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when an architect confronts a new design problem he uses a sophisticated and unclear process to find the solution. Clarifying the process for an action-oriented activity such as architecture is not an easy task. The process could be quit different for each architect and each subject. This is a reason why most of the design.process models are descriptive instead of prescriptive. The stage of finding the main idea or concept of an architectural design - that is the point of the relation of theory and practice in my opinion - is an unknown stage. In the beginning of the 20th century, it was argued that the creative process could be segmented into four successive stages. Wallas drawing on the observations of Helmholtz labeled these stages preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification.Main idea that is the result of illumination can be named primary generator. Jane Darke-through her PhD thesis on the supervision of Lawson - brings "Primary Generator" to the literature of design research domain for the first time. Darke found that the architects latched on to a relatively simple idea early on, and that the idea would then narrow down the space of possible solutions by providing an initial focus Le. by constraining and guiding the designer's development of a solution. Lawson on his book entitled "How Designers Think" developed "Primary Generators". He observed that some designers deliberately generate a series of alternative primary generators, followed by progressive refinement, testing and selection. Attfield, Blandford, and Dowell on their paper entitled of "Information seeking in the Context of Writing" and Sharples on his paper "An Account of Writing as Creative Design" developed Primary generators' territory to toner' domains such as journalism and writing., - The role of primary generators in architectural design process requires a closer look. So, this paper attempt to concentrate on it. It explores the ~differentiation aspects of generators and processors in design. Then we try finding a model that shows the role of them in design process. On the second part of this paper, the approaches of architects to use different primary generators would be discussed. These approaches categorized in two parts: "formal-objective" and "conceptual-subjective". Paper gives some examples for each of these parts through reviewing the design process of famous architects. Processor of design and its role through design process is also discussed. In this paper three processors' category is distinguished: processor as developer, processor as critic, and processor as controller.On the last part of this paper a model is drawn that shows the role of primary generators and design processors through design. It describes the effect of architect's background on the generator and processors which he adopting.

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The word tensegrity is an invention: it is a contraction of the terms “tensional” and “integrity”.“Tensegrity describes a structural-relationship principle in which structural shape is guaranteed by the finitely closed, comprehensively continuous, tensional behaviors of the system and not by the discontinuous and exclusively local compressional member behaviors. Tensegrity structures are stable 3-dimensional mechanical structures which maintain their form due to an intricate balance of forces between disjoint rigid elements and continuous tensile elements. A definition based on the mathematical properties of “tensegrity framework” is the following: “A Tensegrity Framework is an ordered finite, collection of points in Euclidean space, called a configuration, with, certain pairs of these points, called cables constrained not to get further apart; and certain pairs of these points, called struts constrained no to get closer: together”. Tensegrity structures can give rise to lightweight structures with high strength-to- weight ratios and their utility has been appreciated in architecture, engineering and recently robotics. The potential advantages that a tensegrity structure can offer to the risk takers of the construction industry: are as follows: It can be a modular system. It can be deployable, There, is a potential minimized risk in accidents and ease of construction, An aesthetic appeal of a new structural form may be attractive to clientele. While tensegrities have been an area of interest for researchers for some time their precise definition is still Controversial.Designing tensegrities is not a routine task in structural engineering. Design codes and guidelines are incomplete. The process of introduction of tensegrity technology in the built environment, and more precisely in the construction industry, has been very slow. Design professionals from various disciplines have been experimenting with tensegrity but the number of actual edifices where this technology has been implemented is minimal, given the many years since the concept first appeared in the form of art and the term "tensegrity" was coined.The geometric and conceptual complexity of this Type of structures is a very important factor affecting Their development and the nonimplimentation of the Concept to date. In a pilot study conducted in 2002, practicing architects in the Dallas area were presented with virtual models and depictions of tensegrity structures in order taexamine the possibility of promoting the type of structure. Some of the concerns that they vaiced when presented with the idea of building a tensegrity structure were the absence of building codes, training far designers and construction workers, insurance issues and financial risk. The most impartant concern in this endeavor, however, was the visualization of the structure by the designers (Corgan, Hanaor Op.Cit.). The anticipated inefficient design process would drastically affect the performance against schedule and the potential gains. of the design firms. The minimal number of works that have already taken place indicate that this technology is within the primary stages of its life cycle. So this paper investigates history, usage (especially in architecture) and characters of tensegrity structures for familiarity architectures with this kind of structures specially in Iran.

