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Today, community participation is a topic that has been considered globally, especially in the field of architecture programming. Participatory approaches in architecture have been noticed during the las t two decades. Many s tudies show that paying attention to the users' demands increases the chance of success in a design, because they are more aware of their needs than those who look situated outside of the s tory. A few research, have s tudied users' participation during the process of school design. Lack of knowledge about the benefits of this approach and the limitation of funds are the reasons that this approach has not been considered by responsible organizations in our country. The dissatisfaction of mos t users about school architecture and its disability to fulfill some of the educational needs in mos t of the schools shows the importance of utilizing this approach in Iran. Nowadays there is a gap between opinion of school users and its planners (and or designers). So it seems essential that school programming should achieve by accompany of the community. The aim of this s tudy is to reach to participatory programming of the community school and presentation of users' participation, as a proposed model. In this regard, the users' opinion of Omolbanin primary school and residents of the Mollasadra neighborhood has been used by participatory tools; including participatory groups (parents, teachers & s tudents), interview and ques tionnaire (13 ques tionnaire by teachers & 87 ques tionnaire by parents & residents). In the firs t s tage, two ques tionnaires were set up. The number of completed ques tionnaires by teachers was 13. Of the 272 dis tributed ques tionnaires, between parents and residents, 103 completed ques tionnaires were delivered to the authors. Of these, 16 were not credible. Therefore, according to 87 ques tionnaires, information on architectural programming was obtained, such as identifying the needs of the community and identifying the shortages at the school and neighborhood. After analyzing and evaluating the ques tionnaire, the process of participation began through team working. These workshops were divided into three groups of parents, teachers and s tudents. Each workshop was began with a brief overview of the goals and displaying photos of successful schools, trying to break down the usual forms of participants' mental imagery. At the main s tage, they were asked to describe the elements of their desirable school with details, which resulted in the extraction of codes through relations of spaces and physical elements. According to the extracted codes at each s tage and the matching of the participants' planning ideas with the educational environment criteria, the architectural programming table was set. This qualitative research using a descriptive-analytical method for data analysis, and a library method, as well as interview and ques tionnaire in field survey as tools for data collection. The findings leads to setting the table based on received factors. The result of this s tudy is presentation of the proposed model of user participation in programming process of the community school that it can be effective in recognizing the actual needs of users and increasing user satisfaction in learning environment design.

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Urban form and spatial structure are important aspects for city surveying and its analysis. Literature review on the concepts of spatial structure, urban form, pattern of the city and etc. indicates variety and diversity of opinion in these areas. Some of the reasons for differences in the definition of these concepts as follows: the difference in scales and areas of research, different ways of words translating, different semantic content for similar indicators, view of planner or designer and etc. So the author is looking for detailed analysis and explanation of the concepts of urban form and urban spatial structure. we can find out that the urban spatial structure and urban form in some parts and some variables such as natural landscape, transport infrastructure, communication networks, spatial pattern of land use, morphology of housing, density and etc. have overlaps, but not completely overlapping or following. In other words, if we classify the definitions of these two concepts into three levels: the macro level (metropolitan areas), middle level (cities and regions) and micro levels (neighborhoods and neighborhoods units), at the middle level, the implications of these two concepts have overlaps, so in this scale, the two concepts cab be equated. However at the macro level, the components of urban spatial structure and at the micro level, the elements of urban form can be clearer to explain the issue. Although some researchers use urban spatial structure for micro scale or urban form for macro scale, but in this article, by analysis of comments of majority of experts, it has been argued that the concepts of urban form and urban spatial structure at the middle scale equally, the components of urban form at the micro scale and the elements and variables of urban spatial structure at the macro scale can repaint the nature of urban development issues with a more accurate method. On the other hand, urban form and spatial structure of the city are known as one of the most important sources of environmental, economic and social instability. There are many ways to achieve a sustainable future for urban and regional scales. In this research with an analytical view, the author want to identify how urban form and spatial structure affect Tehran sustainability. In this research, after collecting information and analyzing the spatial layers, using the K-Means Clustering Model and the softwares of GIS and Python, we classified the 22 districts of Tehran into six clusters based on the urban-form and urban spatial structure indicators in the middle scale. The similarities between the form and spatial structure indicators in each of these categories make such categorization and typology meaningful. Also we classified these districts into six clusters besed on the urban sustainability indexes by using K-Means Clustering Model The overlap of clustering in Tehran's districts based on the form and spatial structure indicators and on the basis of sustainability indicators, shows urban form and urban spatial structure factors affect sustainability directly. Determining the extent of this relationship will be important in future research.

