. 16, 0. 32, 0. 64 mg/L) of each compound were carried out with four replications for each treatment in a completely randomized design. In this experiment percent of microtuberization, length and diameter of microtubers, fresh weight of microtubers and shoots, length of developed vegetative buds on microtubers, length of internodes, number of nodes and leaves were recorded. Percent of microtuberization, length and diameter of microtubers and fresh weight of microtubers were increased with increasing of triazole concentration. Length of internodes and length of developed vegetative buds on microtubers were reduced by increasing of triazole concentration. Number of nodes and leaves were increased with increasing the concentration of anti-gibberellin. For indicators of microtuberization, treated plants with paclobutrazole and uniconazol had better performance than control plants. It could be indicated the efficacy of these materials on microtuberization. According to our results, it seems that these chemicals could be effective for improving characteristics of in vitro microtuberization in potato cv. Agria.

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Orchids are one of the most popular plants in the world and among them Phalaenopsis genus have the most sales in a Global Market. Because of its hard propagation, micropropagation technique has been employed recently. In this study, we tried to find out useful protocol for commercial production through in vitro culture. At first, for seed capsules production, flowers were pollinated with hand in different months. Afterwards, their seeds were compared for percentage and speed of germination in ½ MS, Vacin & Went and Chen media. The highest percent of seed germination (% 83. 37) achieved from Chen medium. After that nodes on the Flower stalk were studied for their shoot formation potential. The best result (15. 3 produced planets from one node) obtained from MS medium contained 4. 40 mgL-1 BA and 1 mgL-1 NAA. Then, sterile leaves from produced plants were inoculated on Chen medium supplemented with TDZ, BA and NAA hormones in different concentrations for protocorm production. Best result was obtained (58. 26 protocorm per explant) from 3 mgL-1 TDZ treatment. Finally, plants transferred to greenhouse for acclimatization and cultured on two different media. Plants produced from seed, node and leaf showed 99%, 100% and 93% survival on medium two, respectively. The shortest time span from acclimatization to flowering (16 month) of plants was achieved from plants obtained from nodes.

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To investigate the genotypic and phenotypic relationship between characteristics affecting tomato fruit weights, eleven tomato lines were compared in a RCB design with three replications. The ANOVA showed that the difference among lines was significant for all characteristics. There was a significant phenotypic and genotypic correlations between fruit weight and most of the characteristics. The highest amount of phenotypic and genotypic correlations were obtained between fruit diameter and weight. The regression analysis showed the highest effect on the fruit weight was due to the fruit diameter and the fruit length/diameter ratio which controls 92% of its variation. The path analysis on genotypic correlation revealed the fruit length which, number of locules and total phenol had the greatest direct effects on the fruit weight and fruit length which had indirect effect on fruit weight via percentage of total soluble solids, fruit diameter, number of locules, total acidity, fruit length and diameter, number of locules and fruit pericarp thickness. The path analysis of phenotypic correlation showed that the fruit pericarp thickness, total phenol, fruit diameter had the greatest direct effects and fruit pericarp thickness had indirect effect on fruit weight via fruit length and diameter and number of locules, respectively.

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Gavane-gaz-angubin (Persian Manna) belongs to Astragalus genus (Leguminosae). This plant is one of the most important species in Iran for its medicinal value. Considering the low propagation rate of this plant from seed and cutting, the feasibility of in-vitro propagation of this plant was investigated. Effect of different types and concentrations of cytokinins such as BAP, KIN, and Ze (0. 5, 1, 2 and 4 mg/l) in combination with NAA (0, 0. 5 mg/l) were evaluated for production of apical bud in MS medium. Experiments were conducted in a factorial based on completely randomized design. Shoots were transferred to rooting medium and this medium contained different concentrations (0, 0. 3, 0. 6, 0. 9 mg/l) of IBA or NAA. Results showed that not only the significant effect of different types and concentrations of cytokinins, but also confirmed effect of various concentrations of NAA on shoots number, leaf number and shoots length. Results indicated that MS medium containing 4 mg/l BAP lead to production of highest shoot number (8. 5 shoots per explants) as well as the highest leaf number. The highest rooting production (100%) obtained in MS medium with 0. 3 mg/l NAA, Likewise. More than 40 % of plants were adapted in pots with the mixture of soil, peat and perlite (1: 1: 1, v/v).