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Most of construction materials that have been used in building industries have consumed natural resources with an environmental pollution in return. The amount of pollution is related to the size and type of mining and processing proce­dures of raw materials into construction materials. This polluting is continued with installation and usage of construction materials. Also In Iran the same procedures and environmental pollutions are expected. Deconstruction is a new technology to reduce the several effects of using construction materials and energy. In this method the decon­ structed materials can be used for several times with a carefully design procedure called DfD (Design for Deconstruction). The main advantage of this method is that an old building is a source of construction materials for other newly to be con­ structed buildings. Buildings at the end of the use­ ful life produce a mass of materials that can be reprocessed and reused for new construction. The selection of materials for reuse or recycle should be started at the primary steps of design. Designers should consider the complete life cycle of the building and select construction materials based on their capacity to be reused or recycled after the building have served its purpose in future. In case of unexpected natural disasters like earth quake, some parts of collapsed buildings materials can be used again also with more speed for preparation. In this paper the use of DfD as a local solution for ordinary construction materials and methods in Iran has been investigated. In this regard the traditional Iranian architecture and con­ struction basic facts are compared with different aspects of DfD. Also decreasing pollution due to residential developments, flexibility in applications, decrease in pollution due to destruction, decreasing negative effects in case of earth quake and management of destruction and separation of construction materials has been investigated as important facts. Then different aspects of DfD involved with applied principles in architectural design, structural design, members, components, connections, joints, construction materials, instal­lation and deconstruction have been studied. The weight of each mentioned principles and size of effects of them is directly related to the purpose and importance of application. Materials are cho­ sen with consideration for future impacts and high quality will retain value more feasible for reuse and recycling. The results showed the following remarks: 1) deconstruction idea is necessary for future sustainable design 2) DfD is the result of belief in preservation of environment, energy and construction materials for future generation 3) deconstruction idea can be adapted with Iran's traditional modules, methods and construction materials 4) deconstruction idea will help flexibility and adaptation of spaces and applications S) deconstruction of building components can be achieved by DfD and coordinate engineering 6) buildings suitable for DfD are simple, transparent, modular and standard 7) structure, con­ struction materials and building components must obey DID's laws 8) investigation in this paper can be extended to different special applications and applying to special deconstruction methods 9) the best structure for DfD can be selected by the rules indicated in this paper.

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During the centuries, humankind had needed the safe & calm environment to his physical & moral rest, so it had been found, in the space which had been named House. House had to be a safe & immune place, without the inconvenient problems, & it should be as well as that whenever a person was in need of privacy, he could take refuge to that place. In different cultures, the importance of privacy was insisted; every culture had used it to achieve private & familiar functions of house, & moreover this repetitious concept in house architecture had caused to create symbolic forms or spaces in them. So this research tended to do a comparative study on the conception of pri­vacy in Iranian inward-looking houses, in the Qajar dynasty, & in the same time in European & American outward-looking houses, which had been constructed on the base of modern move­ ment; also by this researching, two points was found: the first one was the importance of this subject in these two different cultures, & the second one was the similarity & difference between archi­tectural elements in under studies houses which have been influenced by two universal religion, namely Islam & Christianity. So after these discus­sions, we should be able to find the bases of pri­vacy in the human innate side, logically. To achieve these goals, at first, it had to recognize the kinds & degrees of privacy by searching in the current theories & thoughts of these two different cultures.Therefore they were selected & compared the kinds of privacy between Islamic & occidental thoughts & discussed about their differences & similarities. Two kind of privacy was introduced in Islamic thought: physical privacy & spiritual privacy; But there were different ideas in the occidental thoughts. Some religious ideas had preferred soli­tude & monkish, & some scientific ideas had categorized it in different groups & discussed about them. Afterwards by using the last getting result, & by comparative analyzing of acceding into an inward-looking house & Occidental outward-look­ing house; from the entrance place to indoor places, three phases for privacy had been found: The first one was "explanation of privacy", the sec­ond one was "division of privacy" & the last one was "specialization of privacy". in the house, each phase contained some details that those were special for each phase. The first one included entrance elements, the second one included central places, like living room, & chimney in occidental order or central court in Iranian order, & the last one included bedrooms or library of house. finally This research tend to say how privacy, as an innate & universal concept, could influence on specialarchi­ tectural symbols, like entrance spaces, porches or vestibules, & it could create different or similar morphs in too different cultures based on different religions. Finally the important result is the privacy was more than an usual idea, & it referred to human's mental needs & had worked as an innate concept to design symbolic forms & details in houses.