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Cities as the mos t complex human-made manifes tations face a wide range of risks due to a wide range of hazards and multiple vulnerabilities. Natural disas ters have always been a major challenge in achieving sus tainable development of human societies. As a result, ways to achieve this development have become necessary through vulnerability reduction models. Today, disas ter management and sus tainable development perspectives seek to create resilient societies agains t natural hazards. Hence, according to many researchers, resilience is one of the mos t important issues for achieving sus tainability. Resilience is a way to s trengthen societies by using its capacities, and different definitions, approaches, indicators, and measurement models have been developed. The view that has exis ted in disas ter management and urban management has long been the focus of coping and mitigation. In the meantime, the concept of resilience is a new concept that is used more in the face of unknowns and uncertainties. It can be said that the domain of literature on hazards and disruptions has changed in a paradigm shift from (hazard assessment) to (vulnerability analysis). It can be unders tood that the sys tem can absorb and manage risks. The framework for the Hyogo plan was approved by the United Nations International S trategy for Disas ter Reduction (UNISDR) on January 22, 2005, which is a positive move in this regard. This research is aimed at: the attempt to explain the components and characteris tics of resilient cons tructivism and to determine the contribution of factors affecting the resilience s trengthening, Emphasis on recognition of different levels of resilience of individuals and groups of society, and efforts to provide solutions to reduce the natural disas ters of earthquakes in urban areas. Considering the s tudy and explanation of the relationship between urban community resilience to reduce the effects of natural disas ters, especially earthquakes, in order to better unders tand the resilience dimensions and s trategies for risk reduction policies, the four dimensions of the resiliency approach have been inves tigated. The purpose of this s tudy was to analyze Indicators and resiliency measures, explanation of different models of resilient measurements, survey of resilience of Mashhad 9th dis trict in accordance with selected indicators in resiliency. 9th dis trict of Mashhad municipality in terms of accumulation of main branch faults Mashhad is of high importance in terms of crisis. Therefore, after analyzing the indices in the field of resonance and measuring these indices in the region and comparing them with the optimum level, the numerical value of the area's resilience was calculated using the average dis tance of the optimal range. In this paper, all three dimensions of social, economic, and spatial dimensions were s tudied and the numerical values of the IIF, DSF and URF indices were calculated. Finally, the numerical value of the resilience of the area was 0. 89, which shows a rather resilient s tate. Given the degree of resilience, T=the weaknesses in the area were s tudied in the indexes and crisis in the economic dimension was s trongly observed. At the end, sugges tions are also given to maintain and improve desirable indicators and to improve desirable indices.

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The role of the architectural learning environment as an effective model in the talents of the Architectural s tudents and educating them as future professional architects is important. The nature of architecture education is such that architectural s tudents spend long hours with each other on classroom activities, so social interactions can be considered as one of the effective factors in improving their learning. Sociability is a qualitative feature of the environment that can increase the possibility of social interactions in the activity spaces. Therefore, in this s tudy, by assuming the effective role of sociability in the physical environment of architectural education on s tudents' learning, factors affecting sociability in the educational environment of architecture were examined. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the research hypothesis was tes ted and its results showed a significant relationship between the socialization of the architectural education environment on s tudent learning. It is thought that the learning of architecture s tudents in their educational environment, irrespective of other factors, is related to the socialization of the exis ting physical education settings. Therefore, in order to tes t the effectiveness of socialization on s tudents' learning, we have determined the effective factors in creating and enhancing socialization. In architectural learning environments, enabling s tudents to interact and communicate will share their experiences with one another and increase s tudents' information exchange and awareness. What can be seen as a variable factor in the physical environment is the creation or enhancement of effective socialization and, in turn, the effective learning of architecture s tudents. For this purpose, these factors were obtained by means of a descriptiveanalytic research method after identifying the variables and collecting the views of previous researchers. Then, they were evaluated using the Delphi-Fuzzy method and with the help of expert opinion (architectural professors). The results of this phase divided the factors affecting socialization into six factors (physical, architectural, aes thetic meanings, sense of security, semantic-perceptual, functional-activity) and 22 sub-factors. In the second s tage, the research hypothesis was tes ted. The research method used at this s tage was a confirmatory factor analysis method that evaluated the views of the architectural s tudents in the colleges of Guilan. The results of the research, while confirming the results of the previous s tage, showed a significant relationship between the sociability of the architectural learning environment on the architectural s tudents' learning. Therefore, it can be concluded that sociability as one of the environmental factors affecting learning can be considered as a s trategy when designing the educational environment of architecture. The research method is also explanatory in terms of the type of results. The results of the s tudy, while confirming the results of the previous s tep, showed a significant relationship between the socialization of the architecture education environment and the learning of architecture s tudents. Therefore, it can be concluded that socialization as one of the environmental factors affecting learning can be considered as a solution when designing an architectural education environment. Socialization is one of the environmental factors affecting learning that can be considered as a solution when designing an architectural education environment.