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To investigate flowering, fruitlet and fruit set in Thomson navel orange and Satsuma mandarin cv. Miyagawa and Sugiyama in climatic conditions of eastern Mazandaran, an experiment was performed by combined analysis in randomized complete block design in three different orchards and in three consecutive years with five replications. Number of flowers, fruitlets and fruits were recorded and later fruitlet and fruit set percent were calculated in comparison to flower number. The lowest flower, fruitlet and fruit number and the highest fruitlet and fruit set percent were obtained in the third year. In contrast, orchard 3, had the lowest flower, fruitlet and fruit number as well as fruitlet and fruit set percent. Miyagawa produced maximum fruitlet and fruit number but Sugiyama had the highest fruitlet and fruit set percent. Although, Thompson navel orange had the highest number of flower, but the number and the percentage of fruitlet and fruit set decreased dramatically compared to the two other varieties. In general, it could be concluded that flower and fruit set in different varieties had a similar trends and climatic conditions and management systems might have great effect on them.

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In order to evaluate the effect of harvest time on fruit weight, oil content and fruit bearing in the next year in some cultivars of olive (Conservalea, Amygdalolia, Karidolia, Koroneiki, Arbequina, Zard and Rouwghani), an experiment was performed as a split plot in time based on CRD (Completely Randomized Design) with three replications at olive research station (Tarrom– Zanjan) during 2013 and 2014. Results showed that among the cultivars, Amygdalolia had the most (number of inflorescence and flower per branch, fruit weight and oil content). Also, highest percentage of complete flower formation, initial fruit set and final fruit set were obtained in cv. Arbequina. According to the effect of harvest time, the most fruit weight was observed at the third harvest. Fruit oil content reached its maximum level at fifth harvest time. Effect of harvest time on flowering and fruit set in the next year, indicated that the highest number of inflorescence and flower per branch as well as maximum percentage of complete flower formation, initial fruit set and final fruit set were obtained at the fourth, second and the third harvest time, respectively. Interaction between harvest time and cultivar on fruit fresh weight, oil percentage, inflorescence number, flower number per branch, complete flower formation percentage, initial and final fruit set were significant (p≤ %1). Due to evaluated traits, the best olive fruit harvesting time to prepare canned and oil extraction should be late September and late October respectively.

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Today, hormones and nutrients are used in order to improve vegetative and reproductive growth of many agricultural products in the world. The purpose of this study, was to increase fruit set, fruit weight, and finally, increase of yield along with improvement of vegetative growth with putrescine treatments (0, 0. 01, 0. 001M) and potassium nitrate (0, 2 and 4%) of quince (Cydonia oblonga cv. Esfahan) fruits. Trees were sprayed at two stages of bud tip green and full bloom, as a split-factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Comparison of means showed 0. 01 M putrescine treatment alone or in combintion with potassium nitrate (4 and 2%) showed a significant effect on increasing percent of fruit set, average fruit weight and yield. Putrescine and potassium nitrate treatments also could increase leaf area, leaf chlorophyll index and the length of current season shoots compared to the control. Results showed that, treatments with higher concentrations of putrescine and potassium nitrate as well as their combination had the best effect on measured parameters. In addition, spraying in green tip stage was the best timing to improve the measured characteristics.

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Tissue culture is one of the common methods for propagation of apple clones. However, low survival and poor growth of these plants, after transplanting, limit the widespread use of this technique. The success rate of this method can be increased by using bioagents such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). In this study, effect of mycorrhizal symbiosis and culture media on growth and establishment were studied in acclimatization stage of micropropagated MM106 plants. This study was carried out in greenhouse conditions as a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete design (RCD) with two factors including four levels of mycorrhiza species (Glomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae, Glomus intradices + Glomus mosseae and control) and three levels of substrates (peat moss, perlite, peat moss + perlit) with four replications. After 15 weeks, some characteristics were measured. Results showed that symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi specially Glomus intraradices could increase plant height, leaf number, roots dry and fresh weight, leaf chlorophyll, Phosphorus, Iron and Zinc levels. Height and fresh weight of roots were increased (1. 63 and 1. 91 times, respectively) in inoculated plants with Glomus intraradices compared to control. Also, the heightest amount of measured characteristics (except leaf area) was obtained in inoculated plants with AMF and peat moss substrate.