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Participatory design in architecture primary was as an ideal and unavoidable approach especially after the WW (II).At first, the main goal was redistribution of power. Later, this approach showed the weak- ness and nonfunctional aspects. Some of the states created seduce participation and left it case some things like cost, time, etc. Some have criticized this approach for the lack of reference to the original principles. The main question in this case is "what is the difference of community architecture with other participatory approaches in architecture? " To reach the respond, through content analysis of the literature and practices we want to represent a conceptual frame­ work of community architecture (to clarify the typology and meaning of participation in this approach). "Community Architecture" is a broad term and has dif­ferent definitions and aspects. Practice of participatory design in architecture emerged in the 1960s and its roots relate to riots and social movements of that time for civil rights. Different scopes such as politics, social sciences and environmental psychology studies want to describe meaning of community participation in architecture. The term of "Community" refers to some who have same beliefs and needs in a typical geo­ graphical district. Community has some key issues such as: membership, influence, shared emotion, integration and fulfillment of needs. In spite of many researches and practices in this scope, it couldn' t be accepted as a usefull design method and many of practices don' t have aesthetic dimensional of architecture. "Participatory Architecture" and "Social Architecture" are other kinds of participatory approaches in architecture from 1960 up to now. These approaches during the four decades didn' t be so success so as be a favor approach for architects.Four decades ago, community design stood for an alternative style of practice based on the idea that professional knowledge without moral and political con­ tents is often inadequate. Now, new paradigms of community architecture are being formed. A comparative analysis of the paradigms (esp. in developing countries) shows that community architecture approach has a behavior based paradigm which differs in typology and level of community participation in design process. This paradigm consists of environ­ mental psychology concepts (such as: privacy, personal space, security...), behavior based program­ ming and theories of community architecture. From this perspective, community architecture is a multi disciplinary field that is related to participatory programming, Environmental psychology, etc. It concern to tacit knowledge and indigenous development of archi­tects. The main goal is to empower architects in per­ ception of community values through successful prac­tices and provide environments according to needs and values of community. Community Architecture consider to cultural values and behavioral needs of community to improve the quality of the built environment. "Community Architecture" uses more regional and interpretive typology of participation to discover the community needs but participatory architecture and social architecture use others more. "Community Architecture" sees the problem of participation through psychological perspective. Lack of sense of community is a basic problem. Participators are com­ munity with the same beliefs, needs and wants (not all the people).