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Recognizing touris t attractions and capabilities with the aim of urban development and promotion of the presence of touris ts is of high importance. Tourism-led urban regeneration can be considered as the main urban regeneration approach in the las t two decades. Tourism in a s trategic position and with the goal of achieving an economic and booming mechanism that can include urban development goals and draw a different face for the city. Tourismled urban regeneration, by developing basic concepts such as innovative economic issues, finds that the inner context and central core of the cities can confidently benefit from the effects of urban tourism and its beneficial features in the regeneration process. This approach respects the traditional framework and adds new s tructures to these combinations in accordance with those frameworks. In this way, it represents a content and function with a supers tructure of cultural and social issues, and an infras tructure of a fully economic and productive mechanism. Such a perspective brings about a kind of convergence in the purpose and means of urban regeneration. The lack of sufficient research in this regard has caused Iran not to have appropriate design and organization, in spite of the exis tence of indoor his torical sites and urban touris t attractions. As noted earlier, there is little research on tourism-led urban regeneration in Iran. In addition, the frameworks proposed for s tudying urban tourism have more considered the concepts and methodology of urban tourism. In this way, it is necessary to carry out applied research to s tudy urban tourism in order to explore the principles and criteria for urban regeneration. This research tries to fill this gap and focus on urban tourism by defining the different dimensions of urban regeneration as well as providing a set of principles and criteria appropriate for the urban space and tes ting them in Zandieh his torical complex in Shiraz. The purpose of this research is to identify the touris t attractions in his torically regenerated areas. Firs t, a content analysis has been conducted to identify the principles of tourism-based regeneration, and the literature has been reviewed for various definitions, views and theories provided by scholars. Second, using the field method, tourism-led urban regeneration criteria have been verified through urban touris ts’ ques tionnaire in Zandieh regenerated his torical complex in Shiraz. The s tatis tical population of the urban touris ts in Shiraz city was 4, 720, 000 people in 1394. Using the Cochran formula, it is found that the sample size included 384/124 people. Therefore, the population of touris ts was es timated to be 385 people. In order to increase the accuracy and reduce the functional error, 400 ques tionnaires were dis tributed among the touris ts. It should be noted that the sampling method in this s tudy was clus ter sampling. The urban touris ts’ ques tionnaire was analyzed using SPSS software and Friedman tes t. The findings revealed that the his torical and memorable capabilities are at the firs t place and the cultural, recreational and environmental capabilities are at the second to fourth place of the prioritizing lis t. This is a good guide for tourism-led urban regeneration planning in Zandieh his torical complex.

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There are important choices to be made after the various accidents and the numerous financial and psychological effects of rural settlements, including decisions on how to intervene in rural settlements and the adoption of recons truction policies. This intervention is identified as four types of identification, relocation, continuous development, or integration and integration for the recons truction of damaged or des troyed villages due to natural hazards. Many scholars and scholars believe that among the above models, aggregation and integration have economic advantages in supplying facilities and services. The ruler's insight has led to less attention to its economic, social, physical and environmental implications. It seems that this indifference has led to the implementation and implementation of relocation and integration plans of rural settlements with the change in their vulnerability in the economic, social, physical and environmental dimensions and the development of the vulnerability of affected society Increase agains t future accidents. Extreme rainfall in the eas tern province of Goles tan province in Augus t 2005 resulted in two devas tating floods, one of the mos t damaging floods in the country. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Housing Foundation has been providing housing for the affected population and in order to reduce the resettlement of villages due to the occurrence of future floods, the eleven villages in the city of Kalaleh, which had been damaged in recent floods in Goles tan Province, were displaced. This research is descriptive-analytic and its data have been collected in two sections of library and field. The s tatis tical population of this s tudy is a collection of residents of the walled city and villagers who have returned to the villages of Chatal, Ghapan Oliya and Sofla. To tes t the vulnerability in two samples, independent samples to have been used. Comparison of two sample returns in villages Chatal, Gapan Oliya and Sofla with the displacement and aggregation of villages in the recreational city showed that each of the s tudied samples had weaknesses and s trengths in different dimensions of vulnerability. The vulnerability of the Faragi city in the economic dimension, using the average for each of the three villages and the city of recreation (3. 18 and 2. 89, respectively), shows that the resettlement policy in the area of s tudy has increased the vulnerability, especially in the outskirts of the Faragi city Is. In the physical dimension of the environment, it can be said that resettlement in general has reduced the level of vulnerability and improved life indicators in the Faragi city. The average for each of the three villages and the Faragi city (2. 89 and 3. 57, respectively), shows that the resettlement policy from the physical-environmental perspective in the s tudy area has reduced the amount of vulnerability in the outskirts of the Faragi city to the three villages. On the other hand, the zoning of physicalpermafros t range shows that although the physical injuries of the outskirts of the Faragi city are lower than the three villages, but considering the location of the Pishkamar's site in the zone with moderate damage, the physicalperipheral city of leisure also is vulnerable.

