Declined urban neighborhoods are those parts of cities that failed to es tablish a balanced economic, social, and functional relationship with the res t of the city during the indus trialization and urban development process. Indicators of urban poverty and deteriorated quality of life are visible in such neighborhoods. Actually these declined areas do not have the ability to compete or exchange economic, social or cultural benefits with other part of cities and other urban areas without government support. Social sus tainability is a manifes tation of sus tainable development, which in recent years has gained increased recognition as a fundamental component of sus tainable development, beginning to receive political and ins titutional endorsement within the sus tainable development agenda, and the sus tainable urban regeneration discourse. Moreover, regeneration is considered as one of the mos t significant, mos t effective approaches to improve and renovate urban neighborhoods. Urban regeneration tackles "quality of life" issues in communities through working to narrow the gap between the mos t disadvantaged neighborhoods and the res t of society. In this policy debate often an area based approach, integrating horizontal policies, with sus tainable perspectives, collaborative inhabitants, is advocated. The aim of this analytical review is to es tablish the dimensions and components of urban community regeneration, its subs tantial principles, and supporting policies with an eye on social sus tainability, and its conceptual framework. In line with its goals, this policy s tudy is a library and document research involving content analysis of theoretical texts. Furthermore, drawing on the Delphi method and based on a conceptual model, an analysis concerned with community regeneration was carried out assuming a social sus tainability approach. Also, the opinion of experts rating 4 aspects and 21 factors derived from theoretical principles were used to finalize the community regeneration model. The findings are sugges ting that the principles extracted from an initial literature review comprised social participation, social capital, social composition, social coherence, sus tainable policy (governance), welfare and quality of life, the environment, services and housing, preserving the identity and cultural heritage, security and wellbeing, being communitybased, and equal access (to housing, services, open spaces, jobs, resources, etc. ) can be classified into four groups (sus tainable environment and space, sus tainable community, sus tainable economy, and governance). Of the 21 factors identified through the literature review, and according to the experts’ opinions, the sense of belonging, sus tainable transportation, and information sys tems are the essential criteria, whereas the remaining ones except resilience received an acceptable score in the hierarchy of the criteria. Based on the nine principles extracted in this s tudy, a conceptual model was presented in whose aspects the factors feature a significant order. At the conclusion this article presented, 32 supporting policies which can be used in the process of neighborhood regeneration in order to improve social sus tainability. Concurrent attention to these s trategies as a balanced set of issues is important. Because the fulfillment of each policy without considering the others will complicate the situation of the declined neighborhood and its local community. Moreover involvement of local communities during the process, is the key success point of the neighborhood regeneration programs.