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Traditional buildings constructed in Iran are different schools of several sciences of architecture and knowledge which deserves paying attention and analyzing. They can be didactic light for the future architecture. The domed roof is a common architectural feature of many hot dry climates in Iran. It is obviously a product of the available materials and constructional techniques used at the time, being a logical extension of the self-supporting arch and the vault. However, it has another key benefit related to the way it responds to solar radiation incident. Roof is the building-envelope element that is most exposed to the sun during a day. It receives the highest amount of solar radiation, which is the main cause of summer overheating in hot-arid cli­ mates. In addition, to other climatic and physical factors, indoor thermal comfort in hot climates significantly depends on the reduction of the intensity of solar irradiance received by roofs in hot climates. Building form and specifically the roof plays an important role in keeping indoor environment thermally comfortable for occupants throughout the year without the use of artificial or mechanical devices. Therefore, roof form should follow number of insulations parameters in terms of controlling the quantity of absorbed solar radiation by roof surface and enhancing its thermal performance treatment In this context, the main aim of paper is to analyze the climatic reaction of Soltanieh dome. This dome is one of the biggest bricked domes in the world which is located 30 kms far away from eastern part of Zanjan in Soltanieh city. The focus of this article specially is on the dome of the building, so it was analyzed by ECOTECH software. ECOTECT is a building design and environmental analysis tool that covers the most range of simulation and analysis functions required to truly understand how a building design will operate and perform. It finally allows designers to work easily in 30 and apply all the tools necessary for an energy efficient and sustainable future. About better function of domed roofs versus flat roofs have been dis- cussed before, but the main aim of this paper is to find exactly diagram and find out the exactly difference of two kinds of roofs when they com­ posed to the sun. For this purpose Soltanieh dome has been geometrically resembled in two forms by ECOTECH software 1- domed roof 2- flat roof, which for two kinds of roofs, the same materials and same thickness have been considered. The following diagrams are diverted: 1- Hourly solar exposure, 2-Hourly temperatures, 3- lncident solar radiation, and 4-Absorbed solar radiation. After analyzing diagrams and compare them to each other these result are diverted: 1- The outside temperature changes do not effect on domed roofs but it does on flat roof, 2-The solar radiation absorbed by flat roofs is approx­imately two times bigger than the radiation absorbed by domed roof, 3-The opening in Soltanieh is located in a manner that direct solar radiation does not enter in the building after 10 am in summer.

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he absolute date of presence of Armenians in the place which is called locally Armenia today is not clear. In the inscriptions remained from ancient Assyria in Mesopotamia and Biston of Achaemenid era, it is mention that exist after the Achaemenid era. They have social culture tendency toward Romans and Persians in various situation of their history. Sometime they have ten­ dency to west (Romans) and east (Persian). The official present religion of Armenians is Gariquri. Gariquri is a branch of Christianity. Armenians religion was like Persians such as Mehr, Mitra and Zoroaster before the adapt Christianity in 301. Their religion before Christianity was similar to Persians. Armenian architecture was affected of Persian, Greek and Roman architecture because of its politic and geographic situation. Early Armenia religion architecture match was very similar to the Persians, in order to their same religions belief. Before Christianity their religious architecture was Mehr, Mitra temples and Atashkade (fire temple), Char tag. Armenian after adapting Christianity changes their places of wor­ ship accordingly. Their early religious building known as "Char tag" (a dome supported on four arches) or "fire temple" (Attashked). Therefore many of their temples have to be converted to church. One of these altered "Fire temple" is St.stephanos monastery. This monastery ts locat­ed 19 km west from of Jolfa city. This area named "Ghezel Vank" in southern riverside of Arras. The name of monastery adapted from st.stephanos (first Christianity martyr). Also famed "klisa kharabe" between habitants. It has worship hall and belfry with a boundary wall at present. There is no reference and absolute date of establish­ment of this religious complex. The oldest part of monastery has a squared plan building that is located in the middle and east of complex and known as "Old Church". This building has stone structure that stone setting is different from other parts of monastery. The main plan has a dome at center that a porch surrounded it. In this paper the authors believe that the bases of present Old Church structure, is the old "Fire Temple". Fire temple (Atashkadeh) used as Zoroastrian wor­ ship places Persia that poured all over the Iran (Parthian and Sassanid dynasty). But the only issue which is suspicious to related this structure to the Sassanid dynasty is the type of construc­ tion methods of applying Pendantive. Pendantive is one of the methods in converting square to cir­ cle in dome construction. The Persian dome in Sassanid dynasty have Squinch (a type of con­ verting corner square to circle). According to some of the historian and archeologist ideas this type of squinch was not popular in Sassanid period in Persian. But the presence researches indicate that this type of construction was common in Armenia and Byzantine. The paper would analy­sis the various ideas and views about this issue and finally it would conclude that Armenians were already Zoroaster and they had "fire temple" as their place of worship and later on after becoming Christian, they have converted the "Fire temple" to a church.