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Population growth and housing demands have caused the cultural aspects of public spaces have been ignored in modern housing. While urban spaces without the active participation of the people become less sus tainable and separated from social, cultural and economic functions. The need for additional space close to the apartments for entertainment purposes creates an ongoing relationship with nature and expansion of the interior space functions to the adjoining exterior. From another perspective, paying attention to open spaces is necessary as they are places to es tablish social interaction and thus increase social security and create a sense of responsibility among residents. The main objective of this s tudy is to find a way for the appropriate design of open spaces in high-density residential communities in order to promote a sense of place and community identity. In the firs t phase of this research, documentary s tudies are used to unders tand the basic definitions and information about the sense of place and its determinants. At this point, the collected data were analyzed by content analysis. In the next s tep, the survey method and the Delphi technique are being applied to collect data. In this case, the purpose was to reach twenty-eight participants in the panel. To qualify as experts the individuals were considered to be those people who have subs tantial knowledge in the field of residential neighborhood planning and design. 28 experts were invited from faculty members of Shahid Beheshti’ s Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, and IUS t’ s School of Architecture and Environmental Design. The firs t part consis ted of three demographic ques tions, about age, gender and occupation. The remaining ques tions were classified into two categories: the physical and social environment. Each category was divided into several groups. For the data analysis, descriptive and inferential s tatis tics were used with the software SPSS version 21. 0. According to the findings of the research, factors such as low-density of apartment, reduction in the height of the side with better vision, the view into green space, cons tant and adequate lighting at night, developing a safe walking route along the public spaces and the arrangement of the public spaces between blocks have a significant impact on fos tering a sense of place in a residential environment. Reduction in the height of the sides with a better view is the mos t important factor in the design of a residential complex for promoting a sense of place. Thus, the height of buildings can be reduced on the surroundings sides have a better view. Proper lighting and view into green space are other important factors. Using interior yards or green areas can help to enhance a sense of place. Trees or natural elements can be used in creating public spaces. The results show that the exis tence of natural elements in open and semi-open spaces can create a sense of place effectively. Also, low-density residential neighborhoods contribute to a positive sense of place in the complex. The exis ting routes around the site can provide pedes trian access to the site. This access provides visual relations between inside and outside.

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Observer’ s perceive of architecture is used in many fields. Because much of our perception and unders tanding of the environment is based on visual s timulus, therefor an expert design should be based on visual s timulus too. Moreover, visual communication is to be used for s trengthening, intensifying, and consolidation of other senses as well, otherwise the aforementioned design will result in poor perception of the environment. In discussing of the perceptions, the worring issue is that despite of the fact that perception sys tem is same for every individual, but that individual has different perception of his/her environment. Perception can be different from similar s timuli and combined with different factors and one factor alone can't determine perceptions. Environmental data in all of conditions and positions are not available. Sensory effect actually is the effect of a form on individuals and it follows different factors, but visual effect belongs to the individual and it doesn't follow any factor and it can have different effects on the individuals. Perception of environment is a function of the ability to receive sensory receptors in which is a function of effective environmental conditions on events such as light, temperature, humidity, pressure, noise, odor and. . . . Also personal and social features play significant role in human perceptions. Relationship between individual and environment is formed in different levels such as individual level (feeling, perceptions, values, inner experience and. . . ) and social levels (larger units like different community groups or groups that are similar in age and gender. If sensory s timuli are opposed to each other, they will become confusing and dis turbing. The sensory effect like perception deponds on s tate of body. Because this effect is covered in the individual body, it will follow the personal, biography and social intermediaries. Moreover, the visual effect is a force transmitted and directed by individual and it's quality deponds on individual characteris tics. Different proportions range creates a variety of interpretations. Slender, thin and long forms show charm and elegance, while round forms show warmth and comfort. The forms tilted into the inside show aggression or curiosity, while forms tilted out show fear and anxiety. The relationship between basic forms and basic emotions are one of key points of design that embodies dilectical definition of emotions. In this research, factors affecting the visual perceptions of individuals with emphsis on the new approaches and the application of the form in today's architecture design is based on Rudolf Arnheim views on visual perceptions and criticized by the pair comparison method. These factors included tension (complexity and contradiction), physical characteris tics, weight (reducing of the mass) and dynamics. Ques tionnaires were prepared on the basis of paired comparisons to determine the superiority of each of parts. collected data was analyzed using AHP on 50 ques tionnaires to determine the mean of superiority of each of the factors over other. In addition, in order to determine overall value of each factor, the sum of value of superiority of one part over other parts was calculated and mean was determined.

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