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Food quality, marketability, soluble solids, size and color of nectarine fruit is affected by the intensity and amount of direct sunlight. Usually the outer areas of fruit trees get enough light and take the appropriate color. However, in the middle and lower part of trees, due to low light intensity, fruits have no good color and taste and their marketability were not desirable. To improve the quality of fruits that were in the middle and lower parts of canopy, using PET and aluminum reflective mulch in a commercial orchard in the city of Sari was studied. Evaluated characteristics were anthocyanins, antioxidants, soluble solids, acidity, total phenols, flesh weight, kernel weight, fruit firmness, fruit size and diameter. Results showed that reflected light from the aluminum and polyethylene mulch into the canopy increased significantly fruit weight, flesh weight, fruit diameter, anthocyanins, antioxidants and polyphenols contents. Performance of fruits at aluminum mulch was better from the points of color, sugar content, fruit weight and phenolic contents than polyethylene one. Overall, results showed that the use of reflective mulch could improve quality of nectarine fruit.

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One of the fundamental processes in woody plant propagation especially olive is rooting ability of cuttings. Thus the selection of superior trees with desirable genetic structure is essential. Adventitious root formation is a key step in rooting ability. Therefore, identification of inducible genes in these processes is necessary. In this study, for the first time importin genes were identified based on incomplete data of the first linkage map of olive and rooting traits. Generally, importin gene family are contributed to export and import of macromolecules through nuclear pores. Results of qRT-PCR in cross progenies during different time courses showed that importins expression were increased in low rooting than the high rooting progenies, which importin2 gene expression was more tangible. It is suggested that importin genes probably import the rooting inhibitor protein into the cell. Therefore, to select high-and low-rooting olive genotypes in the early stages of development, requires further complementary experiments.

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In order to investigate drought stress tolerance and adaptation in 15 Iranian endemic coriander (Coriandrum sativum L. ), three experiments were conducted separately through randomized complete block design whit three replications in field conditions. In experiments, the coriander populations were well watered, stressed at one step and stressed gradually, respectively. In this research, 17 phonological, morphological and physiological traits were measured. Results of univariate and multivariate combined analysis of variance showed the difference among experiments and coriander populations for drought tolerance. Means comparison through LSD test showed significant difference among experiments for the most of traits. The highest effect of drought stress was on the fruit yield. Three dimensional diagrams based on geometric mean productivity for fruit yield and fruit essential oil content revealed that P10 can be introduced for fruit and essential oil production in regions that have drought stress problem at the end of growth season. The highest broad sense heritability was observed for fruit number per plant in the first experiment and harvest index in both drought stressed experiments. By considering heritability and genetic gain of fruit number and fruit yield traits, production of hybrid variety can be suggested for improving these traits.

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Apple is the most important fruits in the world and development of vegetative rootstocks is the priority of our country. To obtain apple rootstocks compatible with soil conditions in Iran, many crosses were carried out among native-dwarf genotype (Azayesh and Morabaee) as female parents and commercial rootstocks (B9, M9, M27) as male parents from 2005 to 2007. Primary evaluation of progenies was done for selecting of easy rooted and Mealy Aphid (Eriosoma Lanigerum) resistance. 218 genotypes were selected among 3032 hybrids based on high resistance to Mealy Aphid and high rooting ability. Rooting ability of hard wood cuttings, in hot bed conditions evaluated in the second phase and 13 genotypes with high length and number of roots as well as callus amount were selected. Results showed that progeny of Azayesh × (M27, M9 and B9) had high rooting ability while progeny of Morabaee × (M27, M9 and B9) had low rooting ability. Ratios of main root number to hairy root number on open pollinated progeny of Iranian genotypes were more than imported rootstocks. These characteristics are important for establishment of rootstocks in soil and for their drought tolerance. They also indicate better acclimation ability to soil conditions of our country.