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long with the many problems in our cities, there has been much criticism that our cities has failed to provide adequate quality in both physical and phyicological aspects especially in comparison with our traditional cities. Many old cities have experienced radical changes in their structures and identities. The birth of the universal professional city builder was superimposed on historical cities and their structures. One of the criticism about the spatial structure of the cities focuses on fundamental changes in neighbourhood concept and definition. Neighborhood has a long history in Iranian urbanization. Importing modernism to urban planning and design in Iran, gradually weakened the concept of neighborhood, and deprived it of its role in contemporary urban planning. At present, different definitions are used by academics and professional urban planners, designers and managers, and no consensus existing on the concept of neighborhood yet. The main goal of this research is to study the concept of neighborhood in contemporary Iranian cities. Objectives are: to find the public perception of neighborhood, to study the definitions and applications of neighborhood in master and detailed plans and to compare these two with each other. The study is seeking whether people ‘s cognition of the concept of neighborhood is similar to the one prescribed by urban development plans. The method is based on inductive reasoning together with a survey on the concept of neighborhood. The study is focused on 6 neighborhoods in Mashhad with different character and background. The results show that the concept of neighborhood is meaningful for people; however, their perceptions are based on their individual conceptions of neighborhood rather than collective understanding. The physical boundaries depicted in cognitive maps drawn by the residents do not match the boundaries of neighborhood in urban detailed plans. Neighborhood is defined based on social and physical-spatial factors, and the interaction of these factors on each other is of significance in their perception. The social factor can be realized in the form of social groups and the interactions between people in neighborhood activity centers, especially local mosques. The residents‘ cognitive maps show that people‘s understanding of physical dimensions and surface squares of the neighborhoods is different from that identified by urban planners and designers in urban detailed plans, seeing that the residents draw smaller domains for their neighborhoods. Neighborhoods with social cohesion between residents, structured centers, definite name, historical backgrounds, physical-spatial attributes, and defined boundaries pose powerful perception in people‘s understanding. At present, neighborhood centers and related services according to detailed plans don‘t occur in locations proposed by professionals; thus, the streets that are considered as the boundaries of neighborhood have turned into centers for neighborhood activities. This study concludes with explaining the importance of neighborhood in people‘s understanding of their living place, and clarifying the difference of the conception of neighborhood between public and those providing urban plans. Recommendations to improve the urban detailed plans in relation to designing or rehabilitating neighborhoods in existing or new developments are also suggested.

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One of the most important and effective urban development policies in recent years in Iran has been the establishment of new towns, com­ menced in 1985. Until now, 18 new towns have been planned, 12 towns constructed and some 250, 000 population have been settled in these new towns. The number of designed and implemented. new towns in Iran, compared to many other countries, is very high, setting many issues for discussion. Implementation of this policy involves vast econom­ic, social, cultural, physical and environmental aspects. The conditions of new towns in Iran in the last few years have made a challenge towards their activities. Among these, population threshold and carrying capacity are two important issues in deter­ mining density in new towns. A major part of this challenge arises out of inefficiencies in the process of their density determination. An essential factor in making decisions is a deep understanding about the relationship between threshold of urban density and the sustainable performance of the, owns. The aim of this research is explanation and evaluation of the methods for determination of population density thresholds in new towns, as well as examination of the principles and criteria. The case study of the research is Pardis New Town, located in some 25 kilometers in east of Tehran. The research also aims to find and develop an integrated framework for assessment of urban carrying capacity, which can determine threshold of development density in new towns. The evaluation is based on statistical-para­ metrical method. This is undertaken in two phases.First, carrying capacity factors are achieved from quantitative evaluation of coloration between urban population density and environmental factors. For this purpose, 12 Iranian new towns have been con­ side red. Second, carrying capacity assessment was done by developing a framework based on density threshold. Through a case study of determining density thresholds of a town's neighborhoods, the finding of this research demonstrated that the concept of carrying capacity of neighborhoods can play a vital role in planning and managing urban development more effectively. The research results show that the population densities determined for the new town are less than density thresholds for the whole town (180 persons per hectare). It means that there are considerable potentials for density increase. However, it is important to examine these density thresholds in the town and neighborhood scales. The research findings indicate that the determination of density thresholds using carrying capacity is a suitable and useful method for density evaluation. Through the determination of suitable indicators and calculating the results of the indicators based on statistical-parametrical algorithms, we can determine population and construction densities. A limitation for this method is consideration of qualitative data. The mathematical approach for determination of per capita and urban densities cannot directly be a base for density determination. Instead, by using economic, social and environmental approaches, as well as using mathematical instruments. we can examine various urban density aspects. A lack of suitable methods for density determination is seen in the plans and policies used in Iranian new towns.

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The principle scientific basis of this paper is the semiotics. Semiotics is a new approach in the literature which has been launched for the first time in France in late 1980s ‘.This newly settled notion, studies sign and meaning in a reciprocal relation and as many approaches in linguistics and litera­ture, could be used as a tool for analyzing subjects in various disciplines like science, philosophy, and sociology. For this exact reason, planning and urban design could borrow it as a method of analy­sis in the sign-meaning domains of the city. Language is a coherent system and its subsystems or subordinate levels are reciprocally connected either in their form and content. Content needs two different structures to become tangible: syntactic and semantic. Syntax and semantics are very close and their confrontation is nothing but a kind of inter­ relation. Syntax is an objective process through which meaning comes into reality and semantics is a searching procedure that seeks the meaning where the signs are mutually related and woven together. Cities are full of signs and meanings that indicate to them. The main feature of sign-meaning system is its flexibility and fluidity. This feature is visible through the time and continuous metamor­ phoses of urban structure. Therefore, it’s quite pos­sible to recognise series of production, reconstruction, omission, alteration and variation of signs and meanings by an analysis based on semiotics prin­ciples. In other words, the city, like the dialogue in linguistics, could generate a flexible sign-meaning system that because of its flexibility produce new sign-meaning structures at their turn. A Semantic field, whatever its scale might be, shows degrees of meaningfulness which has been influenced by a variety of economic, social and political issues dominating the urban text and context. Each semantic field changes in form and content by the change, omission and addition of its words and subsidiary elements. So by occurring changes in form and content of semantic fields, meanings may change considerably or new meanings may appear. This form-content analysis methodology is tested in a case study work. The case chosen for this reason is the ‘Canon Square’ (Maydan-e­ Tupkhaneh) of Tehran, a historic urban space of Iran’s capital. This space has been chosen just for testing the ability of this methodology and the aim was not to explore the whole or partial historical evolution of a city. This field also could be studied in bigger or smaller scales going from some blocks as a main structure or even an small urban space. As the evolution of Maydan-e-Tupkhaneh has been the subject of some researches, it helps to avoid the explanations not necessary for the paper and lets the methodology, taking into account the results of those previous researches, go directly to the form-content analysis of the space by synchronic and diachronic dual approach. This paper is an initiative for the author to find a methodology proper to similar analyses. Further and broader research may establish a complementary method to those of form-content analysis.