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In order to study the effect of rootstock, scion and some methods of grafting and budding to achieve the best methods of grafting in pomegranate, split factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design in March 2013 in greenhouse at the Agricultural College of Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan. Factors included rootstock, scion, and methods of grafting and time of grafting. Varieties of grafted plants of Poust Ghermez-e-Ali Aghaei, Garch-e-Dadashi and Garch-e-Shavar were used as rootstock; varieties of Rabab-e-Neyris and Khafr-e-Jahrom were used as scion. Methods of Cleft grafting, Chip budding were used. The vegetative parameters were measured at three times: 60, 120 and 180 days after grafting. Results showed that the methods of grafting had significant effect on grafting success and establishement of grafted seedling. The cleft grafting had more grafting success compared to Chip budding, but rootstock and scion genotypes had no significant effect on grafting success and survival of grafted plants. The highest rate of vegetative parameters in all grafting was obtained in 180 days after grafting. There were negative correlation between phenolic compounds of rootstock and scion with the percent of survived grafted seedling. Finally, the Cleft grafting technique showed to be more successful method for propagation and scion cultivar change of pomegranate.

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Effects of nitrogen fertilization timing close to the beginning of short-day period and white mulch on flowering and yield components have been studied in ‘ Paros’ and ‘ Queen elisa’ strawberry cultivars. Split plot experiment in a randomized complete block design with eight treatments (two mulch treatments × N fertilization during four different times from last week of August to third week of September) and three replications were used. Total soluble carbohydrates and total soluble proteins of leaves were measured in October. Yield components of both cultivars were evaluated during next spring. Soluble carbohydrates and soluble proteins were increased in plants subjected to nitrogen in the second and the third week of September as well as mulch in both cultivars. This was accompanied by an increase in inflorescence, flower and fruit number per plant in next spring. The greatest flowering enhancement, increased number of flowering and number of inflorescences per plant occurred when N fertilization started second and third week of September compared with the last week of August. General results showed that flower and fruit number per plant were higher in ‘ Paros’ compared to ‘ Queen elisa’ , but average of fruit weight and yield were higher in ‘ Queen elisa’ compared to ‘ Paros’ . These results suggest that application of nitrogen in the second and third week of September, along with the use of mulch can increase strawberry fruit production.

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In order to micropropagate of four vigorous rootstocks of pear, including Pyrus betulifolia, Konjuni, Dargazi and Gh1, effects of basic plant culture media (MS, QL and modified QL), cytokinins and auxins on productivity, proliferation and rooting were studied in Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj. The highest amount of productivity for all rootstocks was observed in QL medium. Among pear rootstocks, Gh1 rootstock in both QL and modified QL mediums showed proper growth. Results of proliferation (BAP with 1 and 2 mg/l and 2ip at 0, 1 and 2 mg/l) illustrated that the highest amount of proliferation was achieved with 1 mg/l BAP, while adding 2ip into medium had no significant influence on proliferation rate. In addition, maximum rooting percentage was obtained by IBA at 1 mg/l. Also, evaluation of rooting percentage in both culture media containing agar and perlite proved that the highest rooting of all rootstocks (except P. betulifolia) was achieved in culture medium containing perlite. In general, to succeed micropropagation of aforementioned rootstocks, utilizing QL culture medium containing BAP (1 mg/l) is recommended for optimal proliferation and treatment of IBA (1 mg/l) in perlite is suitable for proper rooting.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study performed to evaluate genetic diversity of some wild and domesticated (unknown foreign cultivars) blackberries in SANRU collection based on morphological traits. Results showed high diversity for flowering, ripening time and fruit juice. Wild genotypes showed significant differences in leaf, flower, thorn number, fruits and seed fresh weight compared to domesticated cultivars. Based on correlation results, the aim of breeders in selecting thorny genotypes for domestication effected from positive and significant correlation of thorn number with flower diameter, type, fresh weight, fruit juice volume and seed fresh weight or to negative and significant correlation of it with flowering time. Di plot analysis performed based on the results of factor analysis via using flowering and fruit quantity as main two factors and differentiate wild types from cultivars and introduced superior genotypes. Cluster analysis results of wild genotypes based on vegetative traits divided botanically identified species and the same samples from their relatives and nonrelative genotypes as three separate groups.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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