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This study is analyzing the situation of collective rituals and their influence on the formation of frame structure of cities. The traditional fabric of cities has been fulfilled many mental and sentimen­tal requirements of residents in the past so the cities have been constructed in order to overcome these requirements based on complex relation­ ships. A complex of environmental, climatic, traditions and rituals factors have been influenced on cities formations. The structure of traditional cities of Iran is conformed completely with their main structure and spatial organization to their collective traditions. Mourning of the third Shiite Imam is the most effective one among a wide range of traditions in Iran that influenced on formation of important focal points in cities. These focal points consider as memorial symbols which bring identity sense, com­ pact residential fabric around the focal points cities illustrate the conformity of cities frame with tradi­tions, however, cities are been constructing regard­ less to this complex factors. Therefore such cities could not be responsible to residents, requirements and do not provide fair relationship expected from ideal cities. Many studies have been carried out about the importance of cultural issues on formation cities in recent decades. In this study, the hypothesizes of western researchers such as Kevin Lynch, Lawrence Halprin, Edward Hall, Jan Gehl, Edmond Bacon, Aldo Rossi were analyzed and Seyed Hossien Nasr Nader Ardalan, Laleh Bakhtiar's hypothesis from Iranian researchers cited. Considering researchers approaches regard­ ing to impact of events on city frame criteria like interaction, conformity, diversity and connectivity were concluded. According to criteria from theoretical issues and other researcher's approaches Zanjan city was selected for this study. In this case Moharam mourning is been holding enthusiastical­ly like the other city of Iran. Moharam mourning attracts hundreds people to Zanjan every year. In this study interaction between collective rituals and frame structure of Iranian traditional cities were analyze which the result summarized as: 1. By review in the achievement from western and Iranian researchers we found out that the identity of the city is a factor results from interaction, conformity, connectivity and diversity. Also each tradition­ al city in Iran has individual identity regarding to their differences in holding the mourning tradition.2. The structure of Iranian traditional cities influenced by collective rituals which origins from iden­tical and cultural frame of them. The results of this study on Zanjan city as a city with a rich culture of Ashora showed that main frame of the city is con­ forming with the mourner groups paths during years. Historicalreviews illustrate that development of the city have been occurred around the paths during the time.3. Identifying spaces in cities have been formed in these paths. Factors such as sense of place, social unity and collective memorial con­nectivity have made this city to be settled. An important result of the factor mentioned above is to provide condition for residents to relate with the city. Many of problems which are existing in modern cities would be solved considering such a cultural and traditional relationships.

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Since crime is committed in a particular space, place-related factors can play roles in creating the potential crimes to be committed. Therefore, the issue of environmental prevention through planning and environmental design can lead to decrease of crime and offence problems in urban places. While, individual criminals found less opportunity to do offensive behavior in places that are planned and design by this purpose, it is possible to prevent criminal act in urban places and spaces by reducing the encouraging conditions to commit crimes in urban spaces. The relationship between environ- mental and site-specific characteristics of the affected locations were considered so that the role of these characteristics in crime can be determined in the formulation of prevention programs and the creation of safe urban spaces. In tum, these achievements can be applied in compiling codes of urban planning and design. The approach of the study was based on the scientific research method- ology of R. Quivy and LV. Comenhoudt introduced in their book "Manual de Recherché en Science Socials". Hypotheses and indicators were com- piled from observations and comparat1ve analyses of those urban spaces that are most often the sites of crime. The data provided the basis for strategic recommendations regarding urban planning and environmental design aimed at preventing crime. The theoretical background of this issue can be traced to Urban Ecology studies, which have pro­ vided a scientific framework for recognizing reciprocal relations between humans and their environment. In 1971, following publication of the article "Crime Prevention through Environmental Design" by C.R. Jeffery, an important turning point came about in studying social abnormalities and crimes. Prior to this article, the dominant viewpoint in criminology was the study of crime itself. However Jeffery's ideas led to the consideration of CPTED as a methodology that could be implemented by urban planners, designers, and architects. In this framework, suitable and objective design in human­ built environment would reduce the feeling of insecurity in places by removing opportunities for crime, and thus improving the quality of life of cityresi­ dents and visitors. This approach was furthered by other authors, such as Elizabeth Wood, S. Angel, Oscar Newman, Alice Coleman, J. Wilson, and D. Hillier. According to the findings of this study (in the twelve sampled space city of Tehran), the paradigms of environmental planning can be nomi­nated as the "invisible hand" of urban planning and design that can play an important role in the provi­sion of safety and in preventing crime and other forms of social degradation. The results of this study were lead to introduce and establish new regulations for urban planners in High Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning (Ministry of Housing and Urban Development). By the way, this article is a part of a research program in 2006 that was entitled as "Compiling Environmental Codes to Prevent Criminal Action in Urban Spaces", carried out in conjunction with the Iranian Center for Architecture and Urban Studies and Research, according to the recommendation of the High Council of Iranian Architecture and Urban Planning.

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